What do you feed your families?



  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    I love having my kids help out in the kitchen, less work for me and they have fun too!

    Agree with this. Love cooking with my hubby & son. My son loves to help in the kitchen.
  • pixelish
    pixelish Posts: 54
    Just a general word of advice for those of you with young children...prepare one healthy evening meal for the family and they will eat it. If they choose not to, then they will just be hungry. Kids get with the program very quickly when there are no other options! Do this for your kids' good health...and your sanity!

    do you cook foods that you don't like but your kids do? why do kids not get any choices? I don't eat mushrooms but my kids do. I'm certainly not going to force myself to eat them. I like brussel sprouts, they don't. Why should they be forced to eat something they don't like. I fail to see how making a pb&j for a kid that doesn't like the meal takes so much effort.

    I think there are important lessons in providing one meal. One - something has been provided to them, they should be grateful for the gift of someone preparing a meal and learn to handle their disappointment about food respectfully; they won't always be eating dinner at my table, after all. Two - new foods take time for tastes to acquire and change; some kids have to taste something more than a dozen times before they will consider it palatable. Three - in order to balance their nutrition, my time, and our grocery budget, sometimes it IS important to finish the veggies, even if it isn't their favorite food. Four - learning to tolerate uncomfortable situations with grace is an important life skill; if I jump to 'fix' everything that my children find distasteful, I do them no favors for when they are adults and faced with situations over which they have no control.

    I don't purposefully serve things my kids don't like, but there are nights when dinner won't be their favorite. There are also nights when dinner isn't my favorite, either, because I'm following the desires of the other members of the family for the evening. That's how communal living works best, in my opinion.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I make the same thing for all of us with a few exceptions. If I'm eating something spicy, I make an alternative for my 5 year old (he does NOT handle spicy food well), or if there is something that I know he does not like (cauliflower comes to mind--he can't stand it), then I have an option for him. But generally speaking, we all eat the same thing!

    I ain't got time to make a million different things lol
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    My children love things like thai fish curry and spanish tapas. They eat well and healthily.
    As for what I feed my husband I refer to the advice my Grandmother gave me on my wedding Day.
    '' Treat men like mushrooms, keep them in the dark and feed them S**t!!''
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    Just a general word of advice for those of you with young children...prepare one healthy evening meal for the family and they will eat it. If they choose not to, then they will just be hungry. Kids get with the program very quickly when there are no other options! Do this for your kids' good health...and your sanity!

    do you cook foods that you don't like but your kids do? why do kids not get any choices? I don't eat mushrooms but my kids do. I'm certainly not going to force myself to eat them. I like brussel sprouts, they don't. Why should they be forced to eat something they don't like. I fail to see how making a pb&j for a kid that doesn't like the meal takes so much effort.

    I think there's a difference between "making a separate meal" and letting each person decide what they will and will not eat of the things that are placed on the table. If there's something there that they will eat, and something else that they won't, well, let them eat what they will and skip what they won't. I love asparagus. No one else in the household eats it. So when I make asparagus, I serve some to my kids (put it on their plates), but I don't say anything when they don't touch it. With my little one who has decided she doesn't like spaghetti sauce, she still eats spaghetti; she just eats it without the sauce (she puts butter and parmesan on hers). I just try to make sure that there's something each person can eat on the table, and not worry about what each one won't eat. My kids don't like chicken-fried steak (a treat for me and my husband. Portion control is key!). But if I make chicken-fried steak, mashed potatoes, and a green salad, they'll eat the potatoes and the salad. Not eating protein at one meal won't kill them.
  • MommyLyssa
    MommyLyssa Posts: 134
    I have three kids- 6, 4, and 2years. They eat what I make or not at all :) There is NO way I am cooking different foods. Sorry. My oldest has a very harsh aversion to summer squash, so I dont make it too often, and when I do, he eats one piece, and then is allowed to grab some raw veggie from the fridge. that and the rare shrimp night, he can pick out the shrimp. Other than that, my kids eat what I make.
  • leeann0517
    leeann0517 Posts: 74 Member
    Just a general word of advice for those of you with young children...prepare one healthy evening meal for the family and they will eat it. If they choose not to, then they will just be hungry. Kids get with the program very quickly when there are no other options! Do this for your kids' good health...and your sanity!

    do you cook foods that you don't like but your kids do? why do kids not get any choices? I don't eat mushrooms but my kids do. I'm certainly not going to force myself to eat them. I like brussel sprouts, they don't. Why should they be forced to eat something they don't like. I fail to see how making a pb&j for a kid that doesn't like the meal takes so much effort.

