Got told that I can't exercise in my apartment anymore...



  • DaFrogRibbit
    DaFrogRibbit Posts: 127 Member
    I can see her point. I would try to find out if there is a time that would work for both of you. I really think she is just being a pain, especially with the comment about your dog jumping off the couch. Talk to your landlord for your exact rights. Perhaps one of you could move. I would continue to work out.

    There are those out there that r gonna grip no matter what. She sounds like one to me.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Apartment living is pure hell -- for all involved. You're well within your rights to work out, but it seems like she's going to make your life a bit of a nightmare if you do. The last thing you want to do is develop a bad relationship with someone who can affect your life as much as a bad neighbor can. At least if she's expecting quiet from you, then she probably won't feel justified in cranking her bass up or placing her surround sound speakers on the ceiling.
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    Maybe you should take up the trumpet. Play it loudly and badly for at least 4 hours a day and when she complains about the noise that makes, offer to give up the trumpet if you can do exercise instead! Lol.

    I lovd this idea.. Lmbo..
    My boyfriend has both a trumpet and a trombone! No idea how to play either, but I guess that's the whole point ;) HAHA.
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    You pay rent to and you have the right to enjoy your home. Keep doing what you do and totally ignore them!
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    Talk to your landlord you are allowed reasonable enjoyment of your living quarters and it was 3pm, not 3am.

    your neighbours are in the wrong, don't stop!

    so, her neighbors aren't allowed to enjoy their own apartment in quiet if that's what they want? Last time I checked, things like that work both ways - her neighbors are also allowed reasonable enjoyment of their living quarters, & if the person above them exercising is bothering them, then they have every right to complain

    Also, people don't all work 9 - 5. Some people work the night shift & have to try to sleep through the day.

    ETA: This is a touchy subject for me, as I lived under a child for 4 years (couldn't afford to move) that I swear was fed a diet of pure speed or something... this kid would run from one end of the apartment to the other from 7am until around 11pm or later, & NOTHING could be done about it (we even asked that they just keep her out of the bedroom directly above ours, so we could sleep, because we were both working night shifts at the time, but no luck)
    Due to this, I've now got noise sensitivity issues. I live in a quiet apartment, but on the rare occasion that my neighbors are annoying me, I put my headphones on & blare white noise.

    I have to agree with a lot of what you say here. I always ask specifically for a second story apartment because I don't want to live under noisy neighbors. That said, when I did live over someone, I tried to take note of when she was at work so I could work out then and not disturb her.

    I say the OP should ask the neighbors what time they're at work/gone etc and try to accommodate that if possible.

    It's just a fact that living in an apartment requires you to be more considerate of others than if you lived in a house. I don't think it's right to just say "Eff them!"

    I was beginning to think I was the only one with this opinion
    It bugs me when people are all 'oh, you're completely in the right, ignore the fact that you're annoying the people around you & keep doing exactly what you're doing'
    no, that's not what apartment living is about. if you want to have that attitude, you need to have your own house (& not play your stereo so loud your neighbors can hear it 4 doors down). Noise going into someone else's living space isn't fair to the person who doesn't want that noise, a person who is paying rent just like the person causing the noise. If the person living under the OP feels that the noise is unreasonable, it's not fair to make her live with it. I agree that a compromise should be found (like the OP working out at a different time, or in a different room, or something), but people saying 'do it in cowboy boots' obviously have no respect for people who live around them.

    As for apartment living - you either get to jump around all you want in your apartment (& deal with upstairs neighbors), or you get to not have anyone living above you (& have to be considerate of the people you have living beneath you). You can't exactly have it both ways. It would be nice if people were more considerate, so living under someone wasn't a thing to be specifically avoided

    I mean, don't get me wrong, I understand what it is like to have crappy people living above you. I had to back out of my last lease because the girls above me would party until 4am three-five nights a week and I couldn't deal with it. However, I really don't think that I am asking for something unreasonable. I'm not blaring music. I'm not having 234 people in my apartment. I am exercising for 40 minutes a day, during the middle of the day. I would maybe even be perfectly okay with stopping that completely but she also complained that she can hear my dog jump off of the couch, that my floorboards squeak too much when I walk around, and other things that I cannot help. If she didn't want to hear any noise from above her, she should have moved into a second story apartment. I know for a fact that there are some available because when I was in the office waiting to talk to somebody, a 2nd floor apartment was getting shown to somebody else!

