What do you feed your families?



  • MissAmyB80
    MissAmyB80 Posts: 159 Member

    I think there are important lessons in providing one meal. One - something has been provided to them, they should be grateful for the gift of someone preparing a meal and learn to handle their disappointment about food respectfully....

    I don't purposefully serve things my kids don't like, but there are nights when dinner won't be their favorite. There are also nights when dinner isn't my favorite, either, because I'm following the desires of the other members of the family for the evening. That's how communal living works best, in my opinion.

    This. Well said. My kids went through a phase when they would come to the table and immediately start whining. "Do we HAVE to eat THAT? Ew!"

    I told them that it is extremely rude, when they did not plan for, shop for, pay for or prepare the food, for them to complain when they haven't even SAT DOWN yet, and that I expect better. I am not going to force them to eat food they find revolting, but I do expect them to be polite when someone else has gone to a lot of work and trouble to fulfill one of their basic needs. They are much better about it now. We all sit down at the table, we eat what we want, we leave what we don't want, and if they don't like something they can politely keep their mouths shut in every sense of the phrase!

    THIS. My 7 year old is VERY complimentary - even sometimes when I can tell she doesn't quite like something I prepared. Because I explained to her that I worked hard to make dinner - and I always make it with love. And she respects that. I love that she is grateful now and maybe teaching her this same thing taught her that life lesson. The few times she has criticized in the past I explained that it hurt my feelings because it was something I had made....like if she painted a picture or made me a necklace.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I like to let my kids help plan the meals with me, from making the shopping list (even before they could spell they would draw pictures of what we needed or sound out the words, they love making shopping lists) to going grocery shopping together, picking out nice produce and learning how to tell which item is cheaper by the ounce or what cut of meat is a better value, to putting the food away, helping keep the pantry/freezers organized so that we can tell what we already have and what we will need on our next shopping trip, helping with our garden and picking stuff from it for our meals, and helping out in the kitchen at mealtime/clean up. I want them to a) know that it is a valuable thing we do for our family, providing for their nutritional needs, and giving them nice, delicious meals, as well as good memories at the table together and b)know how to care for their family in this area when they become adults. When I was first out on my own I didn't know the first thing about managing my kitchen and it took a lot of trial and error to learn about it. My poor son had to sit through a lot of poorly made or burned meals while I learned how to cook! lol! He also had to eat too much top ramen and beans and rice at the end of the month years ago before I learned to properly grocery shop on a budget. I don't want my kids to have those problems as adults-at least not for the same reasons (just not knowing how to manage in this area). Hopefully they will know the basics of feeding themselves and their families healthfully on a budget by the time they move out, because they helped feed ours as they were growing up. I make sure to let them know it is a privilege for us to be able to budget, plan out, buy and prepare a good variety of healthy foods for our family-some people don't have enough to eat, and we are very lucky to have a food budget (even if it is fairly small for our 7 person family) to work with.

    ETA: I'm one of those people who shows love to my family by making them a delicious, attractive looking meal. I guess you could say my "love language" is food. :laugh:
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    my family eats what i make for them if they don't like it, tough! I spent the time to make it so they will eat it....if my kids don't eat it, it get put in the fridge and heated up for breakfast or snack later on after dinner if they want something....they have learnt pretty quickly to eat what i put in front of them, If they are full that is another story but i know what they normally eat so i give them enough or less and some times they ask for more and sometimes they don't but this way i know they are getting the food that they need
  • pixelish
    pixelish Posts: 54
    so you do pretty much what I do. some things everyone eats and some things only 1 person eats. So mainly I want to hear from the people who make their kids eat when they've cooked. Do they cook things they don't like and then eat them?

