I feel like screaming

I'm in a horrible mood today for some reason, so please excuse my attitude. I'm just so frustrated with all the information flying around about what people should and should not eat. I can't believe it's this freaking complicated. I try to read the posts and see what I might be doing wrong. Instead, I end up feeling overwhelmed like my head is spinning and is going to explode. It just seems like there is too much conflicting information. Eat back your exercise calories/don't eat them back. I have no idea what TDEE or BMR means. I just want to eat healthy and exercise and lose weight. I know everyone's body is different and I know that I have to figure out what works for me, but that seems like it could take forever. I have been working out consistently (at least 6 days a week) for about 2 weeks now and I'm gaining weight. Last year I lost over 20lbs doing the same thing and have gained about 10 of it back. I'm trying to get back on track now, but I'm having a hard time staying motivated.

I'm sorry this sounds so whiney. I'm just really irritated today. :grumble:


  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Eh, we all have days like that. So don't apologise.

    There is no right or wrong foods to eat. Just hitting your calorie goals. I will point out that if you're doing the same thing as last time, why you back trying to lose weight? It's trying to figure out something that not only works but you can do long term.

    If you open your food diary up people can give better advice.
  • iuali81
    iuali81 Posts: 47 Member
    Eh, we all have days like that. So don't apologise.

    There is no right or wrong foods to eat. Just hitting your calorie goals. I will point out that if you're doing the same thing as last time, why you back trying to lose weight? It's trying to figure out something that not only works but you can do long term.

    If you open your food diary up people can give better advice.
    What I was doing last time worked. I gained some weight back b/c I quit watching/tracking my calories and hardly worked out at all. If i had maintained what I was doing previously, I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in now.

    I actually just saw a good post that explained why it's important to eat back exercise calories, so I feel a little better about that. I am also starting with a personal trainer next week, so hopefully she can help calm me down and explain things in a way I can understand!
  • SuzyLy
    SuzyLy Posts: 133 Member
    Just take it one day at a time to hit your calorie goals set by MFP. I've been a member for only 3 weeks and have lost weight, but I'm sure I'll hit a plateau and expect to go through the same weight gains while "being good." Only at that time will I worry about TDEE, BMR, etc. Seems to me that you are turning some fat into muscle, and that's good. If you haven't already done it, take your measurements -- you may be seeing a change in your clothes size before you see a weight loss. Keep up with the diet & exercise -- it will eventually pay off!!
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    We all have days like that. It IS confusing when you listen to so many people with conflicting advice. Speak to your personal trainer about it and open up your food diary so that others can see and maybe offer some encouragement and advice there. I've started tracking sodium in my diet and was horrified to see how much sodium I COULD consume in a day. I have my diary open and have had people offer really good constructive advice so I can adjust.

    Hope that working with a personal trainer helps - and keep going - you CAN do this!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    What I was doing last time worked. I gained some weight back b/c I quit watching/tracking my calories and hardly worked out at all. If i had maintained what I was doing previously, I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in now.

    That's why I said it didn't work. Because you didn't maintain it. Losing weight is so damn hard. Maintaining is is even harder. But at this point we don't know what you do so it's really hard to offer advice (if that's what you want)

    You've already done well. You're gaining but it could be TOM, it could be water retention or just plain dumb luck. KIS (Keep It Simple) and try not to stress (as easy as that is to say!)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I'm in a horrible mood today for some reason, so please excuse my attitude. I'm just so frustrated with all the information flying around about what people should and should not eat. I can't believe it's this freaking complicated. I try to read the posts and see what I might be doing wrong. Instead, I end up feeling overwhelmed like my head is spinning and is going to explode. It just seems like there is too much conflicting information. Eat back your exercise calories/don't eat them back. I have no idea what TDEE or BMR means. I just want to eat healthy and exercise and lose weight. I know everyone's body is different and I know that I have to figure out what works for me, but that seems like it could take forever. I have been working out consistently (at least 6 days a week) for about 2 weeks now and I'm gaining weight. Last year I lost over 20lbs doing the same thing and have gained about 10 of it back. I'm trying to get back on track now, but I'm having a hard time staying motivated.

