Sixers Turning Up The Heat - Week ONE



  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Cathy You are welcome. I hope this helps.:flowerforyou:

    Hey Everyone did you see the post about Michael Jackson has died???????????


    Yes ... my daughter told me this sad news. Farah and Michael in the same day. Very sad ... it's just not right. God bless their family and their loved ones.
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Welcome aboard Martha. :flowerforyou:

  • Hi, I'd like to join, if that's ok. Um, there's not an age limit to this group or anything is there? I know some of the groups on here do it by age. Just started this site very recently, but I've already lost 2 pounds, yay :)

    oh yeah, here's my addition to the list:
    Rhiannon SW 176 lbs / GW 170 lbs / CW 176 lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Kristin SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS growing a baby sixer!
    Cathy SW 217.4 / GW 210 / CW PROGRESS
    Amy (amypyr) SW 152.2 lbs / GW 146 lbs / CW 152.2 lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs
    Amy(pdxmomof2)SW 200 lbs/ GW 188 lbs / CW 200 lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) SW 157lbs /GW 150lbs /CW 157lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Melynda (mam885) SW 158lbs/GW 150lbs/CW 158lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    AmyLou SW 151.4/GW 147/CW 151.4 PROGRESS +/-0.0lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) SW195/ GW 185/ CW 195 PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Maggie (magglett) SW 200 / GW 190 / CW 200 PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Lauryn.... SW 162.5 lbs/GW 156.5lbs/CW 162.5lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Tammy(derocco) SW 251lbs / GW244lbs / CW151lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Martha (mjheinrich) SW135/GW 130/ CW135 PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs
    Nikki (nightshadow) SW 154/ GW 125/ CW 151 PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs

    Also, I'd just like to add that I went to an exercise class (some kind of weight training class I think) for the first time today, and looked silly because I had no idea what was going on. But I hurt now, so that's good :)
  • mjheinrich
    mjheinrich Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome Nikki,

    To those experienced on this board....
    I"m just getting use to the posting on this board. How do all of you do that. Do you go to 'my topics' on the message boards and just look at the last one posted for Sixers Turning Up the Heat---? Is there any way to have new posts sent to your email or to quickly get back to the end of the thread? It just seems a little clunky to have to go in, find the right topic and get to the most recent messages. I just want to make sure I'm not missing something on using this board.
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hey Sixers!!! Yes I did hear about Michael and its just sad. Life can be so short sometimes. WE should all treasure each moment. Thanks for being such a wonderful group of internet friends. YAY:love:

    Maggie- Congrats on being back in the 100's. It was very exciting for me as well. Don't be like me though, I have been making poor eating choses lately.... I don't know what's going on. I workout alot but thats no excuse. I still need to lose 53 more lbs. Good luck w/ your journey. Welcome to the group

    Lauryn- Thanks a million for the suggestion. Working all day with kids and needing to rush home to play w/ my dog and get a workout in... keeps me being a home body. The gym I attend is very small but I am going to start going out more. I need to mingle. Thanks for the support

    Cathy- You are going to get to ONDerland as well. I'm here to cheer you on!!! YAY...Cathy you can do it! I believe in you. You kept me motivated when I was stuck at 9lbs lost. LOL.

    Tammy- I started out with a goal as large as yours. You can definitely do this. Take each day as it comes and promise to do your best every day. Then tell yourself everyday you will do something special for yourself... even if its just a 15 min stretch. Best wishes and we are here for you :flowerforyou:

    Tiff- Good luck w/ the test!!!! If you happen to peek in on the group! Love you!!

    Welcome Nikki!!!!

    I'm sooooo drained from my personal trainer today. I had to run with a parachute attached to me and make it float as I sprinted 10 times, then do jump squats. I was out of breath for SURE. Somedays are more taxing than others. I'm sore today..... MAN. Anyway, its for a good cause.... ME. I hope everyone has a good evening. I 'm going to try to relax. I'm off tomorrow. I'll be checking back in.

    Take care

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hiya my dears! Just another quick check in but I managed to read up on all the posts on hubby's work laptop.

    WELCOME NEWBIES!!! You'll find everything you need here and no there is absolutely no age limit :wink:

    I'm afraid I must be off but HAD to check in with my Sixers :heart:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Hi ladies. It's late, I'm tired but not sleepy, and my stomach is spasming (pain). Grrrr. I'm eating to make the spasms stop. Double grrr. Gotta stick with what works. At least I'm only eating very slowly.

    Hi Tammy, welcome to MFP and our little Sixer group!!

    Cathy, ONEderland made me confused for a while, but once I figured it out, I laughed. You are so close, lady. Not much longer and you will be there too!!!! Hope the doggie is feeling better.

