


  • Milly_A
    Milly_A Posts: 1
    I dont really know much about fasting but i would advise not to do it as it may cause you to just keep binging and fasting over and over again, which is extremely unhealthy.
    I have noticed though that you only have 3lbs to go until you reach your goal! That is AMAZING! keep being healthy and get back into your healthy routine. you're so close!
    Well done for you achievement so far and good luck :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I read earlier today that although fasting is a good way to get lean, and it isn't bad for you, it is no more beneficial for losing weight than just having a healthy, clean diet in which you don't fast.

    Don't ask me where i read it, I forgot.
    And don't have a go, because it's just what I read, I have no opinion on the matter.
    And it might not be word for word what it said, but you get the general idea.
    I guess it's just another approach to weight management, not superior or inferior to other methods.

    I think that some people like fasting for weight loss because for them it's an easier approach. Instead of having constantly to think about food, they eat only within a limited window. For example, if you've a tendency to late night eating, the idea that you simply do not eat after dinner and won't eat again until the end of your fast the next day is an elegant and simple one.