eating at night



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    plan it out so you have plenty of calories left at the end of the day, and then have at it.
  • SuzieZimm
    SuzieZimm Posts: 238 Member
    I have the same problem, but for me it's not so much the late-night eating as much as it is just the psychology of eating after having hit the "complete entry" button.
    I'm less inclined to log stuff i snack on in the small hours of the morning because I've already hit "complete", so in my mind those extra snacks don't feel like real, extra food.
    (Though I could justify late night snacks by saying that the calories I burn in hanging out at a bar and walking around downtown cancel out the foods, if I would otherwise be sleeping at that time and slowing down my!)
  • siobhano_
    siobhano_ Posts: 101
    I save up calories for some nighttime peanut butter munching. It's worth it to have less dressing on my salad or less nuts during the day to be able to enjoy a snack at 9 or 10pm. Whenever you eat, it's the same calories
  • mjanemorgan
    mjanemorgan Posts: 43 Member
    i have that problem too. for me it's mostly boredom or if i havent eaten enough in the day. so I try to fill myself up at dinner with extra of the healthier stuff like veg and try to keep busy in the evenings by studying or reading,etc. if i end up eating i try to only have healthy snacks in the house like nice fruit or low fat pro-biotic yoghurts (which are apperntly meant to help you lose more weight because they help digestion) or a big cup of tea with low fat milk and sweetener. good luck! :)
  • janeseal
    janeseal Posts: 7
    Hi, yes I have this problem. I allow myself a ryvita or two with a hot drink. If I still feel like I need more I have a piece of fruit. I find that if I have done some good exercise my mind set eventually will n ot allow me to over eat as it would undo all my hard work. Your will power will build up and you will then have control of your eating.
  • feliz1
    feliz1 Posts: 29
    I too have that same problem and weakness but I have read a lot of good ideas especially drinking water. I am still trying to increase my water intake but by the time I get to my fourth bottled water I get very sick to my stomach. Hopefully that will pass. Good luck on your journey and thanks for posting this topic, I can't wait to try some of the ideas posted.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    Deepak Chopra says that at 10 am and 10 pm the Pitta time begins. We are hungry and awake, stimulated. This is from Ayurveda philosophy. If you go to bed before 10 you will avoid it. I believe it! I told my sister and she does too. Also, have you noticed that you might be sleepy and 9 p.m. but if you stay up much past 10 p.m. you get a "second wind." That would be the Pitta stimulating influence too. According to Ayurvedic the day and night are divided into 3 types of periods. Pitta, Kapha and Vata.
  • janeseal
    janeseal Posts: 7
    Hi, yes I have this problem. I allow myself a ryvita or two with a hot drink. If I still feel like I need more I have a piece of fruit. I find that if I have done some good exercise my mind set eventually will not allow me to over eat as it would undo all my hard work. Your will power will build up and you will then have control of your eating.
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    Deepak Chopra says that at 10 am and 10 pm the Pitta time begins. We are hungry and awake, stimulated. This is from Ayurveda philosophy. If you go to bed before 10 you will avoid it. I believe it! I told my sister and she does too. Also, have you noticed that you might be sleepy and 9 p.m. but if you stay up much past 10 p.m. you get a "second wind." That would be the Pitta stimulating influence too. According to Ayurvedic the day and night are divided into 3 types of periods. Pitta, Kapha and Vata.

    I love Ayurveda! I first heard about it from Deepak as well. Lots of good info and I totally believe it, it fits.