7 Scary Food Ingredients



  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    As far as the, "I'm -this- healthy or someone I know is -this- healthy and all I/they eat is crap" defense. Good for you! GOOD FOR YOU. I am glad it's worked out for you and the person you know! Meanwhile, some others may not have such trust in our superior genetics so we'd like to make it as easy as possible to maintain our longevity.

    I don't have superior genetics. If I did I wouldn't have spent all my life as a fat guy. I'm not some lottery winner who just happened to be incredibly lucky in regards to weight loss.

    I practiced moderation and exercised. Guess what? It works! You don't have to cut out entire food groups and eat only fresh lettuce to lose weight. That's my point.

    But everyone who doesn't believe me, who thinks it's not possible to lose weight sustainably with a diet that consists of regular foods you'd find in your grocery store, good luck with your new organic garden. Hope it sprouts quick!

    Did you get this part in my earlier post?
    I recognize that most of us are here for weight control - which happens regardless of the quality of the food you eat... but there's nothing wrong with saying things like:

    That means that I'm not talking about weight loss, we're talking about general health. No one mentioned fresh lettuce, either. Just real foods. I baked two loaves of bread last night and it didn't hurt me one bit. My garden is spring and fall, and that didn't hurt either. You can be a fit guy and still suffer other health problems. You may not, you may be in perfect health until you pass away at 125.

    I dunno. I just don't get why this article offends y'alls tender sensibilities. You don't have to eat that way. Why does it bother you that someone might?
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Cognitive dissonance ...

    narcissus complex ...
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member

    The point of my entire post was, "Why are you going to be a jerk to someone who wants to eat diferently than you?".

    So you're upset with the thread, since it's titled "7 SCARY food ingredients"? I'm not the one who started a thread telling people they had to avoid all processed foods. I responded to that saying people didn't.

    No, I'm not. Because this thread says, "
    She says there are seven key ingredients that shoppers should strive to avoid in all their shopping purchases."

    Emphasis on -strive-. It also does not mock anyone who doesn't strive. ;)

    Anyways. I'm done with this thread. Enjoy the belittlement of others.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I dunno. I just don't get why this article offends y'alls tender sensibilities. You don't have to eat that way. Why does it bother you that someone might?

    Simple. The article tells us we do have to eat that way. It says all those ingredients are scary and terrible for us. That's why I argue that it's wrong. If you enjoy eating that way by all means, feel free. I just don't like being told what I'M doing is wrong, because clearly, it's not.

    Do you see? If someone would like to eat this way, they certainly can and I wish them luck. But I'm against telling everyone they need to avoid these foods/additives without some damn strong evidence other than "chemicals are bad".
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Just saying all trans fats are synthetic. They do not occur in nature which is why they are so bad for us. In the ingredient label they are listed as partially hydrogenated oil. Not try to be snooty just letting you know :)

    Not trying to be snooty either but you're wrong, do a little research

    Your right, except the article did say synthetic trans fat, which would suggest a partially hydrogenated oil. No?
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