    Because it's a waste of time, effort and money for you.
    If they are given a choice of what you've made, or a pb&j sandwich every night then what nutrition and vitamins are they getting? What are you instilling in your child as far as respecting your parent, and being thankful of what is being made for them? You spent the time preparing a list, looking at flyers, working hard for the money to buy the food, spending time at the store, planning a meal, preparing and cleaning up...and you're OK with them saying, 'I don't like your food, I want another choice'?! Kids aren't programmed to allow themselves to starve. They'll eat around the brussel sprouts, or mushrooms. I have three (almost four) kids, and they all eat what they are served; Chicken curry, pizza, entree salads, asparagus, broccoli, steak, tomatoes...whatever!

    that doesn't answer the question - do you make things that you don't like but your kids do and then force yourself to eat them? For the record, my kids are 18 (off at college), 16 and 13. They make their own meals most of the time. I buy the healthy food, along with some junk, and they cook what they want for themselves unless I specifically make something. Seems to work for us and they're all healthy and have no weight issues. but yes, I'm fine with them saying 'I don't like pork tenderloin' and then making themselves a pb&j. Not to mention my daughter is a vegetarian so if I make a meat entree clearly she needs something else.

    also, not sure where you got the every night from.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I live in an unusual family. It's my husband and I with my uncle and his teenage daughter. We alternate cooking nights and we all eat the same thing together. I try to be adventerous with what we make and change things up. My uncle is a creature of habit and tends to make the same things, but will try whatever we make. He isn't a fan of veggies, but he's told us to make them anyway because he will make himself try it. We've actually broadened his food horizon a lot since we all moved in together (he even likes quinoa now!). We all have a similar goal to lose weight, but the guys still like their meat and potatoes.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member

    I think there are important lessons in providing one meal. One - something has been provided to them, they should be grateful for the gift of someone preparing a meal and learn to handle their disappointment about food respectfully....

    I don't purposefully serve things my kids don't like, but there are nights when dinner won't be their favorite. There are also nights when dinner isn't my favorite, either, because I'm following the desires of the other members of the family for the evening. That's how communal living works best, in my opinion.

    This. Well said. My kids went through a phase when they would come to the table and immediately start whining. "Do we HAVE to eat THAT? Ew!"

    I told them that it is extremely rude, when they did not plan for, shop for, pay for or prepare the food, for them to complain when they haven't even SAT DOWN yet, and that I expect better. I am not going to force them to eat food they find revolting, but I do expect them to be polite when someone else has gone to a lot of work and trouble to fulfill one of their basic needs. They are much better about it now. We all sit down at the table, we eat what we want, we leave what we don't want, and if they don't like something they can politely keep their mouths shut in every sense of the phrase!
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    We all eat the same because I am not the Olive Garden

    LOL! I was picky as a kid and my mom used to say exactly this when I wanted something different!
  • leeann0517
    leeann0517 Posts: 74 Member

    I think there are important lessons in providing one meal. One - something has been provided to them, they should be grateful for the gift of someone preparing a meal and learn to handle their disappointment about food respectfully....

    I don't purposefully serve things my kids don't like, but there are nights when dinner won't be their favorite. There are also nights when dinner isn't my favorite, either, because I'm following the desires of the other members of the family for the evening. That's how communal living works best, in my opinion.

    This. Well said. My kids went through a phase when they would come to the table and immediately start whining. "Do we HAVE to eat THAT? Ew!"

    I told them that it is extremely rude, when they did not plan for, shop for, pay for or prepare the food, for them to complain when they haven't even SAT DOWN yet, and that I expect better. I am not going to force them to eat food they find revolting, but I do expect them to be polite when someone else has gone to a lot of work and trouble to fulfill one of their basic needs. They are much better about it now. We all sit down at the table, we eat what we want, we leave what we don't want, and if they don't like something they can politely keep their mouths shut in every sense of the phrase!

    being polite and choking down something you don't like are 2 different things. it's no different than going to a party and being offered something you don't like - you just say no thank you. I don't put food on my plate that I don't like and I don't expect anyone else to be forced to do that. I guess at Thanksgiving dinner I should have forced my neighbor to eat the stuffing, after all I paid for it and cooked it and she should have been thankful for that.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    that doesn't answer the question - do you make things that you don't like but your kids do and then force yourself to eat them?

