Wheat Belly

I'm new on here, but not new on nutrition in general. I've always known that flours in general are bad for you, so all the stuff made of flour is bad for you. That it all converts to sugar and that reaks havoc on our bodies, etc, etc. BUT...after reading the book Wheat Belly....I'm downright kind of MAD!! I mean...we all in America are told to get our "whole grains", they're good for us, blah, blah, blah.... The general population does NOT see what this is doing to them, their weight....their health as a whole. It's so sad! I actually went through my pantry looking at everything (as I didn't realize that wheat is even in SOUP!) Yep, there it was. In my tomatoe soup! Shock. Saddness. I knew the crackers couldn't go in the soup, or even a grilled cheese sandwich, but the soup itself??!? So sad. There were SO MANY things in my pantry, frig and freezer that I circled the word wheat on them. I was shocked! I know there are diabetic out there (I work in the medical field) that are being told to stay away from sugar, but being told to eat more whole grains, etc. It's killing them, and really hurting those of us that are not diabetic. I could go on and on, but I won't.

Has anybody else read this book? I LOVED IT!! =)


  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member

    Firstly, tomato soup has flour in it to make it thicker. Have you ever canned tomatoes? They're very runny even when you simmer them down and use the mealy part with the watery part.

    Secondly, no, wheat is not killing you. Just like everything else, you're not supposed to only eat wheat products, and if you eat more whole foods and fruits and veggies, the amount of wheat you consume will be fine.

    This is just another "weight loss miracle" book to cut out a certain food. Gimmicks, eventually we'll run out of them I hope.
  • onit331
    onit331 Posts: 10
    Yes, I've canned tomatoes. Stewed: No wheat. Juice: No wheat. I CAN understand it being in tomatoe soup I guess, but when I went to the store and checked out other products...it was also in other soups I would NOT have thought it would be in. (I obviously knew it would be in breads, crackers, cookies, cereals, etc. But other things you wouldn't think of...amazing! So many salad dressings!) I do believe in what this book states (it goes in to more medical terms at points. Chemistry comes into it. It REALLY explains it. ) How the wheat we eat today is different from the wheat they ate in the 50's, 60's, etc. It's mass produced/grown now. It's not the same wheat. It causes more of an allergy in people then other things. They put it in so much stuff! In the 80's we were told to eat less fats (good or bad back then!) and eat more fruits, vegetable and whole grains. Well....we have more heavy people now then we did back then. People that eat right, exercise, etc...but have such a hard time losing weight still. There are people that are gluten intolerant, yes. But there are also MANY people that are just wheat intolerant. Like I said, I could go on and on, but I can't and won't. I wanted to hear from others that have read the book, as it doesn't just talk about weight, it talks about how watching/giving up wheat consumption can help MANY different ailments, not just weight loss.

    I do understand what you're saying, I truly do, but I know I read the book just a week ago and started watching my wheat consumption just four days ago and I already lost a couple pounds...AND I'm PMS'ing right now. (I NEVER LOSE weight while I'm in this week!! Never!) I "feel better". I already stayed away from sugar, etc. But, now I'm REALLY watching the wheat content of things.

    I just found it VERY interesting. Good read...in my humble opinion. :smile:
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    Yes, I've canned tomatoes. Stewed: No wheat. Juice: No wheat. I CAN understand it being in tomatoe soup I guess, but when I went to the store and checked out other products...it was also in other soups I would NOT have thought it would be in. (I obviously knew it would be in breads, crackers, cookies, cereals, etc. But other things you wouldn't think of...amazing! So many salad dressings!) I do believe in what this book states (it goes in to more medical terms at points. Chemistry comes into it. It REALLY explains it. ) How the wheat we eat today is different from the wheat they ate in the 50's, 60's, etc. It's mass produced/grown now. It's not the same wheat. It causes more of an allergy in people then other things. They put it in so much stuff! In the 80's we were told to eat less fats (good or bad back then!) and eat more fruits, vegetable and whole grains. Well....we have more heavy people now then we did back then. People that eat right, exercise, etc...but have such a hard time losing weight still. There are people that are gluten intolerant, yes. But there are also MANY people that are just wheat intolerant. Like I said, I could go on and on, but I can't and won't. I wanted to hear from others that have read the book, as it doesn't just talk about weight, it talks about how watching/giving up wheat consumption can help MANY different ailments, not just weight loss.

    I do understand what you're saying, I truly do, but I know I read the book just a week ago and started watching my wheat consumption just four days ago and I already lost a couple pounds...AND I'm PMS'ing right now. (I NEVER LOSE weight while I'm in this week!! Never!) I "feel better". I already stayed away from sugar, etc. But, now I'm REALLY watching the wheat content of things.

    I just found it VERY interesting. Good read...in my humble opinion. :smile:

    I'll be honest. I didn't read the whole book. It read to me, like every other weight loss book. "cut this out of your diet and watch the weight melt off!" that being said, I did read through some of it, it was sitting on the table at my MD's office with other books and magazines, and I had an exceptionally long wait that day, over an hour.

    If you look around on the web, you can find various scientific scrutiny of this book, and other weight loss gimmicks like it. (Atkins, Skinny *****, etc.) if you have a bloated belly due to wheat, it's because you have a wheat allergy. If you have a fat belly, it's because your body stores fat there, and hiit cardio and lifting heavy will get rid of it.