    I think I've already answered this - yes, I do cook things that aren't my favorites and, yes, I eat them. I haven't run across a food item yet that anyone in my family finds truly revolting, so that hasn't been an issue.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    We all eat the same thing. I don't do low/nonfat/diet stuff, i just do proper portions of real food. My kids are 7 and 3 and they eat most everything that i make. They don't have to devour everything i make, but they do have to try it. If they honestly hate what i made then i will make a sandwich for them, but i'm not cooking seperate meals for everyone. And i do let them choose meals too, if it's unhealthy i will eat what fits into my calorie allowance. I can't expect them to eat what i like all the time.
  • rugbygirlca
    My husband or I make one meal for the entire family with some slight variations (which take into account dietary needs or preferences). For example, on a night that we are making tacos for the family, I will make tacos and a side salad or vegetable for the kids, but will make a taco salad for me. One meal - slight variation. The other night I made a chick-pea and spinach curry for the family. Our 5 year old can handle a bit of heat, but the 2 year old isn't quite ready for that. In the final stages of cooking, I pulled out a small portion for the kids and then kicked up the heat in ours. I am gluten-free, so I served mine with rice and salad. For the kids, I had naan and a cooked veggie.

    I have found it much easier to make one meal and then make slight variations, rather than cook two separate meals. When planning my meals, I try to take into account their taste preferences, the healthiness of the meal and then plan accordingly. On the nights that I am not home, my husband often makes meals for the kids that are things that I would not normally eat (such as pasta).

    In terms of junk - there is some in the house, but not a lot. The kids are allowed small amounts from time to time - about the same amount that I myself would eat. For me, that is not a diet. It's a choice ot lead a healthy lifestyle and a chance for me to instill this in my kids at a young age. Our rule is that you don't have to ask if you'd like to have fruit, vegetables or water at any time of the day...everything else they have to ask.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    so you do pretty much what I do. some things everyone eats and some things only 1 person eats. So mainly I want to hear from the people who make their kids eat when they've cooked. Do they cook things they don't like and then eat them?

    Yeah, that's what I do. I grew up in a household where my mom didn't buy or prepare foods she personally did not like, and after I grew up I discovered that I like a whole lot of foods I'd never even heard of, so I try to be open to trying new things and preparing things that I personally do not care for. I try to be sensitive to the fact that some things I do not like are other people's favorites.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    so you do pretty much what I do. some things everyone eats and some things only 1 person eats. So mainly I want to hear from the people who make their kids eat when they've cooked. Do they cook things they don't like and then eat them?

    I think I've already answered this - yes, I do cook things that aren't my favorites and, yes, I eat them. I haven't run across a food item yet that anyone in my family finds truly revolting, so that hasn't been an issue.

    You must not have a hypertaster in the family. We do. It forces you to make accomodations. There are a lot of recipes that just will not work for our family because of it, including many soups, casseroles, and crockpot dishes. It's a pain sometimes.
  • julie9200
    julie9200 Posts: 62 Member
    My house is not a restaurant, they eat what I cook. I make one meal. It includes lots of lean meat, veggies and fruit.

    Of course, once in awhile we have what my son calls "defend for yourself night". That's when everyone either eats, leftovers, PB&J or something like a corn dog from the freezer. They are usually fighting over my left over South Beach Diet Chili or homemade stew.

    We call that "Fen-Fer", as in fen fer yerself, lol
  • pixelish
    pixelish Posts: 54
    You must not have a hypertaster in the family. We do. It forces you to make accomodations. There are a lot of recipes that just will not work for our family because of it, including many soups, casseroles, and crockpot dishes. It's a pain sometimes.

    I guess we don't. It really hasn't been that big of an issue for us. Both my husband and I love to cook and the kids have just been raised with a meal being placed on the table. Not sure how we would have handled a hypertaster, but I'm sure we would have managed something. Our main thing is that dinner is family time. The focus is the members of the family coming together to share a meal and re-connect. I always try to make the food delicious - and from the comments I get back from husband and kids - it seems I am successful far more often than not. I've heard both of my boys brag to friends about the types of foods they are served for dinner.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    Our main thing is that dinner is family time. The focus is the members of the family coming together to share a meal and re-connect.

