X-Factor: ST (Weider)

DMUND Posts: 299 Member
Is anyone doing the 8 week X-Factor: ST workout DVD's? Just started....am curious on the calorie burn and how it's working out for you. I know I have been re-aquainted with some muscles I haven't felt in a loooonnnggg time!!!! Any and all information is greatly appreciated!!

~ Thanks


  • jennadelane
    jennadelane Posts: 127 Member
    A few weeks late to this post, but I'll answer anyway. I am on week 6 right now and typically burn ~330 calories in 40 minutes according to my HRM. Your burn could be very different though. I love the program. I've gotten so much stronger and my endurance has improved astronomically. I've stopped getting sore though, but I feel like I'm pushing as hard as I can. I've dropped about 5 pounds so far and have lost some inches. How are you enjoying the program?
  • christyd4
    christyd4 Posts: 191
    I am fixing to start week 2 on this come Sunday, though since I needed to take a week off I might just restart week one but I loved week one I felt like I got a great workout. What are you guys doing for Cardio or are you?
    DMUND Posts: 299 Member
    I stoppd for a week and am back to week 2. However, I thought the DVD's would get harder.....but I am finding that week 2 is easier than week 1. Either that or I have just gotten that much more stronger :)

    I won't get another workout in until at least tomorrow, if not Saturday. These past two weeks have been crazy. Hoping things slow down and I can find more "me-time" starting next week!!

    Keep up the great work ladies.....let me know how you are doing.
  • jennadelane
    jennadelane Posts: 127 Member
    I thought week 2 was easier too, but they do get harder at week 3 if I remember correctly. Then he starts adding more 90 second increments in week 5. I like all of the dvds so far, but some more than others. They all get me huffing and puffing though... and the eye candy in the dvds is quite nice!

    For my cardio days I typically do a TurboFire workout or a Jillian Michaels Kickbox. The past few weeks I've been trying to incorporate the supplemental Weider dvds on my cardio days as well. Thus far I really have only put in the abs dvd about once per week though.
  • jennadelane
    jennadelane Posts: 127 Member
    Just in case anyone is checking this, thought I'd post my results. Finished the program on June 10 (repeated two weeks along the way) and lost a total of 8 pounds and 4.6 total inches on the Weider program. I'm starting again at week one now and adding a bodyrock.tv workout to it as well. Here are my results, I'm pretty happy overall as my tummy is much flatter now and alot of back fat is gone!

  • FitPet
    FitPet Posts: 9
    You look fantastic!! Great work. I especially like your flat stomach :happy:
    DMUND Posts: 299 Member
    Just in case anyone is checking this, thought I'd post my results. Finished the program on June 10 (repeated two weeks along the way) and lost a total of 8 pounds and 4.6 total inches on the Weider program. I'm starting again at week one now and adding a bodyrock.tv workout to it as well. Here are my results, I'm pretty happy overall as my tummy is much flatter now and alot of back fat is gone!


    Great job!!!! You look amazing!
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    Congratulations on your success! You look AWESOME! Thanks for sharing and inspiring!
  • dustyandjoey

    I did the X Factor ST and loved it. I am 57 and did not want to spen a fortune on the PX90 or Insanity. X Factor ST worked for me - lost 15 lbs (also watched what I ate). My husband even can see the big difference. The price was right and if I don't have time for the whole program, I just go through the 1st and 2nd set (12 exercises) Love it. I am done with the course but I keep doing along with other DVDs, going to the gym 2-3 times per week and swimming 1 day.
  • jennadelane
    jennadelane Posts: 127 Member

    I did the X Factor ST and loved it. I am 57 and did not want to spen a fortune on the PX90 or Insanity. X Factor ST worked for me - lost 15 lbs (also watched what I ate). My husband even can see the big difference. The price was right and if I don't have time for the whole program, I just go through the 1st and 2nd set (12 exercises) Love it. I am done with the course but I keep doing along with other DVDs, going to the gym 2-3 times per week and swimming 1 day.

    Hi dustyandjoey! Our pictures are actually not the same, DMUND just "quoted" my post (its a good way to directly address a particular post) like I did yours!

