I weigh every day :/



  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I don't think hiding the scale is the answer if you do the hiding. Never know many times I can't find things when I put them away. LOL Anyway, I do not have a scale in the house simply because it can ruin my whole attitude for the day. Hope you can find a solution to your dilemma.:ohwell:
  • Katie1951
    Katie1951 Posts: 314 Member
    I weigh (and record) every day too, and there's nothing unhealthy about it.

    It's the obsessing part that's a problem. :smile: For me, I know there will be fluctuations of several pounds, and accept that. I just keep logging my morning weight, and am happy to see a new low once in a while.

    Keep in mind that the short term fluctuations are just water; your body retains different amounts based on how much water you drink (more is better), how much sodium was in the food you ate (less is better, but you can drink even more water to make up for higher than usual sodium), how much strenuous exercise you did, menstrual cycle, and who knows what else. At some point, your level of water retention will go down again, and you'll get a peek at how much of your weight from fat / muscle has come off.

    Because I am watching my sodium I weigh daily but understand that if I gain a pound over night it's water retention and don't worry about it. Just drink more water. Don't obsess about it.
  • kelly110288
    I'm definitely a serial offender at that. And sometimes more than once a day but I only log my weight first thing on a monday morning. The rest of the week I like to know i'm on the right track but if I am doing well then I feel I can treat myself. My target for next week post monday morning weigh in is to hide the scales and not use them till the following monday in aim that if i'm not weighing myself I have to really try hard for the week.
  • court617
    court617 Posts: 65
    I don't know if those 1.3 was water weight... I drink a lot of water and have been working on keeping my sodium pretty low. Are there other causes for water retention? I even weigh in mornings after I don't go for a run in case I don't hydrate enough right after. It's interesting. I'm paying attention to everything. I'm just getting frustrated that I'm not seeing changes. I know that I will, but I've been eating better and working out for about a month now. And I have no idea how much I've lost, if anything!

    Do you keep track of the lowest weight of the week? Is that your real weight? Or is an average of the week? 163.3 on a Wednesday and then 164.6 on a Saturday doesn't seem possible. Should I assume 163.3 is more accurate and I just did something wrong yesterday?

    When the weight goes up it makes me want to just give up and order pizza and enjoy life instead of counting calories and paying attention to things like that. I know that's ridiculous, and I won't actually do that. But it takes a lot to NOT.
  • court617
    court617 Posts: 65
    And I'm really glad I'm not the only one with these questions. AND that there are plenty of people with opinions on it!
    Thanks! And thanks for starting this topic!
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    I weigh myself several times a day. I understand how my body works and what normal fluctuations for my body is like so when I see the number go up a few pounds, I know not to freak out. The reason why I weigh myself so much is more for curiosity's sake because I am curious about how my weight changes after eating or drinking a certain amount. (I've come to find what I eat affects my weight more than the actual volume for instance)

    I think if you come to understand that your weight will never be consistent when you are weighing yourself so frequently and that it is such a small factor in your overall health, then it may not be such an obsession. Easier said then done, I know.
  • 2cherryblossoms
    2cherryblossoms Posts: 9 Member
    I always weigh myself every day first thing in the morning before I get dressed and sometimes when I get home from work as well. I find that I do better and can manage my weight when I do. If I noticed that I gained 2 lbs. I could make adjustments in my diet before I gained more but if it was only 1/2 to 1 lb it was more likely water weight.
  • jillyjelly
    jillyjelly Posts: 148 Member
    try to hold off and weigh yourself on the same day - it is hard and I catch myself
  • dianacrum
    dianacrum Posts: 67
    Do you take measurements at all??
    I also weigh everyday now and it helps me to stay motivated. I KNOW the scale will fluctuate, so that makes me ok with the changes I see! Since I do weigh everyday, I usually take my "average" for the week as my actual loss; it's very similar to those who like to watch their average calories for the week...but mine is the scale :)
    I have taken measurements and I like that route as well because there are weeks when I either don't loose or gain, but my measurements are a great loss! Not only that, but measurements are good because I make my husband do it for me and it's a pain in the butt compared to just jumping on the scale....therefore I can't do it often because of those variables!!
  • Oops25
    Oops25 Posts: 68 Member
    I weigh myself multiple times a day ! In fact, everytime I go to the bathroom :P LOL, it is a bit too much but its not because i'm obsessed with it.. It's more like a routine to just step on it everytime I see it. However the only one which really matters to me is the early morning one..I give myself a margin of additional 5 pounds through the day, anything beyond it, I know something is wrong ! So I haven't made any resolutions or attempts to check my weight only once a week, I believe checking it daily just gives me the peace of mind that I am on track..
  • leann74016
    leann74016 Posts: 242 Member
    I do daily or every other day. It actually helps me to see where I am and if I need to adjust things throughout the week to help my weight loss. I see nothing wrong with it.
  • saynotofat
    I have had a love/hate relationship with my scale for years and years. Since joining MFP a few weeks ago, I've been really trying to stay off the scale except for once a week, and maybe sneak in an extra one somewhere in between. :) My mom asked me to please stay off the scale for her so I'm trying really hard. She knows how it affects me. I'm obsessed with the numbers and what it reads can make or break my day.
  • erintheinfj
    erintheinfj Posts: 28 Member
    I weigh myself everyday too - twice actually - once in the morning and one more time before I go to bed. I use Tuesday AM as my official (tracked) weigh-in, but find that seeing the daily fluctuations keeps me more focused. As soon as I stop weighing daily, I find myself getting more relaxed in my food & exercise choices and then when I do step back on, the weight is up.

    I am the exact same way. I know I usually gain about 1.5-2lbs during the day and I lose about 1.5-2lbs during the night. So if the number is 2+lbs at night then I feel more prepared for a higher number the next day and won't beat myself up over the number. I just work out harder at the gym to make up for the gain from the day before. And I do my damnest not to obsess over the number(s), which I think is the most important part. :)