Larger-framed-ladies, what's your goal weight?



  • craziedazie
    craziedazie Posts: 185 Member
    I'm 5'9. GW is 165. I certainly wouldn't go below 150. I have pics of myself as a teenager at 145 and I was rail, almost looked ill.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    I am 5'1" and have no memory of ever being "small". In middle school is my earliest memory of what size I wore, and I was a junior's 7 in the 8th grade. My body type is exactly like my mother's and I have seen pictures of her at a size 4, which she was bulimic to achieve (achieve is not the right word for this obviously), and she still had thunder thighs and cankles. I see my exact body type in my own 3-year-old girl who has chunky thighs and thick ankles. This is just the body type legacy we deal with. All of the women on my mother's side look identical, body-wise.

    I currently weigh 155 and my goal is 125 and then evaluate from there. I am not sure I can get lower than that. I middle school I weighed 112-115 and that seems like a pretty lofty goal for a body that is now 33 and has had 2 babies.

    125 will still place me overweight on a BMI chart but I think I will be satisfied.
  • kahlstie
    kahlstie Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,
    I had read that your waist should be no more than 1/2 your height. So, for instance I'm 5'7 inches or 67 inches. My waist mesurement should be no more than 33.5 inches. That's what I am shooting for whatever the number on the scale happens to be. I currently weigh 235 with a waist of 45 inches so I have a ways to go yet. Good luck on your progress!
  • KyuubiCat
    KyuubiCat Posts: 1
    I'm 5 ft 4 and weigh 170. My goal weight is 125.

    Back when I was in the best shape of my life (middle school- almost never ate junk, ran daily, excelled in my sport, was one of the fittest girls in PE) I weighed 135 and was still considered to have an almost "overweight" BMI.
  • Yahvinah82
    Yahvinah82 Posts: 2
    I am 5'11 and SW 130.7kg CW 107 highest weight 145 lowest 74

    At 74kg I wore a size 8 on top and a 10 on bottom, I have a small waist and upper body but larger legs and hips and I am not only fine with that but I prefer it. I want to be about 80kg I think. I want nice legs, and I plan on putting on some muscle in the area too. I'm really jazzed that others have goals that aren't tiny as well, some people are tiny, but I know I'm not, my small upper body would be huge on a 5'6 woman haha.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    According to NIH, I definitely am large-framed. Just measured my wrists: one is 7", the other is 7 1/8".
    For my height, anything 6.5" and over is large.

    I'm 5'10", started in January at 275, am currently 250 (yay me!), and I at least want to get to the top of a healthy BMI range, which is 173.
    100 pounds seems like such a huge goal, but then I realize I'm 1/4 of the way there. :bigsmile:
    I'd prefer 165, but might not ever get there. :frown:
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    According to NIH, I definitely am large-framed. Just measured my wrists: one is 7", the other is 7 1/8".
    For my height, anything 6.5" and over is large.

    Interesting! I just checked & this put me right on the cusp btwn medium & large frame, which I would say is pretty accurate!
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    im 5ft 81/2",
    133lb-goal weight

    i' am very small on top but all thighs, @ss and hips!! so big on bottom lol.x
  • Trishsimon
    Trishsimon Posts: 129
    Hi I'm Trish from Dublin, Ireland.
    I'm delighted to see this thread because I am exactly like you I have a large frame, I eat well and always have done more or less all the time and exercise two to three times a week with boxing.
    I have wide shoulders, big boobs ( E Cup ) a small waist and a wobbly belly cant seem to get rid of that it isnt huge but I dont like it but I have hips and then what I call the tree trunk legs !! they run in the family all the girls have them.
    My legs are like iron from the muscle on them, I train 3 times a week with boxing and I am slimming down but not really losing weight I'm 5'4 and current weight is 219Lbs I want to get down to 168Lbs so I have 51Lbs to lose it seems like so much and that I am never going to get there because I have been at this weight loss thing since July 2012.
    I would be happy to be a healthy UK size 14 at present I am a UK 16 on top and 18 on bottom and I dont like it but like the original poster said I am curvy not rolls of fat so I am not completely despaired :smile:
  • emmaxbon
    emmaxbon Posts: 123 Member
    I'm 5'6" and large framed.
    Starting weight 222.5
    Current weight 187.5
    Goal weight 154

    My goal weight is 1lb below the maximum weight for a healthy BMI for my height. I might re-assess this in the future but I'm happy with this for the timebeing.
  • tschedler1966
    tschedler1966 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5 ft. 9 in. and weigh 188. I decided to opt for a healthier lifestyle over fifteen years ago when I weighed around 300 pounds. I've been able to maintain the major part of the weight loss but I struggle to get into the healthy weight category because I have a HUGE bone structure. My shoulders, rib cage, hands, feet are much larger than an average woman. I wear a size ten in rings and shoes. Don't get me started about trying to get into the cookie cutter weight category. When I was in high school, I was an athlete, I ran, played basketball and softball, not to mention I was a fast runner. I weighed in at about 170 and was so embarrassed because most of my friends were a size 4 or 6, I was a size 10/12. My Mom even asked my doctor about my weight, she was 5 ft. 7 in. and weight 140. The doctor had us wrap our fingers around our opposite wrist. Mom's thumb and middle finger overlapped, when I did it, there was an inch and a half gap. He said, "she has a very large bone structure compared to yours, her skeleton probably weighs twenty pounds more than yours. She is perfect."

    Even the accommodations for a larger bone structure allowance I found is only to add 10%, I never have had a body image issue so I don't struggle with that, however, it is frustrating when you are attempting to find a target weight, there are no true guidelines.

    Good luck ladies, I found that by coupling diet, exercise and counseling, keeping the majority of my weight off has been seamless.