How did you come up with you're GOAL weight?



  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    My healthy weight range for my height (5'11) is 135-179. I picked 155 because it was right in the middle. I gave up at 156. I like what I look like, don't need to be thinner and I'm now just working to make what I have better with exercise.
  • cbart2818
    cbart2818 Posts: 188 Member
    I looked up the healthy weight range for my height, and my goal is right in the middle of that.

    I did exactly the same.

    Funny - me too.

    I am not that concerned about the scale at this point of my weight loss journey. MFP wanted a goal weight so I chose a 10lbs loss. I have lost enough now to put me just on the tip of the healthy BMI range. A few to go and I will technically be perfect where I am, according to my doctor (weight wise). I chose 10lbs less thatn my current because it is something that can be acheived if I choose to do so. My Doctor is more concerned about being active and eating clean.

    It took me a while to understand that being healthy isn't always about what number you see at your feet. I just want to be stronger, fit, less jiggly, lower my BF% a bit and be over all healthy inside and out. If I loose weight while acheiving <<<=== these goals then I see that as a bonus. : )
  • Hellcatinheels
    At 5'5", a goal weight of 120 just seemed right to me in so many ways. I knew I wanted to lose about 30 pounds. When I was bellydancing and doing burlesque I was in the high 120s-low 130s and at that point I looked and felt good but wanted to lose about 10 more pounds. I also considered BMI, as I've generally hung out at the higher healthy range of my BMI. 120 is roughly 10 pounds higher than the lowest BMI for my height, still putting me within the healthy range, albeit on the lower end. I'm also shooting for 18-20% body fat. I will see how I look and feel in whatever size clothes my goal weight and goal bf% puts me in and reassess up or down if necessary.
  • Inebriated
    Inebriated Posts: 271
    For my GW, I picked the lowest weight I can be for my height without being underweight. (I'm 5ft 6in)
    I looked on your profile and it said your GW is 93lbs? At 5'6", 93lbs IS underweight.

    Anyways, to answer the original poster: I'm 5'6" and my GW is around 98-103lbs, I have a small frame. I fluctuated between that range for months last year and it's where I feel most comfortable with my how I look.
  • bena0218
    bena0218 Posts: 41
    for me i will start off with 20 lbs then work my way down
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Just thought back to when I graduated high school. I was on the wrestling team and weighed around 185, but was probably cutting weight by an unhealthy amount. 200 seemed like a good ballpark target, though when I start getting closer, I'll tweak that goal based on how I look and feel.
  • jesscarows
    jesscarows Posts: 31 Member
    My goal weight is 140. I had been 140 from high school up until I got pregnant with my first son. I was 155 when I got pregnant with my second son. Now I want to get back down to 140 because that was a comfortable weight for me, that was easily maintained for many years. I am 5'7" and 140 would be in the healthy range for me :)
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I picked the weight I was in my mid twenties, before my diet got very shabby and my work more sedantry. I had a BMI of 19.6 and I'd like to get back to that.

    I'd also like to fit in a particular pair of jeans from many moons ago again but I fear that just getting older has changed my shaped enough that it may be an unrealistic target.
  • RandomMiranda
    RandomMiranda Posts: 298
    I'm 5'8" and a pear shape, meaning it is really difficult for me to lose pounds or inches in my hips and thighs. My goal is 155, and I chose it because it is realistic for my height, within a healthy BMI, and 5lbs less than I've ever gotten down to before. I seem to hit 160 and either bounch back up or plateau (I've been hovering around 160 for about a month now). I also have a 25% BF goal, so if I hit that but am not 155 yet, I'll still consider it a good accomplishment and keep working.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I put mine at 250 because that's what I weighed when I was running 5 miles every other day and doing pullups and otherwise just being an animal. my lowest adult weight was 225 when I was a survival instructor. the charts say with my height I should be 180 but I'm built different, I had a doctor laugh when I told him the chart said I should be under 180. He said maybe my skeleton weighed that much. at my goal weight I'll still be considered over weight according to a piece of paper. but I enjoy having shoulders that are a foot broader that the average guy my size :drinker:
  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    My goal weight is right in the middle of my ideal BMI range.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    My original goal weight was in the 160's , but after the weight I've lost I'm currently only a few pounds away from what I would be really happy with. I'd look like a skeleton if I actually dropped down that low. So I'm thinking now if I can crack into the upper 170's and continue to lift weights, I should have a great looking body and still be at a healthy weight.
  • HeartME511healthy
    HeartME511healthy Posts: 163 Member
    I came up with my goal weight due to a program I was in FA, which I knew a person my same height 5'5, she got as small as 135, I didn't like it. It was to small and I never been as small as 150 that I can remember as an adult, so I decided that 145 would be idea weight as a number. However almost at that goal weight I can see where I want to either change my goal number or tone up area's that I don't like.

