When do you start to lose the llbs with weights?



  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
  • crazedcujo
    crazedcujo Posts: 114 Member
    Bump it!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Someone said "Carbohydrates have nothing to do with body fat."....

    Body fat is impossibly simple:

    (1) When you ingest carbohydrates,

    (2) It makes your pancreas generate insulin,

    (3) insulin causes glycerides in your blood to form in to triglycerides inside your fat cells

    that's just all there is to it.

    There is absolutely nothing else.

    It is unbelievably simple.

    There is no other mechanism - nothing - utterly nothing, else, whatsoever, is involved in body fat. (ie, adipose tissue)

    It's just that simple. To repeat,

    (1) When you INGEST carbohydrates,

    (2) It makes your pancreas GENERATE insulin,

    (3) insulin causes glycerides in your blood to FORM in to triglycerides inside your fat cells

    ("triglycerides inside your fat cells" is "body fat" .. the chubby stuff you feel.)

    There is nothing else to it - absolutely nothing else, no other mechanism involved.

    there is absolutely, whatsoever, nothing else - at all - involved.

    Ingesting carbohydrates, causes you pancreas to create insulin, insulin causes your fat cells to add fat.

    End of story.

    But you will not increase fat stores if you total caloric intake is below maintenance regardless of type of Macro, please stop with this carb bashing BS.

    My body fat is in the 9-11% range and I eat 45% of my cals from carbs, prior to my cut it was 50%, which means I am eating over 200 grams of carbs/day, and my abs are showing now more then ever.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Someone said ... "I eat around twice that many grams of carbs and I'm still losing fat...?"

    It's true, you can. But it's incredibly difficult.

    I suggest, for merely two weeks, you just set your carbohydrate intake to 72 grams per day - exactly. See what happens.

    It is an extremely simple test to try.

    The first few days can be little difficult, because most people are hugely addicted to carbohydrates, but it gets much easier. And after as little as a few weeks, your pancreas begins to heal itself. After that. it's a pure breeze - you will have no DESIRE to eat more carbohydrates than that. And body fat will just fall off your body.

    The one and ONLY way to know if it's "true or not" if you don't believe the science, is simply try it. It's extremely easy to try, and only takes 2 or 3 weeks!

    What will happen is you will lose water weight as your glycogen stores would be lower and glycogen stores water, unless you are in a deficit cutting carbs will do nothing for fat loss. You may lose weight with cutting carbs but that will be mainly water, not fat.

    FYI: trying to over-simplify the body's processing of carbs does not make what you say true, End of Story (that was to mock your End of story BS you put in to make it sound like an open and shut case). You completely left off deficit, surplus, etc.