    I'm sorry this sounds so whiney. I'm just really irritated today. :grumble:

    Your profile pic shows a pretty young kid. How is your sleep this time compared to last time? Are you nursing? These kinds of things can change how you lose weight. Give it time.
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    I really feel your frustrations today. I'm pretty new to this whole thing and haven't been on this life change for very long but find it frustrating to not see the scale move a whole lot in 2 weeks even though I've been working my butt off. I do see results in inches though (lost about .5" in my waist) and I feel better but it's hard when you get on that scale and it's not moving...or moving the wrong way. This is not an easy task for me and I'm trying to keep it in my head that nothing worth doing comes easy and I keep the reasons for changing my lifestyle in my head to keep me going and staying on task. I hope your day gets better and keep looking forward!
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I feel your pain. I too can't figure out wtf to do. I just need to track my calories, hit my goal, ( or a bit under) and work out.. I can't sit here and try to listen to everyones advice only because so many people have different opinions.. everyones body works differently.. Just try and hit your daily goal and work out. If you're under your goal, you dont HAVE to eat those calories, unless you are so under you could go into starvation mode.. in that case, add something! That's just my opinion.

    Xo :flowerforyou:
  • iuali81
    iuali81 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm in a horrible mood today for some reason, so please excuse my attitude. I'm just so frustrated with all the information flying around about what people should and should not eat. I can't believe it's this freaking complicated. I try to read the posts and see what I might be doing wrong. Instead, I end up feeling overwhelmed like my head is spinning and is going to explode. It just seems like there is too much conflicting information. Eat back your exercise calories/don't eat them back. I have no idea what TDEE or BMR means. I just want to eat healthy and exercise and lose weight. I know everyone's body is different and I know that I have to figure out what works for me, but that seems like it could take forever. I have been working out consistently (at least 6 days a week) for about 2 weeks now and I'm gaining weight. Last year I lost over 20lbs doing the same thing and have gained about 10 of it back. I'm trying to get back on track now, but I'm having a hard time staying motivated.

    I'm sorry this sounds so whiney. I'm just really irritated today. :grumble:

    Your profile pic shows a pretty young kid. How is your sleep this time compared to last time? Are you nursing? These kinds of things can change how you lose weight. Give it time.

    My baby is 1.5 now. Both of them sleep through the night, so that's not really an issue. When I started working out last year, I was nursing. I know nursing burns calories, so maybe that's why I saw such quick results last time. I'm not nursing anymore.

    I just made my diary public, (eek!) so please feel free to offer some advice if you can! (this is to everyone!)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Hey its totally ok. I know it can get crazy around here for sure. Especially since this isnt just a weight loss site- most of my friends on here are in maintenance for their weight but woring on changing up heir body composition or getting bigger or stronger by now- so there is indeed a lot of information based on where you are right now and what you are trying to accomplish personally.

    But for losing weight and getting fitter- you can always stick to the one true guaranteed method- eat healthily, exercise consistently, sleep soundly and drink water like a mermaid.

    Everything else is additional science behind the why's, or its more detailed and complicated ways to speed up this area, or this process, or this growth spurt or to help your body metabolise different things better or in another way. Its all icing on the cake. Its all fine details. Its all the kinds of stuff you'll probably want to dive headfirst into when you are at a different point. But for right now- now you are completely allowed to stick to the basics.

    Because these basics are what allllllllllllll the rest of this overwhelming amount of info and anagrams and math is built on.

    Its ok to just keep making good decisions as you come to them, moving every chance yo get, cutting out drinking enormous amounts of calories and replacing them with water to bathe your insides and get some sweet dreams.

