What was your Breaking point??



  • PinkiePie07
    PinkiePie07 Posts: 103 Member
    My boyfriend and I tend to move a lot. I've always been able to haul our stuff from one place to the next, but when we moved into the house we're in now, I couldn't hack it at all. That was wake up call #1. Then, when we got the photos back from his sister's wedding I realized just how fat I really was. After that I made the change.
  • yogamom16
    yogamom16 Posts: 114
    Mine was after I had my 3rd baby and I had gained 50lbs. I couldnt even look at myself in the mirror. I have been working on losing the weight ever since.
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    If you look at my profile and then my pictures, you'll see the last one, that was the passport photo that made me change
  • larsmac83
    larsmac83 Posts: 24
    When a family member went to the hospital with weight-related health issues. I knew I was going the same way, so I decided to take the weight risk out of my health. I was also getting to the point where I wasn't comfortable going up anymore sizes in clothes.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I was worried for 5 years about my daughter, she had 2 surgeries. Once I found out she was fine, I looked at myself in the mirror and didn't even recognized myself. I had gained so much weight in that 5 years. I knew it was time to focus on my a little, it was the best thing I have ever done....I feel better then ever.
  • schwim
    schwim Posts: 65
    i'd just tried to follow the dukan plan and it was very hard since i do not eat meat. i felt miserable now being able to eat fruits and veg and i got tired of dieting and getting fatter. i want to re-wire my brain into using moderation when it comes to food and not to have anything off limits.
  • missy787
    missy787 Posts: 35
    In Feb. my mom was diagnosed with conjestive heart failure. On March 30th my dad passed away from renal failure, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis. A few weeks ago my younger brother was diagnosed with diabetes.
    I just decided that I want to live, and be healthy.
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    I was miserable after gaining so much weight during my pregnancy with my now 2 year old then got pregnant again a few months after he was born and gained even more weight and I knew I had to do something about it. I was DETERMINED to get down to 160 by his 1st birthday he is now 18 months old and I weigh 147 :)
  • bmxpop
    bmxpop Posts: 353 Member
    Had to go to the hospital for pneumonia....routine tests showed high blood pressure and high blood sugar. I was told to lose the weight or face the possible consequences of diabetes. Two years and over 100 pounds later....blood pressure and sugar levels are normal and I feel great!!
  • GeekyGirlLyn
    GeekyGirlLyn Posts: 238 Member
    When my ex told me I was the reason he cheated. Now I know thats not true. He just used me being big as an excuse to justify his actions. But it was a wake up call and breaking point all the same.
  • jatiger83
    jatiger83 Posts: 67 Member
    I was disgusted with myself, I didn't even want to look in the mirror to brush my teeth. I hate myself, i was gasping for air by the time I carried my 6 week old son up the 2 flights of stairs...enough was enough! I quit smoking (again) and started to eat better and work out.
  • When I began to not look hot naked and frumpy in my clothes.
  • lexishea
    lexishea Posts: 16 Member
    When my double chin was trying to choke me to death.... :wink:
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    When I got a major muffin top in a (UK) size 16 jeans...... I just though "soemthing's got to give here" :frown:

    All my 16s have now gone to the charity shop and my 14s won't be far behind them now. I have size 12 jeans I haven't been in for 10 years that are looking feasible now :smile: another half a stone and I will slide into them :happy:
  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    Like the OP, I hadn't got on a scale for quite some time, and when I did, I was about 20lbs heavier than I'd ever been in my adult life... Yeah, no thanks... So here I am!
  • pxpwop
    pxpwop Posts: 704 Member
    When I began to not look hot naked and frumpy in my clothes.

    Well I think you have taken care of that!
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 842 Member
  • pxpwop
    pxpwop Posts: 704 Member
    When my double chin was trying to choke me to death.... :wink:

    HaHa good stuff!
  • Billywoo
    Billywoo Posts: 141 Member
    I was going to go on one of those zip lines things from tree to tree last summer and found out that the weight limit was 265. I weighed 265. Had no choice but to back out of the trip. Didn't want to look like a fool.
  • nabauer86
    nabauer86 Posts: 39
    When I went to put on a shirt from last summer and got stuck in it. LOL

    LOL It's not funny but it is!! lol

    I know I felt like I was in that movie Tommy Boy. "Fat guy in a little cooooat" haha