Lost Motivation



  • forest0spirit555
    forest0spirit555 Posts: 164 Member
    I know how you feel. I am the same way- once people start to notice, I get uncomfortable and regress back to my old eatting patterns. For me, I have to focus on why I am doing this... for me, to feel better, to be more comfortable in my own skin. There is nothing that says you can't take a bread. You've already lost a signifigant amount, and if you are feeling deprived of foods, put it on hold. Increase your caloric intake to the maintence amount for a couple of weeks and get your focus back. Don;t get me wrong, I'm not suggesting you forget the whole thing, just maintain what you have lost. Don't let your current mood ruin all the work you have done so far- it will be much harder if you have to start over.

    So- let's talk about the sweet tooth (which I also have). I have found eatting a lot of fruit has really helped. I try to have at least 3 fruit servings a day. The best for me is grapes and strawberries. And I will add Cool Whip on occassion. I also had read a post where someone was putting 2 tablespoons of light Cool Whip (frozen) between 2 graham crackers as a substitution for ice cream. This has become my favorite treat. But let's not forget, you can have a cookie, cake, candy or any other item as long as you fit them into your plan. I was always the one who couldn't eat a cookie. It was the package because I may never get to eat another one again! It has been a struggle, and I completely stayed away from most sweets in the beginning, but I am slowly adding them into my plan since they will always be there... calling my name!

    Hope this helps... and good luck!

    I am glad to know that I am not the only one out there with similiar self conscious issues. And thanks so much for the ideas!