Having a private diary seems so counter-productive to me....

We are all here for a common goal...to get healthier! Whether that means you have weight to lose ( like me...) or you just want to define yourself further after a successful journey...

So I am trying to figure out WHY some people keep their diets private? I don't understand. I think by opening it for all, or at least your friends, opens up a missed opportunity if you have it closed!

Those that have their diets open and have been successful, some losing HUNDREDS of pounds, gives us (the ones that are just starting and needing to learn and lose) so much info by peeking at your food diaries! Or, like me, and clueless or not, have your diary open, and not making the best choices, but having it open, others can HELP you! I can not count how many people have offered suggestions as to what would be some better choices as far as protein, or what my carbs should be....

NOT judging, but for those that have your diaries private, what is the reasoning? I dont think the fear of ridicule for a bad day is an excuse... WE ALL HAVE THOSE DAYS! And on those days, my friends have rallied around me more than usual...and that's motivating..... just my 42 cents worth! Happy Saturday!


  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I keep my profile/diary open to all

    I want to help as many people as I can. They can add me as a friend or not, but I always have an ear out.

    I do not track on weekends though :)
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I keep my profile/diary open to all

    I want to help as many people as I can. They can add me as a friend or not, but I always have an ear out.

    I do not track on weekends though :)

    WHY do you think I sent you a friend request? :) And thank you for keeping it open! CHECK OUT my protein for the day! Listening to ya!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I keep mine private because its a diary which is personal to me. Sometimes, I do open it up. When I'm eating terrible I lock it again. Sounds crazy but I dont want to feel like I have to eat a certain way to keep a good log. When I know I'm the only one seeing it, I log absolutely everything. If it was always public I might be swayed to add junk food as quick calories. So far i've logged everything for almost 300 days :smile:
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I keep mine private because its a diary which is personal to me. Sometimes, I do open it up. When I'm eating terrible I lock it again. Sounds crazy but I dont want to feel like I have to eat a certain way to keep a good log. When I know I'm the only one seeing it, I log absolutely everything. If it was always public I might be swayed to add junk food as quick calories. So far i've logged everything for almost 300 days :smile:

    GREAT job at logging so faithfully... I still dont understand why you wouldnt keep open... is it b/c people give you crap about how little/ or too much you are eating? Thats the reason I keep mine open... I want the feedback from the success stories so one day I can be the success story... not arguing.. I really do just want to understand! Thank you for responding!
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I'm not worried about people seeing a binge day (I don't have them); I know that people are extremely judgmental of even healthy diets that do not match their own and I don't want to deal with it. If you spend two minutes randomly flipping through forum posts, you'll have no trouble finding people whining and criticizing and blatantly insulting others who don't happen to meet their standards for what a diet is supposed to look like. Pretty much daily, I see people with perfectly healthy diets accused of eating disorders, starving themselves, making stupid unhealthy choices, and so on. And those people eat a lot like I do.

    Honestly, I don't need help. I know what I'm doing. The last thing I need is a bunch of self-righteous food police who know nothing about me or my circumstances calling me names and telling me I'm an idiot. Don't get me wrong, I recognize that the majority of people aren't like that, but I'm not willing to open myself up to abuse from those who are.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I keep my profile/diary open to all

    I want to help as many people as I can. They can add me as a friend or not, but I always have an ear out.

    I do not track on weekends though :)

    WHY do you think I sent you a friend request? :) And thank you for keeping it open! CHECK OUT my protein for the day! Listening to ya!

    good job! Protein is harder to get in than carbs, but it will treat your body much better! :)
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    My diet is very heavily ethnic, and wouldn't make sense to someone that isn't familiar with food from my part of the world. It wouldn't be helpful to pretty much anyone else, quite honestly.
  • relocatedcowboy
    I keep my profile open no mater what I did, so that people can tell me if I need to get of my *kitten* or hey take a break. It also keeps me accountable, if I want to eat something I shoudnt I better be willing to get the comments from people. MY 2.

