Got told that I can't exercise in my apartment anymore...



  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Maybe ask them if there is a better time that would work for them. I know it's your schedule too but maybe there is a way to both get what you want.

    She basically told me that she is always hearing noise from up here so she doesn't want to hear it anymore. I tried to call BS on this because I only workout for 40 minutes a day, but she just wasn't going to listen. She even complained about me walking around normally. These apartments are old! Our floorboards squeak.
    Talk to your landlord you are allowed reasonable enjoyment of your living quarters and it was 3pm, not 3am.

    your neighbours are in the wrong, don't stop!

    I actually was thinking about going down to talk to the office, but I wasn't sure if it would helpful or not. I seriously am the most boring college student ever. I'm gone 90% of the day, I have /never/ thrown a party, I'm very light-footed and try to be quiet when I walk... all I do is workout for those 40 minutes!

    Landlord experienced here. If you are not slamming down 50 pound barbells on the floor and just doing a bit of jumping up and down, you are well within your rights of use of the apartment. I would suggest you talk to the neighbor, but if there is no mutual agreement, talk to the landlord. The lower tenant's position sounds, from your description, unreasonable.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Look they should have known what they were getting into before they moved down stairs it comes with the terroitory, and they are way out of line,

    my nahbor tried to tell me to stop but I said no we pay rent so we can live in our apartments, and she has gotton over it,.

    if your not carful and let them bully you they will start to complain about you walking around to much, sitting down to hard blah blah blah
  • CarbAvor
    CarbAvor Posts: 45
    This is a HOT button question... Politely offer to them that you'll gladly turn up your music in an attempt to muffle the sounds :) Follow your lease agreement, they signed one too, if it gets to "battles" leave a message with your super before and after every work out to "time stamp" them. They'll get sick of it and offer them a top floor option, when one becomes available... walking up flights of stairs should mellow them out a bit :) I'm kind of a blunt person so I am sorry if this "plan" does not work for you, but you live in your HOME. You may do as you see fit (inside lease guidlines) with your HOME!
  • bellatrixed
    bellatrixed Posts: 19 Member
    Seriously, your new neighbors suck. Go talk to the office and get it on record that they're unreasonable. Because complaining about walking is unreasonable.
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    Just do it, your not breaking any laws.
    If she knocks on your door again tell her you will call the police because she is harassing you.

    P.S. I am also in Tampa. :D
  • juliekat1955
    juliekat1955 Posts: 67 Member
    That doesn't seem right. Talk to your landlord. 40 minutes isn't that long.
  • grex1949
    grex1949 Posts: 130
    I haven't read the entire thread, so I apologize if someone else has raised this issue. Since these folks "just moved in", they may be trying to set unreasonable standards to make you "walk on eggs" for the rest of your 12 month lease. I think it's important that you bring this to a head sooner, rather than later. It will only get worse if you appease this type of personality.
    You are doing nothing wrong or out of the ordinary. They have no right to complain. They did not rent "stately Wayne Manor", but a first-floor apartment in a multi-unit dwelling. They need to get used to the fact that other people live there, too.
    Did the previous downstairs tenant have any complaints before he/she left?
    Good luck!
  • id talk to your manager about it and dont stop. Thats ridiculous.
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Maybe ask them if there is a better time that would work for them. I know it's your schedule too but maybe there is a way to both get what you want.

    She basically told me that she is always hearing noise from up here so she doesn't want to hear it anymore. I tried to call BS on this because I only workout for 40 minutes a day, but she just wasn't going to listen. She even complained about me walking around normally. These apartments are old! Our floorboards squeak.
    Talk to your landlord you are allowed reasonable enjoyment of your living quarters and it was 3pm, not 3am.

    your neighbours are in the wrong, don't stop!

    I actually was thinking about going down to talk to the office, but I wasn't sure if it would helpful or not. I seriously am the most boring college student ever. I'm gone 90% of the day, I have /never/ thrown a party, I'm very light-footed and try to be quiet when I walk... all I do is workout for those 40 minutes!

    Thats what happens when you move in downstairs! Sigh. If she is unwilling to work with you... than I say screw it and do it anyway!
  • Burlesque12
    Burlesque12 Posts: 177 Member
    F that!!! 3pm is not late or early & its not like your working out all day. Id talk to the landlord about that problem. Its not unreasonable what your doing.
  • maryrr88
    maryrr88 Posts: 76 Member
    Whatever. F*** your neighbor. I have no sympathy for her, and reading your situation actually pisses me off because when I lived with my mom, we lived on a second floor apartment and we had some old guy living below us who thought we were too loud and complained to my mom about it. Seriously, we were out every day from 7:30 am til about 4:30 pm or later due to being working people, while he sat around on his old butt all day! And we were in bed by no later than 10:30 pm anyway so it's not like we were making noise at ridiculous hours. Ugh!! I also disliked him for other reasons besides that, but that's another story. But yeah, he thought we stomped around or something.... and my mom does have a heavy tread but I tried to walk lightly. And yes, we did have some fights and yelling, but again, not at unreasonable hours - I think our complex has later quiet hours, like 9 or 10 pm.

