Sixers Turning Up The Heat - Week ONE



  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    wow ladies, chatty day! I don't have time to read all the posts right now but wanted to check in and let you all know that we're without a computer for the next few days so I won't be around but it's not for any weird reason. I'll be missing you lot though!!! :heart:

    WELCOME to the many newbies. I hope you find great inspiration here and we'll do all we can to support you in your goals!

    The last challenge would have gone a lot better for me if I hadn't totally bottomed out for 4 out of 6 weeks of it!! The weeks that I was following my not weighing-in daily plan and following my hunger and wisdom rather than being as reliant on planning the menu here first I was actually losing quite well. That was the first couple of weeks. Then my slump hit and I gained it all back. But at least I do know it works and the weight comes off more quickly than when I'm too careful with restricting calories. I expect the coming weeks will tell me more about this.

    Alright, I have to go but I'll check in in a few days and I'll see if I can get some access before then. I'll have a NOVEL to read!!!

    Love to you all! :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Day One: I didn't do so great.
    (Yes, I know this challenge started yesterday but I didn't start until today :laugh: .)

    Overate about 300 calories. :grumble: I mean, if I am hungry, genuinely hungry, I am going to eat. Grrrrrr. I blame in on the food I was fed tonight at Vacation Bible School. A McDonald's double cheeseburger, potato chips, and an oatmeal cookie. What a dinner!! :sick: Not satisfying and somewhere in the neighborhood of 800-900 calories. Boo! However, I am not one to turn down a free meal.

    For my first day back at eating right, and given my screwy schedule and odd food in the house (grocery store tomorrow!!!), I am cutting myself some slack. Tomorrow will be better. :bigsmile:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good evening ladies! It has been hot and humid here! I walked with the kids to the pool in our neighborhood this afternoon and stayed for almost 2 hours! I'm one of those moms who gets in the pool to play with the kids, so I got lots of exercise "catching" them as they swam to me from the side of the pool (and then carrying my daughter back to the side of the pool because she was "scared" to go back by herself!) I also walked 10 minutes on the treadmill tonight. It wasn't much, but it was all I could do. I've done something to my toe & need to have it checked out. I'm calling tomorrow to make an appt.

    Lauryn & Cathy - I'm glad to hear you're happy with your new homes!

    Lauryn - yes, my goal is 30 min a day, 7 days a week ... for now.

    Amy (pdx) - I'm glad you're feeling better! :flowerforyou:

    Kel - I love your idea of freezing the water bottles. I'm going to have to start doing that.

    Melynda & Maggie - Welcome! :flowerforyou: This is my 2nd challenge with the sixers and I love it!

    Kristin - Sounds like good goals. Good luck! I know you can do it!

    I know I've missed people. To all - Thanks for being there for me! :flowerforyou:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Overate about 300 calories. :grumble: I mean, if I am hungry, genuinely hungry, I am going to eat. Grrrrrr. I blame in on the food I was fed tonight at Vacation Bible School. A McDonald's double cheeseburger, potato chips, and an oatmeal cookie. What a dinner!! :sick: Not satisfying and somewhere in the neighborhood of 800-900 calories. Boo! However, I am not one to turn down a free meal.

    That was part of my problem last week. We had Vacation Bible School and meals were provided too. It didn't help much that we did Camp E.D.G.E., an extreme adventure/camping theme, so the last night we had a campfire and made s'mores. Unfortunately, that was also MY idea. All the kids loved it though. The best night was actually pizza night since the person providing the pizza also brought a salad.
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hey everyone! I just caught up on all the post!!! I'm glad we are all doing well

    Lauryn- I'm glad to see you posting away!!! YAY. Dinner was alot of calories but you can make up for it today!

    Melynda- WOW...another dentist! Glad to meet you, I guess we have more than the reunion in common. Good luck w/ your goals. And at my office, the assistants eat the goodies before I can get to them. YAY to that. LOL.