    Absolutely. Food and family meals connect us, unless we let them divide us.
  • Cathy7794
    Cathy7794 Posts: 223 Member
    We all eat the same thing. We have changed it up a little, but mostly we still eat what we ate before me dieting.
    Yup, same here. I just make sure that I eat less than I did before and measure my portions.
  • cdarlene
    cdarlene Posts: 2 Member
    I have three kids. Two of them eat pretty much whatever I make but the third ( my 9 yr old ) is a little more complicated... I still make alot of the same dishes I always made but have changed them up a little... Whole grain pasta, low sodium sauces, low fat cheeses, skim milk, sugar free drink mixes... I use olive oil instead of vegetable oil....when we are out and about I buy them bottled water instead of sodas but I let them use my MIO...they like that even better than the sugary drinks.....I havent bought sugar in like a year...not even splenda....Those little changes help me with my dieting but it also helps my whole family eat healthier...:wink:
  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    In my house is myself husband our 8yr old daughter and 1yr old son. I do most of the cooking I'm a sahm. I try to get everyone to eat healthy and sometimes even sneak in some spinage and other veggies. But there are days that they want fried chicken that I'll make it for them and a salad for me. My 8yr old is picky but she will at least try anything before she says no.
  • jessieknh
    jessieknh Posts: 52 Member
    I usually make just one thing... the only real exception being if it's something super spicy. My son is a good eater and has never been pickey. Yes he likes some things more than others but he will try anything. If he hates it I won't force him to take more than a bite but there isn't much that he hates.

    I usually plan my meals around what everyone likes so there aren't many complaints.

    And to answer the question posted earlier... yes I do cook things for my boys that I don't care for and I eat it. While I do the cooking I am not the only person in the family so sometimes I, have to suck it up and eat the darn ham because they like it. Usually I take a smaller portion and load up on sides but I do eat it. They are free to do the same if I make something I like and they don't care for. They (husband and son) can take a small portion and load up on the sides. It works in our house.

    I don't see why it's a hot topic. We all have the right to parent our kids and manage our famlies as we see fit (with in the law of course) so if you want to cook a bunch of different meals, more power to you but I choose not to.
  • Ke1ra78
    Ke1ra78 Posts: 146 Member
    i cook the same foods for myself, my hubby and our three boys, 13,9 and 4. I let them all help me prepare and cook and they will eat everything and when asked what they want give a long list of veggies followed by pasta! About once a week i give them pizza/chips/burger night while my hubby and i have something more grown up, normally on our date night when we eat later than the boys. I find if you want your kids to eat healthier foods if you all eat together and they see you eating it, they will. hope it helps.:smile:
  • JustinaSanchez
    My husband eats meat and I dont so I always have to cook slightly different entrees and all sides are the same. You really do have to put time into learning how to bake healthier treats like cookies and cakes rather then buying them at the store. Its more time consuming but thats the price we have to pay. I say let them eat what you cook so your whole family can start to be healthier. My husband has also lost 11 lbs and not by choice just because I cook and buy food different than I did before. Good luck!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,021 Member
    Everyone eats the same thing at meals. But I do take into account their likes and dislikes, ex My kids dont like sweet potatoes, so when I bake sweet potatoes I bake regular potatoes for the kids. For snacks I still buy alot of things they like i buy them drumsticks or ice cream sandwiches and buy me skinny cow ice cream sandwiches, I also buy them things that they like but arent my favorites, ex I dont like mint so I buy them mint chocolate chip cookies or ice cream, also things like poptarts are easy for me to turn down I also buy yogurt, fruit, celery with peanut butter , mini rice cakes things like that that everyone can eat.
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 493 Member
    I don't necessarily cook different meals. I try to improvise with the same ingredients. My kids aren't to picky. So they eat what's in front of them or they can go to bed without dinner. Only exceptions I will make if we are having something that kids can't eat or really don't care for. Like spicy food, I will maybe make the same meal but then separate to add spices for us. They get a variation of what we eat.
  • agrzybow
    agrzybow Posts: 38 Member
    We all eat the same thing. Every night. I have a list of "mom's meal ideas" in a three ring binder, and we all choose what we would like for the week. I always serve a fruit and vegetable, and we have at least one meatless meal a week. Kids and husband seem to like it.