Best ? bottled water & is this dumb?? buying Fiji Water??



  • Shannonlastname
    Shannonlastname Posts: 48 Member
    I'm from Hawaii and our tap water is (IMHO) way better than most bottled water. Aquafina and Disani taste worse than San Antonio tap water.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    As far as bottled waters go, Fiji is probably the purest/cleanest tasting to me. But I don't buy it cuz it's to expensive. If I need to buy bottled water, my go to is Arrowhead (which is a regional brand) because it's really clean tasting and usually pretty cheap. Trader Joe's can't be beaten on the price front though.

    Evian tastes really gross to me and Dasani is just filtered water, so tend to not buy either unless there's no other option (usually meaning the Dasani, never had Evian be an only option).

    I also buy Smart Water when it's on sale to keep around for times I'm under-hydrated for whatever reason but it's not a go-to on a regular basis.

    But for my day to day drinking go-to, it's either through the filtered water cooler at work (a filter system hooked right into the water line) or the filtered water in the cooler at my apartment. Five gallon jug that we refill for $1.25. I'm always amused when I fill it at one our local grocery stores where the water machine is right next to a soda machine - as I'm getting my five gallons of filtered water for $1.25 and the machine is selling 20oz bottles of filtered water for $1.50.