    Now, I've moved out of that apartment (which was actually very nice aside from him) and into my own in the next building with my fiance. I had requested a second floor but they gave us a first floor apartment. I was upset at first, but it turns out our upstairs neighbor has been AWOL since before we moved in. Plus, I think she's an older woman since the upstairs hallway has a sign that says "grandma's place." So, we have no idea who our upstairs neighbor is, but we've been here four months so far with complete silence upstairs... kinda nice! Anyway, good luck with your rude neighbor and keep updating! Sounds like you've already taken some good steps to get the situation under control.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Whatever. F*** your neighbor. I have no sympathy for her, and reading your situation actually pisses me off because when I lived with my mom, we lived on a second floor apartment and we had some old guy living below us who thought we were too loud and complained to my mom about it. Seriously, we were out every day from 7:30 am til about 4:30 pm or later due to being working people, while he sat around on his old butt all day! And we were in bed by no later than 10:30 pm anyway so it's not like we were making noise at ridiculous hours. Ugh!! I also disliked him for other reasons besides that, but that's another story. But yeah, he thought we stomped around or something.... and my mom does have a heavy tread but I tried to walk lightly. And yes, we did have some fights and yelling, but again, not at unreasonable hours - I think our complex has later quiet hours, like 9 or 10 pm.

    Now, I've moved out of that apartment (which was actually very nice aside from him) and into my own in the next building with my fiance. I had requested a second floor but they gave us a first floor apartment. I was upset at first, but it turns out our upstairs neighbor has been AWOL since before we moved in. Plus, I think she's an older woman since the upstairs hallway has a sign that says "grandma's place." So, we have no idea who our upstairs neighbor is, but we've been here four months so far with complete silence upstairs... kinda nice! Anyway, good luck with your rude neighbor and keep updating! Sounds like you've already taken some good steps to get the situation under control.

    This has got to be one of the most vulgar displays of disrespect I have ever read. Getting old is tough on a mind and body, dude. You have no idea what that man's life was all about. I don't know...I'm not saying people should get blanket respect just for being old as dirt but it's at least worth considering. Everything about this just hit my brain wrong.
  • edena1987
    edena1987 Posts: 66 Member
    USF has a gym that is open from 6am-12am M-F (If I remember correctly). It is part of your school tuition...I would utilize those facilities if this is a serious issue. Plus they also have classes!
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I live in a 2nd floor apartment and have received no complaints yet but I feel so self conscious about my workouts and fear I may be disturbing someone below. So I use two very nicely padded workout mats on top of each other and hop and jump on those. It's worked so far.
  • Fri 04/27/12 01:26 PM
    **** 'em. You pay rent, you can do whatever you want in your own apartment. Having to put up with other peoples noise is part of living in an apartment and your neighbors should've thought of that before they decided to move into an apartment. If they don't like it they can GTFO. I mean it's not like you were being unreasonable, it was 3pm.

    This is ABSOLUTELY right!!!!! Don't live in a first floor apartment if you don't like noise from above!! As a matter of fact, they shouldn't live in an apartment! Noise (at reasonable hours) comes with the territory. Go to the office and tell them!!! They will support you!!
  • zzzeldazz
    zzzeldazz Posts: 19
    In every apartment I have lived in the hours between 9pm and 8am were the only times that there were restrictions. During the daytime you should be able to exercise. They should be willing to compromise . Check with your Landlord.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Nope... I wouldn't stop... and being as obstinant and confrontational as I can be I would tell them to eff off... if it was after say 10 PM... then they have a valid point... in the middle of the day... NO WAY!
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    Yeah, you probably shouldnt listen to me because I would tell her off and then spend the year ignoring her petty incessant ramblings.

    You don't see that she is trying to BULLY you?

    I'm gonna bring out an expression my grandfather taught me 20 some odd years ago.

    "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" if she can dish it that b*tch can take it so tell her to kiss your damn a*s and shut her freaking hole.

    Yeah um...I don't take crap from anyone. That's my husbands thing, but I've spent 4 years teaching him to fight for himself and not let people walk all over him. It's a slow process, but hey, it's coming along.

    For the record, we live in an apartment that we OWN (not rent) but I have rented many apartments in the past and there are just some people you can't reason with - and why should you have to? I've had some of the most HORRIBLE neighbors, and 1 horrible landlord who used to use his key to come in to our apartment at all hours of the night and stalk us. So yeah, i've been around - you don't deserve to deal with this womans crap and she just sounds like a bitter, whiny brat who has nothing better to do.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    we had horrible neighbors at the last complex we lived in - we lived on the 2nd & 3rd floor (townhouse style) and the lady below us would complain constantly about the "noise" from our unit. i had kids and cats and she would ***** that the were running around at 7pm.. they werent actually running, but whatever. she accused me of being drunk a few times and tried to call the cops, saying that i attacked her. crazy lady ...she ended up moving across the courtyard from us, and then got evicted not long after.
    the people to the right of us had their bedroom set up in the living room along with a tv with surround sound, and apparently they couldnt sleep unless it was blaring - we had to call the cops on them a few times because the guy would come banging on our door at 3am and threatened to kill my husband because we banged on the wall and yelled at him to turn it down (after asking nicely repeatedly over months). he also told me that if i didnt want to hear his music so loudly during the day, i shouldnt have children... they ended up moving too ;)
    id just keep exercising - if she doesnt want to deal with it she can talk to the office people about moving
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    Lol, I'd put a porn video in, turn it up, make banging headboard sounds and then see if they tell you to stop. If they don't then it ain't about the noise, it's that they are *kitten*.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
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