


  • sweetteacher123
    It may be beneficial if you track the calories of your binges, just for yourself so you see the number of calories you are really consuming. It may help you change your choices about whether to eat something...or it may not. I know sometimes some salty popcorn is worth it to me even if I go over. Keep your diary private if you don't want judgement. But the most important point is you get up the next morning and start again on the right track!
  • zumbaabby
    zumbaabby Posts: 59
    you can add me if you want! I have my diary public...and I have days (like today) that I will go over my goal! everyone has their days...in my opinion anyways! like today, my boyfriend got applebees and brought it home for lunch and then he went and go ice cream after we got out of the pool...so I will be way over today! but sometimes you need a treat...and it won't hurt anything, once in a while! :)
  • pattan59801
    pattan59801 Posts: 142
    feel free to add me........ I am the Queen of sneaking
  • exercisathon
    Don't feel embarassed. I have days like that too! Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • lose3stone
    lose3stone Posts: 76 Member
    I do this too..... Seriously beat myself up about the binges which of course promotes more bingeing!!!! Feel free to add me, we all need some help x
  • lisabrezina1980
    lisabrezina1980 Posts: 60 Member
    I just did this today!!! I keep trying to be "good" but then something happens and I find away to justify the binges. Forget it I will log everything I ate today and suffer the consequences because if I log it or not...it really happened. :( Good job on your weight loss by the way I hope one day my little tracker will start moving but if I continue on this way...
  • littlesis412
    littlesis412 Posts: 314 Member
    You can add me. I say nothing to the people that go over. If anything, I think it's great that they're being honest. I will comment and/or delete if a person is happily netting a ridiculously low amount, like 500 calories. Side note, the exception is if the person has a known disorder and is honestly trying to get better.
  • jann34
    jann34 Posts: 10 Member
    we all have our weak moments :) , I do really good for months and just have a day or two of just eating everything im not supposed to . Then I feel so guilty and beat myself up for it, someone told me a long time ago ( loosing weight has been a life journey for me) " everyone has days of weakness , no matter what our vice is . What matters is that we dont let that one day defeat us and for us not to forget the progress we have made . We should live with intention and not with regret ! :) remembering we are just human and to keep going ". And make sure you have positive people surrounding you ! :)
  • tigerlilly24
    tigerlilly24 Posts: 130 Member
    Don't feel bad. And no matter what you put in your diary or what anybody comments about it you will always be your own biggest critic/punisher beleive me I know. I went out on 4/20 and I made myself log everything I ate and when it was all said and done I had eaten 4500 calories. And that was w/o putting in my alcoholic drinks! When I clicked done for the day it said I would be 15lbs heavier in 5 weeks if everyday was like that day lol. But seriously try to make yourself log it because looking at the damage that your doing to the hard work you've put in is a great motivator to not slip up as often or as severley. Best of luck on your weight loss journey and if you want to add me I am a supporter never a critic :smile:
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    Supportive friends don't bash your head in or rub your nose in the fact that you messed up - you already know you did. But your friends also don't act like repeatedly binging is just slipping or being human. Supportive friends help you gather the courage to look at the truth reflected in your diary, and help you decide on plans of attack to face that reality.

    I transfer my diary's report to a spreadsheet every week and keep running totals. I NEED to know how my binges affect my progress over the long run. I NEED to know I can create a sustainable lifestyle for myself - one that allows me to enjoy eating, have some treats here and there, but is still under my control.

    You'll empower yourself to control your food intake, rather than food controlling you, if you face those binges. With that said, choose friends who are honest without being nasty. It''s the path toward self-respect, in my opinion.

    Keep working at it, whatever you do! :flowerforyou:
  • Emnee
    Emnee Posts: 33 Member
    You should log everything. Until you hold yourself accountable for what you are choosing to put into your body you won't make any real progress.

    I've logged every spoonful of nutella that was followed by a spoonful of peanut butter and at first it made me really unhappy to see what it did to my calories for the day but then I realized that I CHOSE to eat that. I chose waste those calories on something that satisfied me for a minute but ultimately was empty and left me with little wiggle room for real food for the rest of the day.

    Is it going to happen again at some point? Probably, but I'm going to plan around it and I will work it into my daily goal.