    Kel, I was SHOCKED to see that MJ died. I didn't realize he was 50 but that is still YOUNG. Never knew he had any medical problems, or maybe he didn't. MJ and Farrah on the same day, Ed McMahon yesterday. They always come in 3s. Creepy.

    Hi Martha and Nikki! Welcome!!!!!

    Nikki, congrats on the class! If you ever question what you are doing, ask that instructor!! They want you to do things right and feel comfortable. If you feel uncomfortable asking during the class, grab them afterwards. I've never had an instructor who minded talking to me or critiquing me.

    Martha, I usually check in My Topics to find this thread. If I can't find it, I go to the Message Boards under Motivation and scan for it. It's usually on the first page. Usually, it's in My Topics. We open a new thread every Tuesday.

    Tamm, sprinting with a parachute on you? :noway: WOW GIRL! That is FANTASTIC!!!!

    Hi Rhiannon! :wink:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Welcome Tammy, Martha, & Nikki! :flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone has had a great day!

    I've been super busy lately (as I think we all have) so I haven't posted much. I'm hoping next week will be different.

    I've been trying to make little daily goals for myself this week, and so far, I've made most of them or come close. I have very rarely gotten all my water in, so that's one daily goal I set for myself. I decided to take a 1 liter bottle of flavored carbonated water with me to work today, so I was able to get 4 glasses in before 1 pm. I remember reading that carbonated water counts also. If I'm wrong, please let me know. :ohwell: I got 7 glasses in today.

    Luckily w/ the pool open, I've been able to get more exercise. We all walked to the pool after hubby got home from work and spent about an hour there. And since hubby was there, I was able to get 3 good laps in.

    Good night!

  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Thanks for the welcome everyone. I am happy and excited to be here. I read Amy's post and the comment about flavoured carbonated water reminded me to ask about Crystal Light and whether or not that is considered water intake or not.

    Would love to hear your input!

    Take care,
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    mornin' mornin'.....

    just a quick check in for me this mornin' just my wake up call to ya'll. so much shocking news on the stars. i grew up with MJ. i will be the big "50" in a few weeks. i remember playing barbies and hearing him(them) on the radio singing "abc":cry:

    going to shower and head to walmart and get a few things with my change jar(didn't know i had so much in that). than come home and make different cookies for DH's lunches. (chocolate chip, oatmeal, nobakes) this is my dream life. he go to work in the morning and i stay home and do housewife duties and he come home and dinner is cooking.(tonight beef taco skillet) corny i know. this is the way i am this is the life i have wanted. it's here. took long enough :bigsmile:

    just heard on the news that when deaths go in threes it's the "elderly, sick, sudden" makes sense. :brokenheart:

    need to get a move on, back when cookies in the oven.

    welcome newbies, we are great group......:bigsmile:

    good luck tiff you can do it. we need better doctors these can be mine.....

    love ya ladies
  • mjheinrich
    mjheinrich Posts: 87 Member
    Not sure what others feelings are on the Crystal Lite, but I count it as water, particularly since it doesn't have caffeine in it which is not so good for dieting. Best to look at it that its certainly better than not drinking at all. I try to get a fair amount of water in, but I slip many days and if Crystal Lite helps get more fluid in, than I'm all for it and it cuts down on the empty stomach feeling as well. Each morning and even I drink Citrucel (fiber drink as I had diverticulitis and surgery last year so for life this is prescribed by my doctor). I do the sugar free kind and also count that toward my daily water intake. Whatever it takes but I know officially that tea, coffee, and softdrinks are not supposed to count...

    I got out there at 6;30 am due to the heat and ran 4 miles with 2 of them being 'tempo' pace or faster than I'm comfortable with. At least it will rev up the metabolism...
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Cathy I too grew up with MJ. I am 11 days older than him. I remember having 16 magazine pictures hanging on the walls of my bedroom of the Jackson 5 and ofcourse the Osmonds. LOL. Reading your posts about the sweet old fashion life and how you are enjoying it. I too share the same type of life. I work early so I am home in the afternoon and do my chores and start dinner before Tony gets home. I love having someone who comes home and appricaites me. I lived as a single parent for many years then when my daughter moved out at 18 I lived by my self for like 6 years. I really didn't know how much I missed having someone around. But thats how I gained so much weight. I love to cook and when Tony and I got together, I started cooking and baking again and of course eating too. By the way how is your puppy dog doing?

    Welcome aboard Nikki:flowerforyou:

    Lauryn I sure hope your feeling better.

    Tamm Wow a parachute that has got to be tough

    Amy Keep up the great work on your goals

    Speaking of goals I will be starting the week end at 154lbs. Hopefully come tuesday I will be less.... I am going to make better choices this weekend than I did last weekend.

