Strength Training... UGH :|

So, I need advise on exercising. I could walk/jog on my treadmill for hours. But, I know I need to start strength training on a regular basis too. The problem is I absolutely hate it. Too bad yoga doesn't count as strength training.:P I'm wondering how many times a week and for how long do you do strength training? And, if you've found a way for it to be fun or at least not hate it, I'd love to know your secret.Thanks for any help.


  • kfox15
    kfox15 Posts: 97 Member
    I highly recomend buying/ renting The New Rules of Lifting for Women. Really easy read and it basically lays out exactly what you are supposed to do
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    3 X a week, start off slow and build it up, it will be worth your time, toned muscles happen pretty quickly
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Almost everyone hates strength training at first. Then, once they see 3x the results in 1/2 the time as all the cardio they'd been doing, they usually change their mind. Some still hate it...but many end up loving it.

    The New Rules's an ok start...there's some poor information in there in my opinion, but it's definitely better than nothing. Stronglifts 5x5 and Starting Strength are good options.

    As for how often, 3x a week max if you're doing any of the above around an hour a day. Skip cardio completely those days, other than a 10-15min warmup (I actually do one 4min round of Tabata for my if you can handle it that would be an acceptable substitute).

    DON'T BE SCARED OF WEIGHT!! Seriously, you can't bulk up because you don't have the testosterone, and really is incredibly productive for burning fat.
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    What do you hate about it? Do you find it boring? Too challenging? Not like the specific exercise you've tried? Depending upon what it is you don't like we may be able to offer suggestions.

    For me personally, I hated push-ups and upper body exercises because I am weaker in the upper body. Forced myself do do the best I could through P90X...10 weeks later my strength has definitely improved and I don't struggle as much. Now I like it because I feel strong and can see muscle definition in my arms!
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    He is absolutely right
  • ummommyme
    ummommyme Posts: 362 Member
    Strength training does not just mean lifting weights. Bodyrock workouts and zwow( you tube) are all addicting and bodyweight exercises. There are modifications for most things to work at your level. There are so many and i feel lots of fun and hard to do.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I always have this thought in the back of my head about dropping a weight on myself. I love bench presses because they're easy and I love feeling the soreness in my arms, but other then that, I just don't seem to have the motivation to push myself, especially when it comes to my legs. I need some simple home workouts that will help strengthen my core and lower body.
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    I used to hate it too, I was a total cardio bunny. Now I love it. For me there is nothing more exciting then putting on my headphones and maxing out with the weights. I can't think of a way to make it fun for you, try to not think of it as something you HAVE to do, but something you WANT to do, even if you don't. Also, if you are just starting out, I recommend 3 times a week for weight training. I have a 3 day split, so sunday/wednesday I do chest and shoulders, monday/thursday I do arms, and tuesday/friday I do legs and back.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I've done new rules of lifting for women and really like it. I've also looked into starting strength which I had considered doing next but now I'm leaning towards one of the other new rules books. Right now I'm reading You Are Your Own Gym that uses all body weight instead of the gym (I'm having trouble finding regular opportunities to get to the gym lately and am looking for programs I can do at home). If you can't get to a gym, that may be something to consider. You should be able to find those books at a library so you can read them before spending any money on the books. Otherwise, there is all kinds of stuff online. What I like about New Rules and You Are Your Own Gym (and I believe Starting Strength, although I haven't read that info thoroughly), is that they give you a program to follow, which is really helpful when you are just starting out and don't really know how to develop your own program. Whatever you do, I think it's important to change things up every several weeks. The New Rules and You Are Your Own Gym do that in their programs for sure - not sure about any of the other options though.
    Good luck! I hope you find something you will enjoy!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    What are you doing that you hate it? I love the big compound lifts, going up in weight often, feeling like a bad *kitten* when you walk into the boys section, seeing my muscles in the mirror when I lift....

    I'm doing Strong Lifts 5x5. There's a woman's group here.
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    Almost everyone hates strength training at first. Then, once they see 3x the results in 1/2 the time as all the cardio they'd been doing, they usually change their mind. Some still hate it...but many end up loving it.

    The New Rules's an ok start...there's some poor information in there in my opinion, but it's definitely better than nothing. Stronglifts 5x5 and Starting Strength are good options.

