AM Workout “VS” PM Workouts

Which workout do you prefer and why????


  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Oddly enough, neither. I prefer midday workouts.
  • ellycope
    ellycope Posts: 80 Member
    Morning workouts - they set me up for the day and help me feel more energised. Afternoon/evening workouts are OK but I do prefer to know that I've already done my exercise for the day! What about you?
  • mizzfitnesss
    mizzfitnesss Posts: 53 Member
    Well this week I tried both. I find that I enjoy the AM Workouts better because the whole day has not passed and I'm not mentally drained from a day of work and school.
  • RandomMiranda
    RandomMiranda Posts: 298
    Morning. I can get a decent workout in PM, but if often something will come up and I won't have a chance to workout after dinner. Plus I prefer an empty stomach. If I know for sure I have a block in the afternoon when I will workout I'll do that instead of getting up early.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I make more progress in PM workouts.

    AM workouts make me feel better.
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    Evening. I don't start until 7-8pm. I don't have the energy in the mornings and don't put in as much effort when I try.
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    AM workouts. My life starts getting crazy after 10 AM and by the time I get home (usually around 730/8) I'm fried and just want to sit down somewhere.
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    Depends on the week! AM workouts are my ideal because I love the rush of productivity in the morning and the free evening to relax. Once I factor in life, though, whenever I get to the gym feels like a success. A PM workout is just as good for me.
  • get_fit_Milena
    get_fit_Milena Posts: 32 Member
    I have learned, as a working mother of 3, if I don't do it at 6am , its NOT HAPPENING. No matter how much I try, and say, ok, the minute I get home, I'll change and go run before I have to ............then the list starts, dinner, help with homework, pay this bill, blah blah Morning is the only way for me.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    It really depends on the day. I get it in when I can. Lately that's in the evenings, but I go through AM phases too.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    I like AM cardio so it's done, then shower & start my day.
  • mizzfitnesss
    mizzfitnesss Posts: 53 Member
    You sound like me
  • mizzfitnesss
    mizzfitnesss Posts: 53 Member
    I agree, I love my morning workouts because the gym is not as packed. Yesterday, I called myself going to the gym @ 7:30 and it look like HAPPY HOUR on a friday.. JAMMED pack to the point I had to weight on a machine... ughhhhhhhhh
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    PM because I am not a morning person.
  • Blanche76
    Blanche76 Posts: 89 Member
    I do AM workouts, just because I don't always have time after work either because so much homework or my kids. So when I do them in the AM I'm not bothered since everyone is still sleeping & I feel good rest of the day. :smile:
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    All of the above
    My AM is Strength and Videos
    My midday is cardio
    My PM is Cardio and/or strength

    It all depends on the day's schedule and what I have to work around. I prefer my morning workout, because it gets my day started and I have found I am more organized because of it.
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    During the week, I have to do PM workouts because I start work at 6:30am and there's just no way I'm waking up at 4am to work out. On the weekends I do AM workouts so I have the rest of the day free to socialize and do other things.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    PM because I am not a morning person.

    This. I can barely drag my @ss out of bed and get dressed in time to drop DD off at school.
  • limesublime
    limesublime Posts: 118 Member
    I make more progress in PM workouts.

    AM workouts make me feel better.

    I've noticed this too. I'm a morning person so I prefer to just get it over with, but when I am forced to work out in the PM I do tend to push myself a bit more. Wonder why that is?
  • mannasat81
    mannasat81 Posts: 7
    I am not yet mastered a morning workout unless it is Saturday. I work M-F and I like to not have to get up at 4 am to workout. I go to the Y about 3 times a week right now and sometimes work on my Wii at home. I know I will need to increase this over time, but I am a beginner. Saturday mornings I have a weight management class at the Y so I do my workout before the class so I can get back home and do what I need to do there.