    S have a great night.
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I'm not worried about people seeing a binge day (I don't have them); I know that people are extremely judgmental of even healthy diets that do not match their own and I don't want to deal with it. If you spend two minutes randomly flipping through forum posts, you'll have no trouble finding people whining and criticizing and blatantly insulting others who don't happen to meet their standards for what a diet is supposed to look like. Pretty much daily, I see people with perfectly healthy diets accused of eating disorders, starving themselves, making stupid unhealthy choices, and so on. And those people eat a lot like I do.

    Honestly, I don't need help. I know what I'm doing. The last thing I need is a bunch of self-righteous food police who know nothing about me or my circumstances calling me names and telling me I'm an idiot. Don't get me wrong, I recognize that the majority of people aren't like that, but I'm not willing to open myself up to abuse from those who are.

    Ok, i respect this answer... thank you. I guess i dont know what i am doing and dont let any critism bother me...My diary is open to my friends only... and if they are abusive, I get rid of them! PERIOD... I just think I can learn a lot from some, and some can learn from me...but respect your answer.. thank you!
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I had my diary private for a while because I got tired of people deciding they could comment on it for stuff like: I need to get more water (I don't log my water), soo many calories (yeah, well I'm on a bulk... finding what works for me.), or commenting on silly things like how eggs can be 'bad' for you and that crap. I know how I should be eating and I keep the diary on here for my purposes to keep track of calories and macros. Not for other people's feedback.

    I don't really see how many can be helpful on here anyways. I'll see so many people way under their calorie goal and eating very few calories, yet people comment on it saying congrats and 'way to go'... Seems a lot of bad habits are just reinforced...

    Thats just my take on it though. :) I currently have my diary open or at least open to friends on here.
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I keep my profile open no mater what I did, so that people can tell me if I need to get of my *kitten* or hey take a break. It also keeps me accountable, if I want to eat something I shoudnt I better be willing to get the comments from people. MY 2.

    S have a great night.

    I guess the accountability thing is what i am in a round about ( really round about!!!!) point I am trying to make....You have a great night too sweetpea!
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Ok, i respect this answer... thank you. I guess i dont know what i am doing and dont let any critism bother me...My diary is open to my friends only... and if they are abusive, I get rid of them! PERIOD... I just think I can learn a lot from some, and some can learn from me...but respect your answer.. thank you!
    You're welcome, glad it made sense, haha. :smile:

    Thought of one other reason: while I know that my diet is healthy for me, I don't advocate it for others. I would prefer if everyone developed a diet and exercise plan that works for them rather than trying to copy some other program, whether that be reading a book, buying a prepacked system, or following someone else's diary. I'd feel awful if someone ended up hurting themselves or their progress trying to copy what I do. I'm happy giving general advice about food ideas if someone asks, but I stop short of giving any details or numbers.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    Mine is open. I keep it that way, so that my friends on here can call me on my BS when I do stupid things. Sometimes, I get caught up in eating so much less, it just keeps going down, till Im eating nothing and don't realize I've taken it to like 1200-1400 cals a day. I want my friends to be all like "whoa girl!".

    But I can see where for some, this is a personal journey. Something they want to do on their own, not sharing it with anyone, and that's fine too. I lost a damned bit of weight like this, with no one seeing what I ate simply because the site I used back then, didn't have "sharing" of the diaries.

    It's all preference. It's like asking why someone will eat ice cream when they're trying to lose weight. Ice cream can certainly be part of a healthy balanced diet, in moderation. And privacy works the same way.

    I guess what I'm saying is that I dont think everyone needs that kind of accountability to succeed. Some can have accountability in other ways, like sticking their ticker below in their posts. I don't do this, cause I'm a lazy hoar whos entirely too lazy to click the settings button, and I don't need that accountability, kwim?
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I had my diary private for a while because I got tired of people deciding they could comment on it for stuff like: I need to get more water (I don't log my water), soo many calories (yeah, well I'm on a bulk... finding what works for me.), or commenting on silly things like how eggs can be 'bad' for you and that crap. I know how I should be eating and I keep the diary on here for my purposes to keep track of calories and macros. Not for other people's feedback.

