girls and texting....



  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    'last seen online' registering.... that's scary... :noway:
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I wonder this about men, too. I'm always forgetting to text people back. It's not me trying to be rude... I'm just busy and lose track of my phone :P

    exactly this

    I am a complete slacker myself as I just hate texting. I dont use my facebook either I think the last time I checked was 8 or so months ago.

    Why does everyone have to be in each others face all the time? It leaves no time just to think. It sometimes takes me days to answer a text if I bother (unless its urgent and hopefully I remember to look).

    I see all these people walking around head down texting like their next breath relys on it. No one is looking at the day or experiencing the moment, taking time to just think and absorb their life as it happens.

    Its the popularity cult. If someone hasn't left a message on your facebook or phone they think they have become social pariahs. Needy people shouldn't be encouraged they should be smacked down. (and their phones smashed)
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    The old fart perspective (me) -

    I think the polite thing to do is not try and turn your friends into your narcissistic suppliers.

    If you text "I am going to hospital"............Ill reply..

    if you text "I just trod in dog poo LOL!"

    Or "I had a MacDonalds thickshake" ............................ I will probably not reply.

    In a face to face conversation if someone is boring you with inane statements you have the choice not to respond or back away until they shutdown Why should text messaging have the privilege of a response no matter how inane or tedious the comment?

    I see some texts (not all) as irritating as a chain letter in my email. You know the ones with sparkling flowers and butterflies and all the sacharine sentiment followed by a threat how something aweful is going to happen to you if you delete and don't pass it on. (when I read those emails I amuse myself by imaging it being read out by a death metal voice.)

    I do the same with both types....delete.

    .I miss the 80's when the only mobile phones were the size of house bricks and hardly anyone had them....good times.
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    The old fart perspective (me) -

    I think the polite thing to do is not try and turn your friends into your narcissistic suppliers.

    If you text "I am going to hospital"............Ill reply..

    if you text "I just trod in dog poo LOL!"

    Or "I had a MacDonalds thickshake" ............................ I will probably not reply.

    In a face to face conversation if someone is boring you with inane statements you have the choice not to respond or back away until they shutdown Why should text messaging have the privilege of a response no matter how inane or tedious the comment?

    I see some texts (not all) as irritating as a chain letter in my email. You know the ones with sparkling flowers and butterflies and all the sacharine sentiment followed by a threat how something aweful is going to happen to you if you delete and don't pass it on. (when I read those emails I amuse myself by imaging it being read out by a death metal voice.)

    I do the same with both types....delete.

    .I miss the 80's when the only mobile phones were the size of house bricks and hardly anyone had them....good times.

    Too funny - and so very, very true. :laugh:
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I have only replied to a text twice. Both times I said "I don't text. If it's important, give me a call." Neither one called back.

    Constantly texting everyone in your "texting circle" or whatever you call it is the most narcissistic, annoying habit of this generation.

    Man, I don't give a *kitten* if your coffee was a tad bit cold this morning. Frowny face. Or you just saw someone trip. LOL. People are so busy LOLing and LMFAOing with their head down texting, that they are missing what is truly going on.

    I am so glad I am married, because if I was out on a date and my date started texting during the meal to share with her friends, I would call for the check, take her home and go out by myself.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I hate texting. If it's for pretty much any purpose other than relaying a very brief, matter-of-fact message that doesn't require a response, I think texting is rude. If you want to talk to me, call me, come over, whatever. It makes absolutely no sense to me to try to have a conversation with someone by typing out messages on a PHONE when you could push a couple of buttons on that very same phone and actually TALK with that person. Y'all remember talking, right? It's what we used to do with phones before everyone shoved their heads up their rear ends.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Well, I find it rude. If you're busy, I understand, but I think it's common courtesy to respond to someone, even if it's to tell them you're not in the mood to talk and you'll get back to them.

    When I was a bit younger, I was very insecure about it and it would really upset me, even make me cry. I seem to be maturing by the day now, so it doesn't bother me so much. The way I view it is, if someone can't be bothered to get back to me, I am clearly not that important to them and I will leave them alone. If they decide to chase after me, fine. If not, I'll go on my merry way.