    We are always looking for the "magic solution" the "true" way to eat, and somehow it always means cutting out things. Natural things usually, like wheat/carbs, meats, dairy, etc. I agree with cutting out processed foods, there is no scientific research that states that eating yellow number 6 or Nitrates, or benzonates are good for you, but we know that diets rich in whole foods, veggies and fruits are good for you. And I would also agree that eating highly processed wheats arent good for you either.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member

    Just stick to your calories and eat whatever the **** you want unless youre allergic or on a medically supervised diet or something.

  • michelegrayson
    I understand your anger...I felt it too! For the past twenty years I ate only whole wheat 95% of the time with few exceptions during holidays etc. And then to read that book and realize I could have had a snickers bar and done less damage!

    I then thought about all the genetically altered food we are eating (veggies, meat, etc) and realized, this is our future. I will try and eat as close to the earth as possible but realize, there is no escaping the future! It is here!
  • JayByrd107
    JayByrd107 Posts: 282 Member
    And then to read that book and realize I could have had a snickers bar and done less damage!

    And this is why we can safely say that this Wheatbelly book is a load of bunk.
  • anunknownmouse
    First class fearmongering.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    The way I see it, certain people can probably benefit from not eating wheat. Celiac and general mild allergic reactions can cause adverse affects. The general population could probably do with less wheat containing products as a whole as most are generally processed junk.

    I bought something the other day that I knew was pure junk and it still tried to pass itself off with an air of healthy with the 9g of whole grain or some doohicky whalabang bizibop stuff.

    If a large portion of your diet is made of any one thing, it'd probably pay to diversify. That goes for soy, milk, corn, wheat, and whatever the next demonized food is going to be.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    if wheat belly interested you, check out Robb Wolf's Paleo Solution and Mark Sisson's site Mark's Daily Apple. Also, I've been gluten free for 4 months, along with grain and legume free so feel free to look at my diary or friend me :)
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Haven't read it, but I am celiac and intolerant of other grains. Check my diary if you want to see what I am eating.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I read this recently and am now reading "Why We Get Fat". I decided to cut out wheat fom my diet as I've had a lot of digestion problems. I have seen a gastroenterologist and been checked out and he ruled out celiac, but I feel way better with no wheat.
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    I read this recently and am now reading "Why We Get Fat". I decided to cut out wheat fom my diet as I've had a lot of digestion problems. I have seen a gastroenterologist and been checked out and he ruled out celiac, but I feel way better with no wheat.

    I have read both book too. Got a lot out of both of the books. For me, the fact that the whole wheat bread wasn't digesting well didn't click for a while and now I've figured out I feel so much better without it. Can't say the weight is flying off, but I have more energy and less cravings for sugar since I gave up grains. I was already eating clean, just was eating whole grain wheat bread and wraps too. Check out Hemp Hearts. I'm trying them as an add in for plain greek yogurt. They are a healthy fat and protein source.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    Sounds like a bunch of hooey.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Just because it's in a book doesn't make it true. Fear mongering sells.

    If cutting out wheat works for you, GREAT! Have at it. I have removed absolutely nothing from my diet and have dropped 33 pounds.
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    I'm adding to the general chorus of this being a bunch of bs.
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    I don't know about the book, but when I stopped eating gluten my torso shrunk at least 1 size. I could wear medium size shirts which were tight on me before. I lost no weight, but many symptoms that had plagued me went away... when I ate gluten again- they came back. I tested it out over and over and it is true. While I am not a full blown celiac sort of person, I have switched from eating gluten containing products to other alternatives. Yes, wheat is in many things you would not guess- especially sauces, soy sauce etc. When I eat gluten, I have foul, chemical smelling poop which floats, swelling in my torso and abdomen, pain in my upper intestinal area, fatigue, arthritis type pains that make me walk like an 80 yr old who got hit by a truck, nerve pains in my arms, mood swings etc the list goes on. Good luck.
  • LauraRose03
    LauraRose03 Posts: 140

    Firstly, tomato soup has flour in it to make it thicker. Have you ever canned tomatoes? They're very runny even when you simmer them down and use the mealy part with the watery part.

    Secondly, no, wheat is not killing you. Just like everything else, you're not supposed to only eat wheat products, and if you eat more whole foods and fruits and veggies, the amount of wheat you consume will be fine.

    This is just another "weight loss miracle" book to cut out a certain food. Gimmicks, eventually we'll run out of them I hope.

    ^^^ I agree completely. If we all read and followed all the books that are written on what NOT to eat, we'd all be starving. I eat what I want in moderation and I am not overweight. (at this point, just trying to lose a few more lbs for my own peace of mind and tone up).
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    if you have a bloated belly due to wheat, it's because you have a wheat allergy. If you have a fat belly, it's because your body stores fat there, and hiit cardio and lifting heavy will get rid of it.

    This. Wheat, preferably unrefined, unbleached whole wheat is totally fine healthwise, in moderation... just like everything else. If you're allergic or intolerant, it's a gassy, bloaty, crampy, water-retaining problem. Many people of northern European descent are allergic or intolerant to wheat, which is why so many white folks (me included) see such quick results when cutting out wheat.

    And why that book can garner so many followers so quickly.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Interesting post, OP. I think I will look it up and do some research. Thanks for sharing :-)