    I don't really see how many can be helpful on here anyways. I'll see so many people way under their calorie goal and eating very few calories, yet people comment on it saying congrats and 'way to go'... Seems a lot of bad habits are just reinforced...

    Thats just my take on it though. :) I currently have my diary open or at least open to friends on here.

    I thank you for answering... :) And i understand your point, to a point. I say open it to your friends, and if they are judgemental, kick em to the curb!

    Overall... I think it helps us TRYING DESPERATELY to do better, more accountable... and we learn from those LIKE YOU!
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 160
    This website can be used for a plethora of reasons, and while many are here for the purpose of support/guidance, not all of us want it in that matter. I'm happy getting support through chatting with my friends, or in group discussions. Frankly, I'm quite content having my diary 100% private because I'm not interested in what other people think about my eating habits (nor do I think it's anything worth sharing for the sake of helping others). I log for my personal record.

    I understand that others, though, want accountability and guidance and tips on how to improve -- and that's fine. But I don't find my habits counterproductive because I don't see how having it open would be productive for my reasons :)
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Some people are just more sensitive, or private, than others. It's just a choice. You don't really need to understand it, just accept it.
  • ambitious01
    ambitious01 Posts: 209 Member
    My diary is open, but after ridicule of pals on here I can understand why some would. If I'm hungover, I dont want to hear" why I didn't get my 1200 cals". besides I get my vitamins and nutrients.
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    I keep mine open...food has been a dirty little secret for me for way too long...
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    I'm not worried about people seeing a binge day (I don't have them); I know that people are extremely judgmental of even healthy diets that do not match their own and I don't want to deal with it. If you spend two minutes randomly flipping through forum posts, you'll have no trouble finding people whining and criticizing and blatantly insulting others who don't happen to meet their standards for what a diet is supposed to look like. Pretty much daily, I see people with perfectly healthy diets accused of eating disorders, starving themselves, making stupid unhealthy choices, and so on. And those people eat a lot like I do.

    Honestly, I don't need help. I know what I'm doing. The last thing I need is a bunch of self-righteous food police who know nothing about me or my circumstances calling me names and telling me I'm an idiot. Don't get me wrong, I recognize that the majority of people aren't like that, but I'm not willing to open myself up to abuse from those who are.

    I couldn't agree more. I have been on the site every day for the last 207 days and have logged all food and exercise. I have lost 55 lbs. and I have done it with a private diary. I don't need to deal with the BS from the food and or fitness police.
  • lisaishotpink
    I'm not worried about people seeing a binge day (I don't have them); I know that people are extremely judgmental of even healthy diets that do not match their own and I don't want to deal with it. If you spend two minutes randomly flipping through forum posts, you'll have no trouble finding people whining and criticizing and blatantly insulting others who don't happen to meet their standards for what a diet is supposed to look like. Pretty much daily, I see people with perfectly healthy diets accused of eating disorders, starving themselves, making stupid unhealthy choices, and so on. And those people eat a lot like I do.

    Honestly, I don't need help. I know what I'm doing. The last thing I need is a bunch of self-righteous food police who know nothing about me or my circumstances calling me names and telling me I'm an idiot. Don't get me wrong, I recognize that the majority of people aren't like that, but I'm not willing to open myself up to abuse from those who are.

    This! I have seen so many rude comments on a site that is supposedly here for "helping" each other. Not everyone is like this, obviously, but why deal with people who would rather criticize than help? I have done well on my own and I am definitely not ashamed in any way of what I eat or that I exercise 6 days a week. If I had an issue or hit a plateau I would consider opening my diary to others. But until then I will keep it to myself.