TMI Female Bike Riding Issue



  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    Sounds like the change in seat should help the sensation problems, but for the UTI problem, make sure all your undies and workout clothes are cotton in the crotch. And don't use scented anything down there.

    Yes on no scented no no no no to cotton...cotton absorbs moisture and is a breeding ground for lovely things like yeast. Your best bet for bottoms would be a padded cycling short and NO panties.

    Well you use cotton and then bleach the hell out of it. Guess I should have mentioned that.

    You're perfectly welcome to wear cotton undies if that works for you. I sweat like a horse and they'd be soaked in no time. I've had chafing from wearing wicking undies while running, too...bloody welts on one's cheeks is unpleasant. Commando is the way to go. :happy:
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    Red, I had another thought this AM. Could your bike be too big for you? If a bike is too big it forces the rider to lean too far foward--rolling from one's sit bones and onto sensitive areas. I had this issue with my first mountain bike. It was a cheapy Schwinn and the kid fitting us put me on what I now know was a size too big. I should have been on a 15 and was fit to a 16. I never could get comfy on that, regardless of saddle or shorts.

    It's possible that a shorter stem could be put on your bike to minimize the reach, but this will change the handling and potentially make the steering overly sensitive.
  • stormdancer
    stormdancer Posts: 32 Member

    the Rover recumbent bike is designed to hold up to 400 lbs, and its literally like you are sitting in a lawn chair, pedaling so comfortably along.... its made by Terratrike, for those of us with wide loads :)

    if you have questions you can go to the Terratrike forums and ask questions there about them. Easy to get into and out of,
    like standing up from, or sitting down into a lawn chair. Never any crotch numbness either.

    I wish I knew how to post a photo of one here.