    I love XFactor and I wish more people knew about it, but apparently we're a small (but very intelligent!) group! Glad to know its working for other people. I keep it in my rotation to do at least twice a week to maintain my progress! Great job with the results!
  • labrown17
    labrown17 Posts: 7
    I have been periodically doing this workout. I have been in shape and wanted a challenge, so I skipped to week 7 and 8 and alternate between those two. The total body workout dvd is A KILLER! Holy moly, they cram a killer session into 25 minutes. I am wondering how much you all burn during this workout. I have seen that some people burn up to 600-700 in the forty minutes, but I have just been logging it as vigorous calisthenics here. I have those last 10 lbs to loose and they aren't wanting to come off! Any tips?
  • jennadelane
    jennadelane Posts: 127 Member
    I have been periodically doing this workout. I have been in shape and wanted a challenge, so I skipped to week 7 and 8 and alternate between those two. The total body workout dvd is A KILLER! Holy moly, they cram a killer session into 25 minutes. I am wondering how much you all burn during this workout. I have seen that some people burn up to 600-700 in the forty minutes, but I have just been logging it as vigorous calisthenics here. I have those last 10 lbs to loose and they aren't wanting to come off! Any tips?

    Haven't tried the total body dvd, I actually forgot about it! Must try! I burn an average of 330 calories for one workout according to my heart rate monitor (including warmup and cooldown). The people that burn 600-700 must have a lot of weight to loose as its nearly impossible to burn over 100 calories per 10 minutes if you are near goal weight.

    My last 15 have been shifting really well with this series (I've been done for a few weeks now but still continue with random dvds in the series a few days a week), though I do typically add on another 15 minutes or so of bodyrock.tv workouts to make it a full hour. My only advice would be with your calorie intake. It took me a while to figure out where my calorie intake should be to loose weight but still have energy. 1200 was way to low for me and I couldn't loose weight on that plan. I eat about 1500 calories per day now (I'm 5'7" and currently 134) and find that to be pretty sustainable and easy. It might take some experimenting, but you'll get there! Good luck!
  • jsundstrom24
    I found this to be a great addition to my weight loss program. I am starting week 6. Down almost 13 pounds. My husband is down 20 (darn men). I work out each week series on average 5 times a week. Love that it's only 30-40 min and has modification version for the areas I am weaker. Def stronger/more stamina. Wish I kept up with my measurements and took pics to see improvement. Best of luck with your goals but this is def worth the $$.
    DMUND Posts: 299 Member
    Great job everyone!! I have been bad at getting this workout in. It's been so nice I've been either riding bike, walking or running. I actually can't wait for fall/winter when I'm stuck inside and can get reaquainted with my DVD's!!! So proud of all of you!
  • RyanCiurzynski
    Today I just completed day #1 of the xfactor. I wanted to get into something that is both challenging and less time consuming right now in order to prepare myself for a round of the P90x. Right now all I can say is that I am really out of shape. I'm hopeful that this will get me going in the right direction. If I can just keep the motivation going I can see that this will be a good start. Good luck to the rest of you!!
  • RyanCiurzynski
    Oh my!! Did the AB DVD today on day #2 and boy did that whip my keester!! Not only do I have a VERY weak core but I have insane lack of flexibility as well. Gonna be a long haul but these DVD's will do the trick!!
  • JulieSchilling
    JulieSchilling Posts: 15 Member
    I just one this in a raffle- and I'm very, very out of shape, I figure I'll try the dvds w/ the modifications needed to not keel over until I build some stamina- thanks to all of you for posting- I'm very encouraged!
  • about_time_4_change
    about_time_4_change Posts: 25 Member
    I am going to be starting day three of week 1 tonight when I get home from work. The first day I was super sore, but I LOVE this program! I have about 40 pounds to go and hope this is going to help me.
  • megmr42
    megmr42 Posts: 2 Member
    I also just started this -I really love this workout. Hoping I can stay motivated and do the whole program!
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    Re-starting this thread, in case anyone wants to join me for a 8 week round of X-Factor. I was pretty consistent with my workouts until 5 months ago and then life took over, and I want to resume things to lose my last 15#.