    And to all the everyone else Have a Great Weekend!!!!!!!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    martha...i think the drinks are up to you. there are so many different options on that stuff. i think 1/2 of the 8 glasses should be water/water flavored and the other half can be tea, soda what ever. i had learned that in weight watchers years ago. i flavor my water with lemonade packets.

    kel, yes, the osmonds. they were more to my mothers liking. boomer (dog) is a trip. as soon as daddy walked in the door he was a different dog. it's funny cause he started acting sick the night before (he was home) so that didn't cross my mind. today he is his normal self. he is just so attached to DH. now he sees a routine beginning and should be ok. boomer picked his person (DH) from the spca. that's where he came from years ago. we were there to find me a dog for my birthday from his mother. yea right :laugh:

    cookies are all done, now to keep my hands off them. they are bagged and in the pantry. i like my new pantry can't see, can't eat. i have never had one before.

    need to finish cleaning up.
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Well Girls....I am off to a great start today. I just worked out to 3 of my old tapes. The Miracle Mile, and 2 Sweating to the oldies. I am pooped. But will revive here in a minute. I had a cup of cottage cheese for breakfast plus my coffee (black of course). For lunch I will have a green salad with some chicken chunks in it. I use a mango peach salsa for my dressing. (only 20 calories) And for dinner I am going to make turkey burgers and some kind of steamed veggie. So If I can stay on track this weekend I'll be happy on tuesday morning.

    Off to clean the bathroom and get cleaned up myself. Then off to town to the store and bank. Then I am coming home to spend the rest of the day in the pool. Should be close to a hundred degrees today.

  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Hey Sixers....old and new! Hope everyone is having a good day!

    A friend of mine posted this quote on Facebook and I just had to share it with all of you. I am going to put it in my signature for sure. It is so very true!

    Ability is what you are capable of doing
    Motivation determines what you do
    Attitude determines how well you do it

    :flowerforyou: Amy
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Amy great quote!!!!

  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hi All,

    I just got a digital scale today so I might have to adjust my start weight since I have been using my old clunky spin dial one which I know isn’t accurate. I managed to get my family on board with the plan to eat healthier which has been a huge obstacle in the past to me losing weight. So we got groceries today which included lots of fruit and good foods. Yay.

    My son’s birthday party in on Sunday so it will be challenging but I know I can do it!

    Martha – That definitely makes sense regarding the Crystal Lite. I am going to try and cut soda out of my habits which will be hard since I drink a

    Amy – That is a great quote. I really like it and it would definitely make a great signature.

    Have a great weekend all!
    Take care,
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello sixers! I've done great w/ my water (9 glasses) today! But my calories & exercise were bad. We weren't able to go to the pool today because the kids had a playdate during the time we would've gone to the pool. I plan on getting to the pool tomorrow and Sunday. Especially since it's supposed to be 95 here Sunday! :noway:

    I drink a lot of crystal light. I absolutely LOVE their raspberry green tea!

    Kel - lunch & dinner sound yummy! I like the idea of the mango peach salsa as a dressing. I've been trying to eat my salads w/ no dressing, but it obviously can be a little bland that way.

    Have a great night!
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Good Morning Ladies

    Wow everyone must be quite busy this weekend. I miss you all.

    Amy I think you will really enjoy the salsa. I was using cottage cheese as a dressing . But that got really boring too. I tried regular salsa at frist. Then I found this one at the store and thought I would give it a try. And really like it. You can also use dressings by pouring some in a small bowl and dipping your fork in it before you get the salad on it. And you only get maybe a teaspoon that way.

    Well just got back from my walk approx. 2-5 miles. I am not sure what I am going to make for my meals today. I do know I am yoplait light for breakfast

    Hey everyone have a great day!

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing very well! Yay! :drinker:

    I wanted to make a comment about the water intake. When you're counting things as water you shouldn't be including pop (soda) or more than 1 or 2 cups of tea or coffee because these things are dieuretics and act to dehydrate your body. If you drink these things you are actually supposed to consume more water. But you do also get water from milk and high-moisture content fruits and vegetables which counts toward the amount you need. Personally, I just keep a water bottle which I sip on all day and find that when I don't have water I REALLY miss it.

    I'm sorry I can't get more personals in right now - not enough computer time on this borrowed machine! It is SO weird not having a computer and aside from missing you guys, I'm also loving it. Nothing distracting me in the day! It's a darned good thing I decided to stop using the food journal JUST as our computer broke down. If I were relying on my menu and I lost my computer I'd FREAK out!

    Well, enjoy a lovely weekend you guys! We're heading out for a beach picnic by the ocean today at one of the sandy beaches in our city, and tomorrow we're heading to the outskirts of town for a rainforest hike followed by another picnic by a beautiful warm lake near here. MAN I love where I live :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Ciao bellas! :flowerforyou:
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