    Cathy- I'm glad you can help Shanell out. I wish her and her husband the best. Job slashes are scary. I know she will make it through this a ok. I'm glad you are doing well too.

    Amylou- 7 am ... I wouldn't have even made that. Sometimes I don't go to bed until 4a.m. LOL. How is everything going for you? Hope life is treating you well.

    Kel- Glad we can be here for you!!!

    All others.... I'm thinking about you too. I am going to head to bed though. Lately, I've been struggling with some lonely feelings. Luckily, my dog, Dylan is keeping me company. I moved to Va to be close to family but I have been away for 10yrs... therefore NO friends here. BLAH... I'm sure it will get better, I'm glad I'm not resorting to food to comfort me. I just workout and play w/ the pup.

    Take care,

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good morning good morning sixers!!! I know it's not really weigh in day but I have to share because I think I hit something exciting today. I hit the 100s ... for the first time in years and years I weigh less then 200lbs!!! I thought I would write it to you all because then it makes it more real for some reason. WOO HOO!! I love this site and all of you and everyone and everything. :bigsmile: :happy: :laugh: :bigsmile: :happy: :laugh:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Maggie, way to go!!!! WOO HOO!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Congrats Maggie!!!! Keep up the good work. We love to hear accomplishments and you made a great one.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals! worries on over-eating. We all have those days. You will be just fine! :flowerforyou:

    Maggie...AWESOME!!!! :drinker: Keep up the excellent work!

    Rhiannon...we'll miss you the next couple days!:sad:'d LOVE my dentist!:laugh: Too bad about the cracked filling...I have that happen a lot (I have a lot of fillings) and it totally is a bummer.

    Tamm...Way to go not using food as a comfort! And you will make friends there...I'm sure of it!

    Amy(pyr)...Mmmm...Smores...:tongue: *drool*...darn preggo cravings!:grumble: :laugh:

    Cathy...YAY for the car!!!! Now you can get yourself to the gym! That's great!

    Kel...WTG on the mowing! And keeping hydrated is good!

    Melynda and Amy(pdx)...hello! How are ya today?

    Now I'm feeling not so great today and so am leavin early so I must go get some work done. But I'll try and check back later...if not today, then tomorrow! Have a great morning gals!
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Congrats Maggie! WTG:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Oh Maggie, YAY!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Tamm, are there any local groups you can join? I know my area has "young professionals" groups. Maybe you could make a connection with someone at your gym and go out for a coffee or something afterwards? I know it must be hard. Don't give up honey. In the meantime, just post here!!! Since I don't have a job anymore, I am always online. :laugh:

    Today has been great. Made it to the grocery store and put on my mail forward.

    I am such a happy girl. I love my new space. I love everything about it. This place feels like HOME to me.

    I think I may drop cable and buy a couple of the digital rabbit ears. I never watch tv. Like never. The kiddo can manage with PBS and be happy, I'm sure.

    xo sixers!!! HAPPY THURSDAY!!!

    Oh, that reminds me. I MUST remember today is Thursday and tomorrow is Friday because I'm going out with a dear friend to see "My Sister's Keeper". I AM SO EXCITED. I have not been out to see a movie I wanted to see on opening night in at least ten years. I read that book and was enthralled. Highly recommend it!!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hi Sixers,

    My name is Tammy and I just joined today. I am hoping I can join your group since I need plenty of motivation but I am also always enthusiastic about giving it to others and this seems like a great group for that. Not to mention that Maggie is the one who told me about this web site and I see she is a member of this group too.

    As a little bit of intro my start weight is 251 lbs and my goal is 145 lbs. I am married with two young children and work as a technology support analyst.

    Thanks and have a great day!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    afternoon ladies,,,,
    what a day this has been lots of eating (again :indifferent: )
    had to take hubby to work so he could get his truck.
    dog sick, throwing up all night, drinking, won't eat. feeling bad don't have money to take
    dealing with the irs right now. on hold. oh, crap i have to pay this off by the end of year. i will just do the best i can. talk to lawyer about this.

    off to tend to some things and start dinner.

    love ya, cathy
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    welcome tammy. just copy and past and add your name to the last list on here. it's on page 1.

