If you feed your kids, I NEED your imput!



  • OceansForever
    OceansForever Posts: 221 Member
    SOOOO I need YOUR help! May is Kids Nutrition month and I am scheduled to speak at two conferences on the topic, but I need to know...

    1. What are your interests and concerns in your Kids/ Family Nutrition and Food.

    2. What are some of your struggles as a mom or parent in this topic.

    3. If you were to come to a conference on the topic what would you want to learn about?

    I really need your imput to get an idea of where parents are in this... I have my own "kid" issues but my kids are different with a Holistic Nutritionist as a mother! lol

    THANK YOU in advanced! Xx

    Dealing with a picky eater is my biggest concern/struggle/topic I need more info on! My son is SO freaking picky. It drives me insane. :(

    Yep, picky eater is the worst. My kiddo will not try any new food and in the meantime she suddenly refuses to eat food that she did eat :(

    I even baked cookies with her (sugar cookies) and she loved the preparation part but once it came to eating she even refused to eat those (but she loves the store bakery sugar cookies). That's just an example of how difficult it is to get he to eat anything, including not so healthy food. Also, that was an attempt on my end to involve her with food preparation to get her interested enough to try. BIG FAIL *sigh*
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    SOOOO I need YOUR help! May is Kids Nutrition month and I am scheduled to speak at two conferences on the topic, but I need to know...

    1. What are your interests and concerns in your Kids/ Family Nutrition and Food.

    2. What are some of your struggles as a mom or parent in this topic.

    3. If you were to come to a conference on the topic what would you want to learn about?

    I really need your imput to get an idea of where parents are in this... I have my own "kid" issues but my kids are different with a Holistic Nutritionist as a mother! lol

    THANK YOU in advanced! Xx

    I am interested in finding more fun / yummy ideas to get my son (and husband!) to eat healthier! If they're easy to do, that's a bonus. I'm really concerned with the lack of healthy "kid friendly" foods that are available in the stores we shop at. It's not that there is nothing to choose from, but honestly it does seem like the healthier something is, the more expensive it is. I do more whole foods now than I used to, which helps, but I can't always cook a homemade meal for every meal for everyone in the house. It's just not practical for me or my family 100% of the time.

    My son is very picky, though I'm slowly getting him to enjoy healthier foods. He would eat lunchables and frozen dinners for every meal and only snack on chips and cookies if it were up to him! lol. What kid wouldn't, really though? I think it's rare to find children who genuinely enjoy eating healthy foods only. A plus though is that he does like a lot of raw fruits and veggies, which surprised me in him. He loves eating raw green bell peppers! :) He loves kiwis, bananas, oranges, cherries, well pretty much any fruit you can name. He also likes broccoli! HA! XD

    My husband is even worse when it comes to picky eating, but at least he likes most of the food I cook at home. That's a whole other story though, since he is an adult and doesn't have to listen to me! LOL