    That being said, I'm rubbish these days at getting back to people. Not intentionally so, but I take days to respond to people all the same. Does depend who it is, though.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member

    I am so glad I am married, because if I was out on a date and my date started texting during the meal to share with her friends, I would call for the check, take her home and go out by myself.

    Ohh yes! I HATE people texting/using their phone when we're spending time together, especially if it's something like a meal. My ex used to always be on his Blackberry, and I found it extremely disrespectful. It was one of the biggest contributing factors to my decision to end things.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I must add, if I text someone, it's to ask a question IE - can I babysit tomorrow? or to see how they're doing.

    I've locked myself away from human interaction for so long now that talking on the phone often makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm not much of a texter either, though. I just tend not to talk to anyone :laugh:
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i am notorious for not texting back. sometimes i am not doing anything and my phone is near me and i can respond right away. other times, i'm busy, my phone is not near me and it takes a little while to respond. its not meant to be rude or mean or anything even like that.

    i think most of my friends know me well enough to not be bothered by it. guys that i'm meeting or have gone on dates with, haven't seemed too bothered by it either. i try to never take more than a couple hours to respond. sometimes i forget. my girlfriends are the only ones who text instead of call to ask me to go out.

    i have been known to have conversations with people via email, IM, text.... and forget about responding for days. if i do, i profusely apologize! and i usually do feel quite bad that i forgot!!!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    The day before yesterday, my boyfriend didn't text me except for once all day. Going from texting me several times a day to almost nothing, yeah I noticed.

    I knew he was busy at work and all, I respect that... but I'm a Taurus and I don't do well with change. When something gets out of routine, I can freak out. (yet I'm the most spontaneous woman you'll ever meet- I'm confused!) Anywho, I sweetly mentioned it later that night how I hadn't heard from him that day... he said he knew and that he's always thinking of me but was too busy.

    The next day he texted me my usual good morning. Then he texted me saying how he had a lot of things to do so he probably couldn't communicate with me too much but that he'd try and to not worry... i'm on his mind.
    I forgot about how many times he texted me or not.. that was enough to make me smile.

    Women are simple. We really are. Quality over quantity.
    My friends and I always say... if guys only knew, they just need to say something ultra sweet for a minute or 2 and we're gushing, we're puddy, we're full. It's EASY!!!
  • Lizabee84
    Lizabee84 Posts: 346 Member
    I hardly ever reply right away (hours to a day later) because of work , just because I have a life or hell just dont feel like being bothered. So I dont expect a man to do the same. Hope not to offend anyone but I think it is stupid to sit and wait around for someone to reply unless an emergency
  • Love4MN
    Love4MN Posts: 60
    I would say the majority of girls are like that. I used to be like that when I was in high school. I kinda grew out of it now. Now I am always very busy so i don't text back right away always either so I don't expect people to text me back right away. If I need something urgent I just call!
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Sorry, I think it's rude not to text people back within a few days. It only takes a couple seconds, how hard is it? I'm generally as busy as the next person but I can handle sparing 3 seconds out of my day to send someone a text.

    But when people do this to me I don't complain, I just stop trying to get a hold of them. Problem solved.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Sorry, I think it's rude not to text people back within a few days. It only takes a couple seconds, how hard is it? I'm generally as busy as the next person but I can handle sparing 3 seconds out of my day to send someone a text.

    But when people do this to me I don't complain, I just stop trying to get a hold of them. Problem solved.

  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    No, not all girls are like this! I'm horrible with texting, unless my phone is right next to me and I'm not doing anything. My phone can stay in my bag for a long while, I might read a text while walking and then forget to respond, blablabla. So when I don't get a reply, I don't put too much thought into it.
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    If I need something urgent I just call!

    Exactly! It doesn't even have to be urgent, just call and say hi! That takes about as much time as writing the stupid text!

    But who uses a phone to call now, hahaahha. Pshh, so last century.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    If you're interested in them as friends or not it doesn't take long to say "I am busy, I will text you when I can." When my husband is busy at work he sometimes just sends a quick "I love you".