do you ever read someones trackings......



  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    Oh, and I'll join the crowd -- I've had some pretty ridiculous food diaries, too. I think there was a day a few months ago during which I literally ate nothing but yogurt. Once I actually did that for three days in a row, last fall. And I could still do it again. (Addicted? No... no, definitely not... That's a silly idea.)
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    I don't chew gum any more because I don't want my jaw to bulk up.

    I dunno. I'm going to bulk up my jaw muscles for a couple of months and then go into a cut. The dudes dig masseter definition. *shrug*
  • LPS1986
    LPS1986 Posts: 104
    Two things I've seen have stood out to me:

    Logging 300 calories' worth of "chewing gum." No, not in the food diary -- under cardio.

    And wait for it... wait for it... "So-and-so burned 9715 calories doing 2110 minutes of cardio exercises."
    I spent quite a bit of time wondering how they could have worked out for thirty-five hours in a single day, and came to the conclusion that they possess a Time-Turner.

    Okay I laughed. The gum had to be a joke. :laugh:

    I bet for the 9715cal/2110 min they just added up a few weeks vs. tracking daily....bad way to do it imo, but if it works for them...

    Oh man, I wish it was a joke. When I tentatively suggested that chewing gum wasn't cardiovascular exercise (to which they could have responded that it was a euphemism for, ah, something else, if that was the case), their response was "but chewing gum burns calories, so I can still log it." :huh:

    To all of you out there who really want some ripped jaw muscles, though, be aware that an hour of furious chewing burns eleven calories at best, and unless you're REALLY getting into it, your heart probably won't even bother trying to exert itself.

    I don't chew gum any more because I don't want my jaw to bulk up.

    ^^^^^THISSSSS! ;-)
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    Two things I've seen have stood out to me:

    Logging 300 calories' worth of "chewing gum." No, not in the food diary -- under cardio.

    And wait for it... wait for it... "So-and-so burned 9715 calories doing 2110 minutes of cardio exercises."
    I spent quite a bit of time wondering how they could have worked out for thirty-five hours in a single day, and came to the conclusion that they possess a Time-Turner.


    You burn calories chewing gum? Now I'm going to plateau....I haven't been eating my exercise calories. :bigsmile:
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I feel that way when I see someone has put in cutting the grass with a ride lawnmower as exercise. I dont know why but it makes me nuts.
    I had my husband log his 'driving a tractor' for 16 hours as the lawnmower 'exercise'. Although it's a D-11 Caterpillar tractor as big as a house and it beats the hell out of him and I know he burns more than he would on a riding mower! At least he feels better about being able to log something since when he's home he has to sleep and doesn't have time for other exercise. :)

    Also, I mow a field on a tractor and you'd be surprised how much exercise it is with turning the stiff steering wheel, shifting gears, picking up the 5 gallon gas can to refill the tank, etc.I don't think it burns a lot but I'm sure it's burning more than if I was sitting on my butt on the couch. I don't log it because I enjoy doing it but I do log the 1 hour it takes me to push mow the yard! :)
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    Two things I've seen have stood out to me:

    Logging 300 calories' worth of "chewing gum." No, not in the food diary -- under cardio.

    And wait for it... wait for it... "So-and-so burned 9715 calories doing 2110 minutes of cardio exercises."
    I spent quite a bit of time wondering how they could have worked out for thirty-five hours in a single day, and came to the conclusion that they possess a Time-Turner.

    Okay I laughed. The gum had to be a joke. :laugh:

    I bet for the 9715cal/2110 min they just added up a few weeks vs. tracking daily....bad way to do it imo, but if it works for them...

    Oh man, I wish it was a joke. When I tentatively suggested that chewing gum wasn't cardiovascular exercise (to which they could have responded that it was a euphemism for, ah, something else, if that was the case), their response was "but chewing gum burns calories, so I can still log it." :huh:

    To all of you out there who really want some ripped jaw muscles, though, be aware that an hour of furious chewing burns eleven calories at best, and unless you're REALLY getting into it, your heart probably won't even bother trying to exert itself.

    I don't chew gum any more because I don't want my jaw to bulk up.

    But doesn't muscle help you burn more calories while at rest? :tongue:
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    5,000 calories vacuuming?..............seem legit :laugh:

    gives you the Hoover abs.
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    When I first started I had everything on by default and even with a supplement I realized I was not getting enough calcium (like 30% of what I should) because it was being tracked. Started drinking rice milk or soy milk to make up for it. So I keep tracking everything by default.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    You have 18 friends. I think the one you're referring to might catch on.

    This made me LOL.

    me too
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    I don't judge because I don't want to be judged. I am not here for that. I am here for support and the great tools this site offers for free.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Nothing annoys me about someones tracking. Does it matter to me if they lie? Not at all. If they lie it only hurts them not me.

    Now if someone over estimated exercise or under estimated food intake and it got in my way of losing weight, then I would care.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Nothing annoys me about anyone else's tracking. I'm too concerned about my own. If I even look at someone else's diary, it's out of pure curiosity or occasionally to get ideas about what other things I could integrate into my own diet. Usually if they track something like calcium, I'm impressed by their attention to detail more than anything.

    I'm with you; I usually look for food ideas!
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    5,000 calories vacuuming?..............seem legit :laugh:

    ^^Love this!!!! :laugh:
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    How funny that it annoys someone that someone track calcium. I track calcium and I take a prenatal, but I cant take a calcuim suppliment because they tend to give me kidney stones. What an odd thing to bother someone else... I'm breastfeeding, I need to make sure I'm taking enough calcium if I want to prevent any bone degeneration in my future.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    How does it affect you and why do you care so much?
  • cranford_s
    cranford_s Posts: 55 Member
    I feel that way when I see someone has put in cutting the grass with a ride lawnmower as exercise. I dont know why but it makes me nuts.
    I had my husband log his 'driving a tractor' for 16 hours as the lawnmower 'exercise'. Although it's a D-11 Caterpillar tractor as big as a house and it beats the hell out of him and I know he burns more than he would on a riding mower! At least he feels better about being able to log something since when he's home he has to sleep and doesn't have time for other exercise. :)

    Also, I mow a field on a tractor and you'd be surprised how much exercise it is with turning the stiff steering wheel, shifting gears, picking up the 5 gallon gas can to refill the tank, etc.I don't think it burns a lot but I'm sure it's burning more than if I was sitting on my butt on the couch. I don't log it because I enjoy doing it but I do log the 1 hour it takes me to push mow the yard! :)

    I was at my lightest after spending a summer on a tractor and riding mower (well, and several horses a day- but I'd done that before and have done that since). You'd be really surprised, especially if you're out on a hilly area- gets a lot of core involvement :)
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    My sister owned a bar and every cleaning person she hired ended up stealing from her, so I started doing it. I have continued to do it every 2 weeks even though she sold it.

    The entry in the database for cleaning says that I burn over 1000 calories if I'm there 3 1/2 hours, which seems like a lot. I don't have an HRM so I go by the entry. It's 3 1/2 hrs of really intense cleaning, heavy lifting, and almost the entire time is spent mopping and changing out mop water (lifting a full mop bucket twice every 10min or so), so I'm pretty sure it's a legit calorie count.

    So, yeah, some things might seem ridiculous...but ya never know.

    I must be tired because I read this as you started stealing from your sister, and continued to steal from her every two weeks. Glad i figured out that you were just cleaning the bar.
    That is exactly what I read too! It took me four tries before I realized what was happening.
  • hxcburrito
    i thought tracking "riding lawn mower" was bad....... then i seen chewing gum......... wtf