Spike days... A most famous myth.



  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I'm not here because I lost control. I'm here because I stopped paying attention. I'm here because my body changed naturally with age and my lifestyle changed while I continued to eat/drink like a teenager. I don't eat back my exercise calories during the week so I can enjoy them during the weekends and still stay below my weekly target.

    I'm sorry that you have such a bad relationship with food but my pizza and beer tells me that they love me and will never hurt me.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    Look. The fact that we needed MFP in the first place debunks the notion of rest day / cheat day / spike day. We're here cause we lost control. We're here cause we gave up control to food. We're here cause we're junkies.

    The notion of rest day / cheat day / spike day is just a weak excuse to fall off the wagon. It's like an ex-junkie celebrating shoot-up day. Or, an ex-drinker celebrating happy hour. You know how that goes.

    Take your spike days regularly and then wonder why your clothes size doesn't change. Or, wonder why your scale never moves. Yeah, go ahead and have that ice cream and then complain about it.

    We are junkies. We have to be above clean, beyond pristine. Either you have the will to beat that down. Or, you don't. Either you can live without it now. Or, you have to make excuses to dodge what it takes. Is it in you?

    So, who are you?

    My name is Brett. I'm a foodie who's been eating clean for two years.

    Why ask who we are? You've already decided who we are and why we are here. You've made assumptions that everyone is JUST LIKE YOU. You assume that everyone's path will be just like yours.

    There is no "we" in this journey. I am my own person, with my own reasons, my own issues, my own battles. My battles aren't your battles. My answers won't be the same as your answers.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    Look. The fact that we needed MFP in the first place debunks the notion of rest day / cheat day / spike day. We're here cause we lost control. We're here cause we gave up control to food. We're here cause we're junkies.

    this is a load of crap..
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 165 Member
    I think spike day is a good way to confuse your metabolism, but it propably should be done the healthy way. If I do spike day , which is not very often, I eat much more carbs then usually. Worked for me so far, even though I don't have much to lose, actually I'm trying gain in muscle.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Look. The fact that we needed MFP in the first place debunks the notion of rest day / cheat day / spike day. We're here cause we lost control. We're here cause we gave up control to food. We're here cause we're junkies.

    The notion of rest day / cheat day / spike day is just a weak excuse to fall off the wagon. It's like an ex-junkie celebrating shoot-up day. Or, an ex-drinker celebrating happy hour. You know how that goes.

    Take your spike days regularly and then wonder why your clothes size doesn't change. Or, wonder why your scale never moves. Yeah, go ahead and have that ice cream and then complain about it.

    We are junkies. We have to be above clean, beyond pristine. Either you have the will to beat that down. Or, you don't. Either you can live without it now. Or, you have to make excuses to dodge what it takes. Is it in you?

    So, who are you?

    My name is Brett. I'm a foodie who's been eating clean for two years.

    This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of exactly what addiction is. I's also silly to suggest people won't be healthy and/or won't lose weight if they treat themselves occasionally. They demonstrably can and do.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Look. The fact that we needed MFP in the first place debunks the notion of rest day / cheat day / spike day. We're here cause we lost control. We're here cause we gave up control to food. We're here cause we're junkies.

    this is a load of crap..

    Damn right, girl!
  • RideaYeti
    RideaYeti Posts: 211 Member
    I like the way a friend of mine had it put to him: If someone eats like crap all of the time and then on Friday night has a salad, will it make a difference? No. Just like if someone eats well all the time but then on Friday has a cheeseburger and fries, the meal wil not matter in the long run.

    If you are "cheating" every day, then yes, you have a problem. I have fought with my weight most of my life and admit that I am addicted to food. But I am also strong enough to have a bad meal/day every now and then and not let it affect me and I am down about 40lbs from my heaviest.
  • Inebriated
    Inebriated Posts: 271
    Do not imply that everyone lacks the self control to resume healthy eating after one meal/day off a week. Or, indeed, that these spikes are completely unregulated. Just because you lack the willpower, doesn't mean everyone else does.
  • pantsdailyon
    pantsdailyon Posts: 173 Member
    popcorn munching commenced.

    Munching popcorn.... sounds like one of my cheat days.
  • Titanburner
    Titanburner Posts: 8 Member
    Look. The fact that we needed MFP in the first place debunks the notion of rest day / cheat day / spike day. We're here cause we lost control. We're here cause we gave up control to food. We're here cause we're junkies.

