how to get kids active?!



  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    How hot is too hot outside? If it truly is too hot (like over 90) then go outside during the mornning hours when it isn't quite so hot yet. Find a park, playground or ballfield close to you. Go for walks or bike rides. Buy scooters and outside toys to keep for them to keep at your house or have them bring some of their favorites from home (basketballs, baseball bats and gloves, other types of balls, etc). Limit the amoun of time they can play the Playstation. When you are inside find other things to do as well. Pinterest is a good resource. If you are watching the kids on a regular basis (whether as a licensed daycare provider or not) then I see it as your responsibility to have things at your house for them to do and to limit their PS time. What toys or games do you have available for them?
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Find a public swimming pool.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    PBS kids website has different activities and ideas for kids being active also, but there are tons of great suggestions on here already!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    With so many kids, why not get big group games going? capture the flag, kick the can, color tag, etc. We did that with the neighborhood kids when we were growing up. If it's hot out run around in the sprinkler, have water gun fights, play with sidewalk chalk. We spent a lot of time playing pretend. We would build forts, we would make fake "cities" out of forts and we got really into it and we'd form allies and try to take over other people's forts. HAHA either way just get them involved in something they enjoy and get their minds working. Then they won't be thinking about video games or food. We even had mini "olympic" games where we had running races, "gymnastic" routines, obstacle courses, etc. and we made silver, gold and bronze medals for the finishers. You could split them into teams and have them make scavenger hunts for each other. My mom also used to make "pinatas" by putting old mcdonald's toys in a brown paper bag, hanging it from the swing set and having us take turns trying to break it. They will get excited over the prizes no matter what it is because they just get excited about being the one to break it.

    When I babysat regularly the parents had a rule about no tv between 9 am and 4pm unless it was raining. That was the rule and no one argued about it. It's just as easy to say "this is the new rule, no exceptions." They are also old enough that they would probably have fun making a movie. Every camera/phone has a video recorder on it now days so why not have them "write" their own movie, design props, etc. They can each contribute their own creativity. We used to play with the video camera (even though we weren't supposed to) and we'd usually make news casts or pretend to be FBI agents or something because that was something that the boys and girls were both interested in.
  • Kaelaharrington
    Whatif you make I so they don't know they are exercising like make up games or you could get the interactive games for the play station ! They have used ones everywhere ! I have an Xbox with kinect and I'm telling you it really makes me sweat haha like the running and jumping ones are intense! I know they have something for play station too! And I woul eliminate or hide all drink options but water or milk! :) and I they refuse water they have flavor mix ins that are fun and low in calories!
  • jiigglybutt
    jiigglybutt Posts: 345 Member
    If you are watching the kids on a regular basis (whether as a licensed daycare provider or not) then I see it as your responsibility to have things at your house for them to do and to limit their PS time. What toys or games do you have available for them?
    Well, my daughter has a HUGE toy box full of things that interest all of them but they get bored of it too quickly. I have some art supplies like string and beads, TONS of pasta, etc, but I am starting to run low. When their mom asked me to babysit (today was actually just my 4th day watching kids other than my own!), I really didn't think about what I was getting myself into before I said yes. I just wanted the money so I can hurry up and move out of my apartment and into a house!

    I'm obviously not experienced at babysitting a group of kids! But a lot of these replies have given me a bunch of ideas! Defintely like the idea of having a schedule. I actually bought a dry-erase one from the Dollar Tree today. It has pictures of a standard clock and a space to write the time, so they can see what it looks like on the wall or on the digital clock in my daughter's room.

    When the boys got home from school today, the first thing they did was turn on the playstation and argue over what game each one wanted to play. I simply turned off the playstation (they were so into the argument, they didn't even notice at first!) and told them to find something else to do. And that was it! All of the kids instantly agreed on playing hide and seek in the house.

    A lot of these ideas are great. It is already starting to get over 90 degrees here in Texas and it's usually at the day's high when the kids get home from school. I also live in an apartment complex with no grass anywhere whatsoever. My front yard is a parking lot so I'm kind of ehh when it comes to kicking them outside :laugh: I also have a newborn son so that eliminates some options too.

    I am moving into a house in maybe 3 weeks at the most, with a big front and back yard! So that will definitely be great. especially with summer vacation coming up. Once we get caught back up on bills after moving, I will invest in things like water guns, or board games, a sprinkler, paint and paper, etc.

    Thanks everybody for the tips and tricks! Any other suggestions would be awesome too :bigsmile:
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    When you are able, check garage sales or Craigslist for balls and other outdoor toys. I see people advertising for sales like "daycare closing" quite often.
  • seraphinaglitter
    seraphinaglitter Posts: 22 Member
    How's it going, lovely?
  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    I have no idea, my parents would just lock my brothers and I outside with some toys and balls and make us figure out what the hell we were going to do for entertainment.

    Same here- 9:30 you were out the door with your bicycle, and a few lawn games (play catch, frisbee, jump rope, four square etc). 12:00 called in for lunch- 1:00 Outside again, maybe go to the park. 4:00 eat dinner.
  • claw0416
    Read my blog posting on this..We have found a great tool to help get our kids active..We have never had such a geat response like we are now.