Strength Training... UGH :|



  • scriehl
    scriehl Posts: 94 Member
    Do you go to a gym? If so, try a lifting class. Those are really fun and you will also learn good body form and technique as well. I would say it's good to strength train 2-3 times a week. Good luck!
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  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member

    Absolutely worth starting now, regardless of your wedding!!

    In terms of whether you will see results, it really depends on what results you want to see and where you are now. If you are already lean and just need to build muscle your results will show a little more than if you're talking about weight-loss results first. Either way though, just start today!!

    Thanks for the advice.

    As for where I am. I'm happy enough with my weight, but could do with reducing bodyfat percentage, so I'm still eating at a small deficit (.5 pounds a week technically but in reality I don't stick to that and go over a bit).

    What I'm looking for is more definition, when the bodyfat is low enough to see it I want there to be something to see! Toning basically. Also, just for strength reasons. We're going on a fairly strenuous 10 week trip through Africa for the honeymoon. There'l be backpacks, trekking to see gorillas etc. I want to be fit enough to enjoy it, rather than writhing in pain!

    Definately do it, check out the Success stories thread, there are quite a few which are spcifically about short-term gains as a result of weight-training!

    I'd link a couple but I've gotta run to my Olympic Lifting session :)