    I also refuse to move out of my apartment. I JUST moved in less than two months ago and it's a $400 fee to move.
  • PosyPods
    PosyPods Posts: 25
    I understand your frustration, but I don't think what you're describing is the case here at all. Exercising for 40 minutes a day is not unreasonable, nor is walking, which the neighbor apparently complained about as well. It's pretty clear (to me anyway) that the neighbor (assuming the OP is accurately describing the situation) is merely over sensitive. Both parties have the right, if you want to call it that, to enjoy their respective spaces, yes. However, that doesn't mean bowing to ridiculous demands (i.e. don't exercise or walk normally). Still, I do agree that the OP should not go out of her way to be extra obnoxious as others have suggested.
  • PosyPods
    PosyPods Posts: 25
    I understand your frustration, but I don't think what you're describing is the case here at all. Exercising for 40 minutes a day is not unreasonable, nor is walking, which the neighbor apparently complained about as well. It's pretty clear (to me anyway) that the neighbor (assuming the OP is accurately describing the situation) is merely over sensitive. Both parties have the right, if you want to call it that, to enjoy their respective spaces, yes. However, that doesn't mean bowing to ridiculous demands (i.e. don't exercise or walk normally). Still, I do agree that the OP should not go out of her way to be extra obnoxious as others have suggested.

    Sorry, that was a reply to this:
    so, her neighbors aren't allowed to enjoy their own apartment in quiet if that's what they want? Last time I checked, things like that work both ways - her neighbors are also allowed reasonable enjoyment of their living quarters, & if the person above them exercising is bothering them, then they have every right to complain

    Also, people don't all work 9 - 5. Some people work the night shift & have to try to sleep through the day.

    ETA: This is a touchy subject for me, as I lived under a child for 4 years (couldn't afford to move) that I swear was fed a diet of pure speed or something... this kid would run from one end of the apartment to the other from 7am until around 11pm or later, & NOTHING could be done about it (we even asked that they just keep her out of the bedroom directly above ours, so we could sleep, because we were both working night shifts at the time, but no luck)
    Due to this, I've now got noise sensitivity issues. I live in a quiet apartment, but on the rare occasion that my neighbors are annoying me, I put my headphones on & blare white noise.
    Edited by ThePunkHippie on Fri 04/27/12 07:51 PM
  • ThePunkHippie
    Talk to your landlord you are allowed reasonable enjoyment of your living quarters and it was 3pm, not 3am.

    your neighbours are in the wrong, don't stop!

    so, her neighbors aren't allowed to enjoy their own apartment in quiet if that's what they want? Last time I checked, things like that work both ways - her neighbors are also allowed reasonable enjoyment of their living quarters, & if the person above them exercising is bothering them, then they have every right to complain

    Also, people don't all work 9 - 5. Some people work the night shift & have to try to sleep through the day.

    ETA: This is a touchy subject for me, as I lived under a child for 4 years (couldn't afford to move) that I swear was fed a diet of pure speed or something... this kid would run from one end of the apartment to the other from 7am until around 11pm or later, & NOTHING could be done about it (we even asked that they just keep her out of the bedroom directly above ours, so we could sleep, because we were both working night shifts at the time, but no luck)
    Due to this, I've now got noise sensitivity issues. I live in a quiet apartment, but on the rare occasion that my neighbors are annoying me, I put my headphones on & blare white noise.

    I have to agree with a lot of what you say here. I always ask specifically for a second story apartment because I don't want to live under noisy neighbors. That said, when I did live over someone, I tried to take note of when she was at work so I could work out then and not disturb her.

    I say the OP should ask the neighbors what time they're at work/gone etc and try to accommodate that if possible.

    It's just a fact that living in an apartment requires you to be more considerate of others than if you lived in a house. I don't think it's right to just say "Eff them!"

    I was beginning to think I was the only one with this opinion
    It bugs me when people are all 'oh, you're completely in the right, ignore the fact that you're annoying the people around you & keep doing exactly what you're doing'
    no, that's not what apartment living is about. if you want to have that attitude, you need to have your own house (& not play your stereo so loud your neighbors can hear it 4 doors down). Noise going into someone else's living space isn't fair to the person who doesn't want that noise, a person who is paying rent just like the person causing the noise. If the person living under the OP feels that the noise is unreasonable, it's not fair to make her live with it. I agree that a compromise should be found (like the OP working out at a different time, or in a different room, or something), but people saying 'do it in cowboy boots' obviously have no respect for people who live around them.

    As for apartment living - you either get to jump around all you want in your apartment (& deal with upstairs neighbors), or you get to not have anyone living above you (& have to be considerate of the people you have living beneath you). You can't exactly have it both ways. It would be nice if people were more considerate, so living under someone wasn't a thing to be specifically avoided

    I mean, don't get me wrong, I understand what it is like to have crappy people living above you. I had to back out of my last lease because the girls above me would party until 4am three-five nights a week and I couldn't deal with it. However, I really don't think that I am asking for something unreasonable. I'm not blaring music. I'm not having 234 people in my apartment. I am exercising for 40 minutes a day, during the middle of the day. I would maybe even be perfectly okay with stopping that completely but she also complained that she can hear my dog jump off of the couch, that my floorboards squeak too much when I walk around, and other things that I cannot help. If she didn't want to hear any noise from above her, she should have moved into a second story apartment. I know for a fact that there are some available because when I was in the office waiting to talk to somebody, a 2nd floor apartment was getting shown to somebody else!