    The notion of rest day / cheat day / spike day is just a weak excuse to fall off the wagon. It's like an ex-junkie celebrating shoot-up day. Or, an ex-drinker celebrating happy hour. You know how that goes.

    Take your spike days regularly and then wonder why your clothes size doesn't change. Or, wonder why your scale never moves. Yeah, go ahead and have that ice cream and then complain about it.

    We are junkies. We have to be above clean, beyond pristine. Either you have the will to beat that down. Or, you don't. Either you can live without it now. Or, you have to make excuses to dodge what it takes. Is it in you?

    So, who are you?

    My name is Brett. I'm a foodie who's been eating clean for two years.

    I know alot of people don't agree and perhaps it doesn't pertain to everyone, but he hit the nail right on the head for me. I have always loved food and always will. It's safe to say I was obsessed. I didn't eat because I was depressed or hungry, I ate for the taste of the buffalo chicken deep dish pizza at BJ's or the 12 boneless hot with extra sauce at b dubbs because of the amazing taste.

    Full or not I kept eating. This wasn't such a huge problem when I was in the Army because of the massive amount of physical training I did on a daily basis, but once I got out I let it take over my life. It's controlled me every since (4 years now) and i'm sick of it.

    I'm with ya on this one Brett. I understand where you're coming from. (alot of people just won't get it) I WAS a food junkie to and i've been eating clean for 5 days. It would have been more but I thought I could do "just that one cheat day" also. Turns out it doesn't work out like that because I continued it for the whole weekend practically leading into a D ickey's BBQ gorge of over 3,500 calories...I started new this Monday and I won't make the mistake again.
  • shygur
    shygur Posts: 171 Member
    I'm not addicted to food. I can quit any time I want.

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • maggiepz
    maggiepz Posts: 141 Member
    Personally cheat days have been killer for my diet. It's just hard to get back on track. I'm a carb addict. An occasional cheat meal, well it looks like I can handle. Better yet a single cheat food works best for me if I'm being otherwise very good. I had 2 no-bake cookies last week after my daughter waved them in front of my face and I was ok. Actually it didn't even kick me out of ketosis and it made me HAPPY.

    I don't think it's taken me less than a week to get back on track after a cheat DAY. I'm just so hungry the next days and craving all kinds of crap.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Sorry you have such a tough time. Not everybody has to treat food like heroin.

    What was that? I was busy tying off.... my bib.
  • pantsdailyon
    pantsdailyon Posts: 173 Member
    Going to eat a super burrito and a container of ben and jerries tonight
    I think Chipotle's burritos are super.
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    controlled spike days are working for me...so um....yeah!
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Heading off to the fridge to get myself a big ol' glass of grapefruit juice and whipped cream vodka.

    Take that, alleged food addiction.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Not everyone here losing weight has a food addiction. Nor are they especially lazy. Some of us just legitimately had no idea what healthy eating meant. Please don't assume everyone is the same. While, sometimes similar, our journeys, bodies, minds, emotions, reactions, experiences, etc...are pretty varied. Or haven't you noticed?
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    I don't believe in spike days, I believe in living my life. Everyone on here is going to have different goals, from just shedding a few pounds they gained from college, losing the 150 lbs, or going form normal to fit and ripped. No one size fit all method is going to work for everone. So I eat. I didn't go on a diet, I just changed my eating habits. I still have a snack here and there, sometimes it's a few fries, sometimes it's a slice of pie.

    It's just no longer the whole pie. That method woudln't work for me if I were training for Mr. Universe....but I am not at the moment so I can relax a little. Thing is, let's say a person does what is nearly impossible, and stays on a strict regiment and loses 100 pounds. What happens when the goal is reached and the diet ends? Instead of treating food like an enemy, just learn moderation.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    spike days for me don't cause me to go back into any old habits I've had with food. Today for instance I made it a "spike day" but in reality I didn't really have that much to eat in the end but I still feel full and satisfied. I think it depends on the person because someone could use spiking as an excuse to have multiple spike days a week or to validate suddenly why they're having all these extra foods, and there are some who are doing it specifically to change things up and make sure the body doesn't get too comfortable with just a certain set of numbers everyday.