    I agree with this whole heartedly! Remember that it is okay to treat yourself from time to time but make sure it is in proportion. Try to make it so that you can stay within your calorie limit. If you go over, no need to feel embarrassed. It happens to all of us! Tomorrow is a new day. Just don't let it happen OFTEN. (;

    Whether or not you make your diary public is up to you, but I think you should always log EVERYTHING you eat. Being in denial will only hurt, not help you.

    NEVER GIVE UP! If you slip up once, don't let yourself fall downhill from there. Pick yourself back up RIGHT where you left off.~

    Good luck with your journey! You can do this! (:
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    I know what you mean. Logging your binges is good though so you can see how bad it is. When I binge I have to talk myself into logging it to force myself to see just how bad it is.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    We all have bad days. Can't be perfect. Like today.. tomorrow's my birthday and I only have time today to celebrate it with my family so I figured "Screw it" and ate whatever. However, tomorrow I'll be back on track!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    this is why you should OPEN your diaries..not to sound mean, but that way, your friends can see what you are eating, and if you are that embarrassed about it, your public diary can help you stop binging, and they can help you a little better:drinker: good luck
  • melissadid2002
    melissadid2002 Posts: 7 Member
    I can relate to what you said. And I too do my best to take note of what I ate so that I have an idea of what I am doing. It also has helped me to see things about my eating habits and how it fits with what I am doing around then.
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member

    ...we're all human, we all make mistakes, and really...a little extra once in awhile won't kill ya.

    stay strong.

    one thing i read on here once that REALLY struck me as a brilliant way to think of things...
    treat your calories like CASH. don't go and blow them on stuff you really won't be happy with. spend them wisely!

    << I :heart: this!! >> never thought of it like that before but its actually pretty cool... :flowerforyou:
  • just4u_cara
    just4u_cara Posts: 100 Member
    No need to be embarrassed, been there done that myself!

    "One day at a time, one step at a time, I can do this." That's what I keep telling myself when I'm doing the daily logging.

    Yep, I still binge. Yep, it still hurts to log it. But I don't binge as much anymore nor as often since joining MFP.

    YOU, too, can do this :)
  • StephanieEmpson
    I am here everyday too, I think everyone has slipped at one time or another. This is not easy and it takes great support and understanding. We all need to do it for ourselves and no one else. It is nice to have support for the milestones, but just as important to have it for the slips. Feel free to add me I have joined the 5 pounds off in May group, if you are interested. Take care and good luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • DarkNebula84
    DarkNebula84 Posts: 445 Member
    I'm sorry, but I have to say something and we don't have to be friends or anything like that, obviously. But, in my opinion, not sharing your diary is for cowards. Sharing your diary adds greater accountability to yourself, not to those around you. In addition, you will be amazed at how many great meal ideas and snack ideas come from our diaries. People on here are talking about binges like it's just "cool" and it's "your journey." It is your journey, but you don't need cheerleaders. You need someone that is willing to tell you when the binges are getting to be too frequent. You don't need people that are going to coddle you and hold your hand. You have a goal and you are trying to get there the best way you know how. We all make mistakes and I'm not going to chop it up to "oh, it's just being human." If it's 3AM and I eat a whole half gallon of ice cream, that's not a freakin' mistake and it's not okay. The question I have to then ask myself is Why in the hell did I just do that? Why was I so caught up that I needed to do that? That question then allows me to seek out the answers and fix the problem. So no, don't be embarrassed about binges but do know that they aren't okay and there are people that are willing to help you with them and give you some great advice, but you have to work on it. You are so much greater than that; So much better than those binges! It will take hard work and it will not be easy getting them under control but it can be done. Don't cheat yourself, treat yourself and find a way. Hiding your diary is not going to do that for you. Face that demon directly, otherwise it will consume you and derail ALL of your efforts. Good luck on your journey and I do, honestly, wish you the absolute best!

    What he said..... :happy: Seriously agree with this!
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    I didn't read the entire thread. But I will throw in my two cents worth.

    If you do not want to log your mistakes, or take heat from others for you mistakes, then you are destined to fail.

    ****, I log every single thing I put in my mouth. My diary is open for all to see. I hold myself accountable for everything I eat. If I lie, I am lieing to myself and setting myself up for failure.