    Honestly, I agree with the other posters in the sense that she's being unreasonable (especially with the dog comment - WTH?)
    BUT, with that said, people saying that she doesn't have a right to enjoy her living space because she lives in the basement just p*ss me off. Basement apartments are generally less expensive, & if I could afford to I would completely live on an island, miles away from all human contact ;D
    (In my situation, I KNOW I'm unreasonable, & I've only complained to my upstairs neighbors twice - both before 8am, & both times they were listening to music so loudly that I could name the song in my bedroom, with the door closed, & it wasn't directly above me)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    No, I don't see why you should move. If it was me, I would give it a day or two to let both of you calm down, then go and talk to her. Tell her that you need to exercise to stay healthy and explain that you are happy to discuss a time frame that suits you both.
    If she isn't willing to discuss or negotiate then I would go to your landlord and ask if they can help with the negotiation.
    If this doesn't help, see if there is a tenants support service near you and ask their advice.
    You both have rights to enjoy your home in peace and quiet and that requires compromise on both sides.
    Good luck!
  • 2kidzlater
    2kidzlater Posts: 134 Member
    You pay your rent. Everyone knows if you take a bottom floor apartment your gonna hear the people above you. It's their problem. If you want to be nice then ask them would be a better time, but if that doesn't work, mention to them they might want to get out for an hour or two around that time.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Someone probably already said this but ask the complex management if you can switch to a downstairs and explain why.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Buy mats to cushion the floor when you land. Make it a double layer of mats and if she still complains, screw her!
  • RahRahRiotSC
    RahRahRiotSC Posts: 29 Member
    I don't know if this has already been said but I would check with your school to see if they have any free exercise classes or a gym to use. Most colleges have a gym or classes... something.

    But I agree. You have a right to enjoy your home. I'm on the other side of your situation. Our neighbors are ridiculously loud... drums, music, parties, screaming fights with girlfriends in the yard craziness. But as long as it's not happening at night or extremely loud then I don't say anything. He has a right to enjoy his space as well. Living in close quarters means having to compromise sometimes. Good Luck to you!
  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 267 Member
    when I was a college student I had the same problem.. My downstairs neighbor complained about EVERYTHING! Even vacuuming! I just went about my business until she finally moved out. She even called the cops on me twice. It is her problem not yours.
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    So summary of suggestions from everybody so far! I can't believe this topic got so much attention. You guys are all so wonderful! :)

    01: Talk to office - Done!
    02: Get floorboards replaced - scheduled for Wednesday!
    03: Talk to woman to try and schedule a time that works for both of us
    04: Stop exercising in apartment
    05: Buy mats
    06: Screw it and do it anyway
    07: Try pilates
    08: Find a better gym
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    There must be 'quiet hours' in your lease. I would talk to your landlord and see what can be worked out. I know you don't want to be at war with your neighbor but she has no right to tell you how you can enjoy your living space.

    Our quiet hours are 8pm-8am, with security getting here at 5pm to start patrolling. I've never worked out later than today, which I started at 2:45pm and would have finished around 3:35ish :/

    My apartment complex has a "gym", which is effectively two treadmills (one broken), two bikes (one also broken), and a few TVs.

    Can you take your DVD to the gym?
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    Maybe you should take up the trumpet. Play it loudly and badly for at least 4 hours a day and when she complains about the noise that makes, offer to give up the trumpet if you can do exercise instead! Lol.

    I lovd this idea.. Lmbo..
    My boyfriend has both a trumpet and a trombone! No idea how to play either, but I guess that's the whole point ;) HAHA.

    I was going to suggest that you buy a pair of cowboy boots............ :tongue:
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    Talk to your landlord you are allowed reasonable enjoyment of your living quarters and it was 3pm, not 3am.

    your neighbours are in the wrong, don't stop!

    I totally agree with this person. Is it possible they are shift workers and sleep during the day?
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    There must be 'quiet hours' in your lease. I would talk to your landlord and see what can be worked out. I know you don't want to be at war with your neighbor but she has no right to tell you how you can enjoy your living space.

    Our quiet hours are 8pm-8am, with security getting here at 5pm to start patrolling. I've never worked out later than today, which I started at 2:45pm and would have finished around 3:35ish :/

    My apartment complex has a "gym", which is effectively two treadmills (one broken), two bikes (one also broken), and a few TVs.

    Can you take your DVD to the gym?
    I went down there to see and there is next to no empty space in the gym. All of the machines are backed up to each other and the wall. I went to the racquetball court and I could use that as long as nobody else needs it for racquetball and it doesn't get ungodly hot during our summer in Florida, haha.
    Talk to your landlord you are allowed reasonable enjoyment of your living quarters and it was 3pm, not 3am.

    your neighbours are in the wrong, don't stop!

    I totally agree with this person. Is it possible they are shift workers and sleep during the day?
    It's possible. She didn't look like she was asleep when she came upstairs to complain (i.e. she had full makeup on and normal street clothes). If she is, she should have mentioned it. I'd be totally okay with switching my workouts to night time.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Does your school have a gym? Mine does and you're free to use it as long as you have your ID with you.
This discussion has been closed.