Weighing In



  • SandysNewLife
    SandysNewLife Posts: 87 Member
    weigh daily change weight on mfp daily. If it makes you feel good . Do It !
  • cyn4him
    cyn4him Posts: 83 Member

    Food for thought: If you only weigh yourself once a week and that one day happens to be when your weight goes up, will you feel any better?

    OK. So I have never looked at that thought. I have fought myself like crazy for the past week not to step on the scales because I know I obsess. I have gone from under 100 pounds to over 160...... Recovering from drug abuse and eating disorders over the past 2 years and trying to get weight back down to around 115... But I obsess over those .2 and .4 pounds and such.... And have to fight the urge ro purge or starve....So tonight I have to step on scale and not freak if it is up or has not gone down.... Maybe daily is better for me........
  • Chadwick891
    Chadwick891 Posts: 72 Member
    Just in case people are wondering 'why stop' well, simple. If people weigh themselves every day, then it's going to give them conflicting results every day of the week.

    Due to stress, water intake, dissipation, hormone production etc. these all influence the weight on the scale on a daily basis and you can never get a 'clear' answer of what your weight is every day.

    Secondly, if you're aiming to 'lean out fat' and keep 'muscle' or retain 'muscle' then this is a bad idea to weigh in so often, too. It will give even more conflicting results.

    Grab yourself a fat measurement device for $3 and use that to measure the 'real' progress.
  • whit1108
    whit1108 Posts: 94
    I check my weight every morning BUT i dont freak out if it is differnt because i know there is alot of different factors that makes weight go up or down. I only record my weight every two weeks on friday mornings. I am more focused on being toned and the inchies than what the scale reads. As long as i feel good and my cloths fit nice and stuff im happy with that :)
  • junsun
    junsun Posts: 1
    How about getting a calendar and writing your weight on it and comparing it find out what days you did great and what didnt go so well (for me its the weekends) . Make one day a week (or two weeks) the day to really weigh in day . That way you can glance at your callendar by the scale and aready know what to do different for the day.
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    I weigh in everyday because it kind of keeps me honest with myself. Like if I'm 0.5 heavier than yesterday, I'll say "Ok Nina you know you shouldn't have had all that sodium. Let's make sure to drink water today." or "Yay go Nina. You look 2 lbs. Let's keep it up", I'm super analitical so even my pep-talks are based on numbers.
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member
    Also, checking my weight regularly fires me up & keeps me motivated. If it's helping you then keep it up if it's discouraging you then put it somewhere you can't reach it and have someone get it down for you once a week.

    Weighing in the morning, after work and before bed has been a great tool for me. If I was getting discouraged by the fluctuation I would do it once a month.
  • Antjebeth08
    Antjebeth08 Posts: 42 Member
    I weigh myself multiple times a day mostly because I'm bored, but I have a specific day and time once a week that I use to weigh myself and record that on here.
  • lauras777
    lauras777 Posts: 237 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, but only log it once a week - or unless i happen to see a nice loss!!! :laugh: I like to see my ticker go down!!!!!!
  • lauras777
    lauras777 Posts: 237 Member
    I weigh in and log daily, but don't freak out over daily fluctuation. I also enter the numbers into Excel and set up a chart that shows me a moving 7-day average which smooths out the daily bumps.

    Sounds like something I would do!!! I'm a spreadsheet fanatic! :smile:
  • DarkFlutter
    DarkFlutter Posts: 408 Member
    Weighing in every day is only a problem if you let the daily fluctuations discourage you. I've found that, for me, I stress less about the scale number if I weigh every day and record it, because I can see that, while the number might go up or down a bit each day, the overall trend is down. I used to only weigh myself every few weeks, and, if my weight hadn't dropped significantly I'd think "Oh, this is pointless" and want to give up; now I know I might have just weighed on a day when my weight was at a high for the week.

    So, as long as you don't find a one day upswing discouraging, go ahead and weigh every day.

    This is what I fear.
    I can handle the daily up/down for a 1lb or less.
    If I wait a week or more what will be like if it's 5 lbs!??!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    i had to go from daily to weekly to monthly- but before I got to monthly- I got to I DONT CARE.

    Want something else to guage your progress by?


    Put it up across from your bed.

    Dance naked at will.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    I Wi in once a week. Sometimes I get super antsy and do it every day but know that isn't too accurate. Once I get back to better habits, I'm going to Wi on the 1st of every month.
  • SarahluvsMarley
    SarahluvsMarley Posts: 6 Member
    I weigh myself at least two times a day, once right after I wake up and again either right after work or before bed. However, I only "check-in" my weight once a week if there's been some loss. I don't think there's anything wrong with weighing yourself more than once a day but you have to find what works for you. If weighing yourself is deterring you or you feel you've become obsessive I think that's when you should step away from the scale. :smile:
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    As long as you don't freak out over the daily fluctuations, then you don't need to stop weighing every day.

    ^ This... I don't have a weekly weigh in day. Just remember to measure as well as weigh, the scales are not your only tool x
  • Nimbkar
    Nimbkar Posts: 67 Member
    I put mine in the car. not easily accessible so I cannot hope on it when ever I please :)
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    As long as you don't freak out over the daily fluctuations, then you don't need to stop weighing every day.

    I used to weigh every day and I found it really interesting to see how my body reacted to different things. Exercise, sodium, lack of sleep etc.

    ^^^This. Exactly what I think too. Don't get fustrated if you see a gain here and there, or like me lately, even when I workout hard everyday, I'll see a gain here and there. I weigh EVERY morning and EVERY night, I think it's amazing that the difference between going to bed and getting up in the morning, I'm 4 lbs lighter. Just like above, when I intake less sodium, or I workout like hell, I'll see my weight drop in 1 day. It's interesting. Don't get discouraged if you do see a variance though!!
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    I used to weigh myself everyday first thing in the morning and I got annoyed when I fluctuated so easily. I found that I put a towel over the scales - no peeking!
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    If your weight does fluctuate then it makes no sense to only weigh once a week, you could hit a low point and a week later randomly get a high point and get a depressing conclusion about gaining weight.

    My weight can fluctuate at least 5 lbs during the day.

    I weigh every day after I get up, before I get dressed and eat and that eliminates most fluctuations. If I go to a party and eat more I will not weigh the next morning, since i'm going to see a temporary weight gain.
  • sjd1968ca
    If your weight does fluctuate then it makes no sense to only weigh once a week, you could hit a low point and a week later randomly get a high point and get a depressing conclusion about gaining weight.

    Exactly. The best way to deal with noisy or fluctuating data is to sample more frequently and look for trends, not sample less frequently. Weighing weekly does not make sense.