    As for how often, 3x a week max if you're doing any of the above around an hour a day. Skip cardio completely those days, other than a 10-15min warmup (I actually do one 4min round of Tabata for my if you can handle it that would be an acceptable substitute).

    DON'T BE SCARED OF WEIGHT!! Seriously, you can't bulk up because you don't have the testosterone, and really is incredibly productive for burning fat.

    His right. I work out with my trainer 2x a week and I do Zumba 2 to 3x a week. I'm a huge fan of kettlebell. There are so many kinds of exercise you can do at home with it. You can start out with a light weight and work your way up. Just make sure someone who is certified on kettlebell teaches you the proper way to swing it etc..once you start to see some definition coming in, u become addicted and want more lol

    Best of luck and feel free to add me!

  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I always have this thought in the back of my head about dropping a weight on myself. I love bench presses because they're easy and I love feeling the soreness in my arms, but other then that, I just don't seem to have the motivation to push myself, especially when it comes to my legs. I need some simple home workouts that will help strengthen my core and lower body.

    In my profile I have a stupidly effective home bodyweight strength training program listed out. If it looks interesting...and you have questions...feel free to PM me. That goes for anyone else as well.

    Also...for the record...that program lost me just under 40lbs in 3mos....working out only 3x a week.
  • Kensingtyn
    Kensingtyn Posts: 5 Member
    I'm obviously new to this whole site. Found out you can't just simply reply to an individual post, your response just goes to the bottom. Kind of annoying, but workable.

    Anyway, thanks for all of the info. I really appreciate all the information on different strength training exercise possibilities.

    KFox, I'm definitely going to check out that book next time I'm donating.

    CrisA: So, I'm definitely taking a look at this workout you have on your profile. Anything that can get results like that in only 3 months, I'm very interested. That's awesome! Thanks!
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I have a split so that I work something every day with one rest day a week. Thats because I love it though and like to have something to work on everyday. :) I'm usually in the gym for an hour and a half. I hated it for a while at first too but started to love it after sticking with it and getting stronger.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I wouldn't say I hated it in the beginning, but I certainly didn't have much interest in it.

    Once I started and saw the lifts going up, and results coming along quicker than cardio ever did, I was addicted! Since then I've just loved it more and more!

    As others have mentioned:
    Stronglifts 5x5
    Starting Strength

    Once you get started on a decent program, and start seeing the changes come faster, it's a great feeling. :smile:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I always have this thought in the back of my head about dropping a weight on myself. I love bench presses because they're easy and I love feeling the soreness in my arms, but other then that, I just don't seem to have the motivation to push myself, especially when it comes to my legs. I need some simple home workouts that will help strengthen my core and lower body.

    Find a spotter?
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I'm obviously new to this whole site. Found out you can't just simply reply to an individual post, your response just goes to the bottom. Kind of annoying, but workable.

    Anyway, thanks for all of the info. I really appreciate all the information on different strength training exercise possibilities.

    KFox, I'm definitely going to check out that book next time I'm donating.

    CrisA: So, I'm definitely taking a look at this workout you have on your profile. Anything that can get results like that in only 3 months, I'm very interested. That's awesome! Thanks!

    Just click the Quote button to reply to an individual post.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Pole dancing as the most exciting strength building exercise ever. ....Not as good of results as pure lifting, but definitely full of awesomeness. Plus you get to mix in cardio with it, so it's like a one stop fitness shop. ;)
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I always have this thought in the back of my head about dropping a weight on myself. I love bench presses because they're easy and I love feeling the soreness in my arms, but other then that, I just don't seem to have the motivation to push myself, especially when it comes to my legs. I need some simple home workouts that will help strengthen my core and lower body.

    Find a spotter?

    *sigh* not seriously. Its just one of those things, like tripping when walk across the stage for your diploma or falling over the railing of a tall building. Come on people, you think I actually lift weights alone?
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I always have this thought in the back of my head about dropping a weight on myself. I love bench presses because they're easy and I love feeling the soreness in my arms, but other then that, I just don't seem to have the motivation to push myself, especially when it comes to my legs. I need some simple home workouts that will help strengthen my core and lower body.

    Find a spotter?

    *sigh* not seriously. Its just one of those things, like tripping when walk across the stage for your diploma or falling over the railing of a tall building. Come on people, you think I actually lift weights alone?

    haha, I do.