    The restyou'll use when you want it, when you need it, later- when youre ready :)
  • noweightfisherj
    noweightfisherj Posts: 220 Member
    Keep it simple.

    Eat better.

    Eat in moderation.

    Eat at a calorie reduction.

  • leesee88
    leesee88 Posts: 54 Member
    exactly. i actually made an appointment with a dietician/ nutrition counselor yesterday. I am overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, etc etc. Things that worked before dont work now.....

    I have no idea if seeing a dietician is the answer, but I am hoping someone who was educated in this field might have some better insight than people just spewing information all over the internet.
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    I know for the first 2 weeks being up here I was becoming overwhelmed. Eat you cals everyone would say. Well, my brain tricking solution is, I am earning my food. I exercise so I can eat whatever, but food was also the issue. So am figuring out how to outsmart that one too. Instead of ground beef, do turkey, turkey bacon, instead of eggs, use the eggs in the container, even with baking or cooking. 1 egg of the container is 40 cals less than a regular egg. I know my family wont eat what I am eating so everything I buy, I portion out my sizes and freeze them. I have my 1 coffee, cut the sugar n creamer. I drink water, get sick of it and add MIO. I was noticing, veggies are very low in cals and I can eat a whole bunch adn become full. I am still out thinking the meat. Bread, omg love my bread, but noticed 1 slice of regular white was 90 cals. WHAT!!! Ah hello you need to 2 slices to make a sandwich, so I found hearth 100% lite whole wheat bread, 2 slices are 70 cals. SO I think its all about out smarting it than anything. I hope this helped. Oh n muscle is good, muscle burns fat.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    You've only got a week but the only 'issues' I saw was at the start you weren't eating enough (and I'm hoping by the fact that you're eating more towards the end of the week you're focussing on hitting your calories. Well done!) and no water is logged. Water really is so helpful for your body. Yes you can get it other ways but personally as someone who never drunk it before this time it's made SUCH a difference.

    Just keep logging. I doubt it's fat, just a normal blip. Remember that weight loss isn't a constant downward scale, as long as you're eating the right amount of calories you'll lose weight.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member

    Try not to feel overwhelmed, you are correct not one thing works for everyone. Baby steps is all you can take... do your own research and curve your own program :)

    Best of luck to you
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    Try to keep it as simple as possible. Go with what MFP tells you. Despite what you see on numerous posts you have to be a little careful eating back ALL your exercise calories because you may not always be sure that the calories burned in the data base are totally accurate for your age, current wt, gender and you may be off in estimating mph etc. So, eat healthy, stick to your calorie base and eat back some of your exercise calories, make sure you always eat at least 1200 (never a problem for me) and relax. It will happen. Also make sure to stay away from foods loaded with sodium and drink your water. That's my nickles worth.
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Hi was the same until this week Ive spent 22 years yoyo dieting and hungry until some lovely MFP buddies expalined I should eat more as my losses are low.

    TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure = Calories you burn all day including exercise
    BMR = What calories we burn if we were at bedrest all day

    To lose weight find your TDEE fitnessfrog.com is good and eat -20% below that thats the simplest way.

    Ill add you as Ive had a tough few weeks of bad losses and have been only eating 620 NET calories

    We will get you sorted x
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    When it gets too crazy just keep it simple. Eat healthy and exercise and you can't go wrong. If you're really having trouble, like no weight loss for weeks at at time, then you can look into what your BMR/TDEE is doing, buy an HRM and all the other abbreviations.

    But for now just take a step back, breathe and have a healthy snack. You can do this. It's only hard if you make it hard.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    I was so overwhelmed the first few weeks of my lifestyle change. But honestly, eat healthy, exercise, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep and you will be good to go.
  • sedosher
    sedosher Posts: 142 Member
    I have felt like that for a few months now and so I totally understand. I have spent the last few months trying all the different ways that are always talked about here...but I think I've found what works for me. Check out this group if you are interested, it has been the only thing thats worked for me so far.