    OH OH OH, CONGRATS DRTAMM FOR THE ONEDERLAND. :drinker: i want onederland :sad:

    OH OH OH, CONGRATS MAGGIE FOR THE ONEDERLAND TOO....:flowerforyou: i want onederland just as badly now. ok, that does it. i am coming watch out onederland.....:glasses:
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member

    Sorry to hear about your dog. To help with the upset stomach it has, feed it cottage cheese and steamed rice for a few days. This should help its tummy calm down. I just finished feeding Whiskey the same diet. She was sick earlier this week. My vet always has me feed her this when she has upsets. Usally its something they ate that they should not have. Hope this helps.

    Welcome Aboard Tammy.

  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Awesome! I am looking forward to being very involved.

    Rhiannon SW 176 lbs / GW 170 lbs / CW 176 lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Kristin SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS growing a baby sixer!
    Cathy SW 217.4 / GW 210 / CW PROGRESS
    Amy (amypyr) SW 152.2 lbs / GW 146 lbs / CW 152.2 lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs
    Amy(pdxmomof2)SW 200 lbs/ GW 188 lbs / CW 200 lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) SW 157lbs /GW 150lbs /CW 157lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Melynda (mam885) SW 158lbs/GW 150lbs/CW 158lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    AmyLou SW 151.4/GW 147/CW 151.4 PROGRESS +/-0.0lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) SW195/ GW 185/ CW 195 PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Maggie (magglett) SW 200 / GW 190 / CW 200 PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Lauryn.... SW 162.5 lbs/GW 156.5lbs/CW 162.5lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Tammy(derocco) SW 251lbs / GW244lbs / CW151lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs

    Take care all,
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    will try that kel. yea, it was after he ate dinner last night it started. he was fine all day. he missed hubby too. he is his dog. now that he works (and days at that) he doesn't sleep all day any more LOL. it could contruibing to his tummy ache. at least he's drinking water. we feed him about 11/2 tbls canned food for dinner everynight. i threw that one out and opened a new one tonight gave him very little and he ate that. just not his dry which is in his bowl all day. he's an inside doggy so i know it's not the heat. will get him some rice going here shortly.
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Cathy You are welcome. I hope this helps.:flowerforyou:

    Hey Everyone did you see the post about Michael Jackson has died???????????

  • mjheinrich
    mjheinrich Posts: 87 Member
    Rhiannon SW 176 lbs / GW 170 lbs / CW 176 lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Kristin SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS growing a baby sixer!
    Cathy SW 217.4 / GW 210 / CW PROGRESS
    Amy (amypyr) SW 152.2 lbs / GW 146 lbs / CW 152.2 lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs
    Amy(pdxmomof2)SW 200 lbs/ GW 188 lbs / CW 200 lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) SW 157lbs /GW 150lbs /CW 157lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Melynda (mam885) SW 158lbs/GW 150lbs/CW 158lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    AmyLou SW 151.4/GW 147/CW 151.4 PROGRESS +/-0.0lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) SW195/ GW 185/ CW 195 PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Maggie (magglett) SW 200 / GW 190 / CW 200 PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Lauryn.... SW 162.5 lbs/GW 156.5lbs/CW 162.5lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Tammy(derocco) SW 251lbs / GW244lbs / CW151lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Martha (mjheinrich) SW135/GW 130/ CW135 PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs

    Hi all, I'd like to join your team as its a good time that you are just starting again. I've been doing fitnesspal for several months now and have stagnated on my last 5 lbs. I have lost 8 so far and have 5 more to go. Not tons but those last few are horrible to get off. I'm very active, a runner, etc but I eat all my exercise calories. Without them I know I wouldn't be able to stay on a 1200 calorie day. I seem to do well with being part of a group to help me be accountable. Looking forward to getting to know you all better.
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