    I am determined not to change the goal number, but I know if I continue in the direction I am with working out and eating right will get me to where my eyes see what I want to see. I also think that will change my goal weight number, but I won't worry about that until I begin to look sickly then I’ll have to consider in changing what I do.

    One thing is just be happy with your goals, if you feel like you have to question it or nervous then you may want to make some goals, I like that you have a danger zone, I think I will copy you on that idea if I do gain 150 will be my number to say get back on track. This is a life time change and I want to be realistic and have fun with food, exercise and my health.
  • skb12573
    skb12573 Posts: 202 Member
    I am 5'5 and would like to be in the 160s. I am large chested, large calved, wide hips like all the women on my Dad'd side of the family. Plus, I will have exess skin weight issues. So, I chose that number to accomodate all those things. Before 2 -sections, I had lost weight down to 170 and wore a size 12 and felt very good at that. When I dipped into the 160s I started to feel not good. But that could have been my diet too! I am much healthier at losing weight now than ever before. I guess we will see when I get there.
  • ocylott
    ocylott Posts: 31
    MFP wanted a goal weight, so I put in the weight I was before I had kids. It's within the healthy range for my height, and it looked good on my frame. As other posters have said, though, I'm far more concerned with size and how I feel than I am with the number on the scale. If I wind up weighing more but wearing the same clothes and feeling good and healthy in my body, I will be happy with that.
  • Pururin
    Pururin Posts: 16
    I decided to set my goal weight at 135lbs because I figured it'd be a healthy and do-able weight for me (I'm 5'6"). Throughout high school and college I weighed 120, and while I'd like to get back there eventually, 135 is a happy weight for me to have in sight.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    Run the BMI tool and choose something between the min. and max. Normal weight should be a decent starting point. Adjust as you get closer.
  • moejo3
    moejo3 Posts: 224 Member
    I have couple of goal weights 160, 145 and 135. I have not been less than 150 pounds since my last child 12 years ago. However, at 150 pounds I wear a size 6 and at 160 pounds a size 8 and both of those weights are in my healthy range. My plan is to get to 160 maintain that weight for a few months and then move to the next target. I would really like to get to 135 as I think it would be better for my body but, I also worry about getting discouraged and giving up. That is why I set up several points to meet all within my healthy BMR range.
  • asafcat
    asafcat Posts: 16 Member
    I chose my goal weight of 140 because it was my "prepregnancy" weight before giving birth to my last and 2nd child. I also took my age into consideration and felt this was a "realistic" weight for me. I'm 5'8 so weighing 140 would allow me to fit in size 6/8 and I think that will be good.

    I think it's really what you feel comfortable with and the size/weight you want to be. It also has a lot to do with bone structure and weight distribution.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I chose mine because it was the lowest weight I had been in the last decade and I was comfortable at that weight and I would feel I would look too skinny if I lost too much more than that. Plus I knew it was attainable, because that is what I was 4 years ago.

    Then I ran the tools at fat2fitradio and it calculated my ideal weight based on a healthy body fat % to be 2 pounds higher than the number I chose. So I readjusted my goal to that.