    I will make things that my kids like better than I do -- there are some dishes that are faves for them but not for me and my spouse. They're in the rotation. We eat them. (fettucini alfredo with chili-parmesan chicken tenders is one; chicken crescent squares is another).

    I do draw the line at frozen fish sticks/chicken strips and Kraft mac-n-cheese. On the nights I make those for my kids, I eat a sandwich. So, a little of both. Sometimes I make what they like and it's a family meal, sometimes I make things they like that I will. Not. Touch. They get their turn on Cheesesteak night, when spouse and I yum it up on cheesesteaks and our grossed-out kids make sandwiches on their own :happy:
  • 0622cameron
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 447 Member
    From day dot I've fed my girls the same as me, everything in moderation is my belief! Luckily my girls will eat practically anything! They love cOoking with me esp trying out new recipes! Tonight tho they had Turkey escalopes with rice and peas I had fish instead, if we're having pizza it's a hOme cooked one with salad and a small portion of wedges or chips x
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    my kids eat what I eat.

    ETA: my kids do get a say in what we eat sometime. For example, my 4-year old loves "long noodles" (spaghetti) and we eat it at least once a week - made with 97% fat free ground turkey, and whole wheat pasta. It really isn't that bad of a meal, assuming you watch your portion sizes. My 12 year old hates mushrooms. She has the option of picking them out, but I am still going to cook with them.
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    I only cook one meal. If you don't eat it, you eat at the next one. That's how I was raised and that's how I am. I try to cook healthy most of the time, but I do also cook some things that they like (I just have to keep that in mind when I'm working out/eating earlier in the day). I also keep a certain amount of other things in the house for them, I'm on a diet not them. If they ate less healthy I might feel the need to enforce it on them, but they eat a lot of fruits and veggies on their own.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    I think kids (and husbands) should have input on what is being served, and also that kids should try new things. I dread having the toddler who will only eat chicken nuggets ... mostly because I was that kid, and it's been a challenge to learn to try/like new (green) things. If the kid doesn't like brussel sprouts, fine - everyone has different tastes. Maybe they get broccoli or more salad instead that night. There is a difference between force-feeding a child something they've tried and dislike and exposing them to different and nutritious options. I at least want them to try.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member

    being polite and choking down something you don't like are 2 different things. it's no different than going to a party and being offered something you don't like - you just say no thank you. I don't put food on my plate that I don't like and I don't expect anyone else to be forced to do that. I guess at Thanksgiving dinner I should have forced my neighbor to eat the stuffing, after all I paid for it and cooked it and she should have been thankful for that.

    I agree that there's a difference between being polite and choking down something you don't like. I don't expect my children to eat things they find revolting. Or my husband, who, for example, will not get within five miles of a green bean and will not allow an onion anywhere on his plate. As I have said many times, "I'm not going to poke it down you!" There will be something on the table that they can eat. The rest they can be polite about.
  • leeann0517
    leeann0517 Posts: 74 Member
    that doesn't answer the question - do you make things that you don't like but your kids do and then force yourself to eat them?

    I will make things that my kids like better than I do -- there are some dishes that are faves for them but not for me and my spouse. They're in the rotation. We eat them. (fettucini alfredo with chili-parmesan chicken tenders is one; chicken crescent squares is another).

    I do draw the line at frozen fish sticks/chicken strips and Kraft mac-n-cheese. On the nights I make those for my kids, I eat a sandwich. So, a little of both. Sometimes I make what they like and it's a family meal, sometimes I make things they like that I will. Not. Touch. They get their turn on Cheesesteak night, when spouse and I yum it up on cheesesteaks and our grossed-out kids make sandwiches on their own :happy:

    so you do pretty much what I do. some things everyone eats and some things only 1 person eats. So mainly I want to hear from the people who make their kids eat when they've cooked. Do they cook things they don't like and then eat them?
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    My kids and hubby eat whatever I make, because I want to teach them healthy eating habits at a young age. I was raised in a junk food household, so I want to instill healthier habits into my children. I do make small modifications in some areas i.e My hubby and I love to replace pasta with spaghetti squash, but my kids don't care for it, so I make a little whole wheat pasta for them instead. Otherwise, if they don't eat what I have made for dinner, breakfast will taste even better in the morning.