What was your Breaking point??



  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    Realized I was pushing 30 and want kids some day. I want to be able to have a healthy pregnancy and be able to keep up with my kids when they are old enough to do things active.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    When I weighed 5 lbs heavier than my "I'll never be this heavy again" weight.
  • nicolemarie045
    nicolemarie045 Posts: 131 Member
    When I was trying on pants at the Gap and when I asked for a different size, the girl working told me they dont carry the "really big sizes" in short in the store, I'd have to shop online. That was the end of that.

    Now on the contrary, I went back over 14 months later to buy new pants 5 sizes smaller, and i get told they don't have "the really small sizes" in short either.

    Can't win!!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    When I got blood clots in my legs and knew I was headed for a heart attack or stroke if I didn't turn my fat *kitten* around and RUN.
  • sedelagarza
    sedelagarza Posts: 96 Member
    When I last weighed myself and the scale said 110 (normal) and then a few years later I weighed 145 that was it
  • Billywoo
    Billywoo Posts: 141 Member
    When I went to put on a shirt from last summer and got stuck in it. LOL

    LOL It's not funny but it is!! lol

    I know I felt like I was in that movie Tommy Boy. "Fat guy in a little cooooat" haha

    Thats funny stuff right there! ....i mean the tommy boy thing.... not you getting stuck in you shirt thing....
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I got sick of standing up from a chair with arms and taking the chair with me. Got tired of needing a seatbelt extender on a plane. Got tired of being embarrassed if I had to take the stairs because I'd get winded super easily. The list goes on and on.
  • pxpwop
    pxpwop Posts: 704 Member
    When I went to put on a shirt from last summer and got stuck in it. LOL

    LOL It's not funny but it is!! lol

    I know I felt like I was in that movie Tommy Boy. "Fat guy in a little cooooat" haha

    I think we have all felt that way at one time or another. When I had to buy the next size up in boxer briefs that was another breaking point for me.
  • cfriend71
    cfriend71 Posts: 207 Member
    When the zipper on my favorite jeans.... BROKE. :((((
  • Mistakenly
    I wasn't overweight, but I was sick of not feeling good about myself, not liking my body, and I was worried that if I don't start eating healthy soon (granted I'm only 23), I could be more susceptible to a bunch of medical issues that I don't want to have to deal with when I'm older.

    Heart problems run in my family, and my Dad had a heart attack when I was in elementary school. Since then, he's stuck to a very healthy diet and has been exercising regularly. He's 67 and he skis, plays baseball/softball, canoes, kayaks, hikes, etc. I want to be that healthy and capable when I'm his age. :)
  • MariaAlbina
    MariaAlbina Posts: 131 Member
    When my fat jeans were a little tight.
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    I was tired all the time
    I stopped looking in the mirror
    I felt frumpy and unattractive in anything I wore
    My snoring was so bad that I slept in our spare bedroom for three months
    My joints hurt
    My blood pressure was on the rise.

    But the true break came when I tried a dress on that I bought for a wedding at the end of 2010 (the wedding was in fall 2011). I couldn't get it zipped. That was it. That night, I had a big Mexican dinner, I started my diet.

    9/10/11 changed my life - 52lbs later and still going strong.
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    My doctor said - you need to watch your weight, you've gained 10 pounds in the last year...ok then
  • BrokenButterfly
    I've been a member of MFP since October 2010, got about halfway to my goal and then struggled to lose more for over a year. I maintained the same weight all that time. And then since last Christmas i gained back 18 of the 45 i'd worked so hard to lose. For me, it's when I tried on a pair of jeans I hadn't worn in a while and I STRUGGLED to get into them - a pair that had become too big for me a while ago.
  • TheirEllie82
    TheirEllie82 Posts: 162 Member
    I had high blood pressure at 25 and basically waiting to die...lost 60 lbs since then and no longer worried about a heart attack
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I was tired of being 25 years old with aches and pains. I hated crying after I looked in the mirror trying desperately to find something to wear that made me look thinner. Nothing really amazing happened to me, one day I started losing weight and just kept on going. I think I was 175lbs at the time which wasn't even really my heaviest. I just felt so gross and I launched myself into a full-scale assault on my fat.
  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member
    When I saw a recent picture of a friend on facebook (who was always bigger than me) in a bikini waaaaaay smaller than me.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    After my son was born, the scale hit 200 lbs, on a 5'3" person that isn't healthy at all. I have 2 babies 17 months apart, and with high blood pressure, high cholestrol, heart disease, and diabetes running in my family - I needed to get ahead of the game if I wanted to see my babies grow up and see my future grandchildren. Being a single parent, I am all they have, and it is important I keep myself healthy for them.

    I started this journey back in Sept 2010, it took me 15 months, but I have lost nearly 60 lbs. This is the healthiest I have ever been in my life. I am smaller now than what I was in both high school and college. I haven't weighed this little since I was 12. If I can do it, anyone can, and stop making excuses for yourself. I am a single mother who works full-time, so I totally get the whole "being so busy" to workout - it is about priority.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    When my aunt was pregnant, her 4 year old daughter asked me if I had another baby in my belly too.

    Out of the mouths of babes....
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    I was just disgusted with how I looked, I didn't even walk around the house with no shirt anymore.

    ^^This! Also, my wife and kids always wanted to go to the pool and I would make so many excuses why I couldn't go. I wanted to spend time with them. So, enough was enough.