How to make yourself drink water!



  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    What's the trick to getting yourself to drink enough water during the day? I'm supposed to be drinking at least 8 glasses and I am proud to ever get to 3!

    my trick is drinking it as diet soda and decaf coffee.

    it's all water.
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
    I used to struggle with this but what I did is get a really cool nalgene-type bottle with a straw, the straw helps me drink more at a time.

    So if you think about it, the bottle is like 16oz - average suggested cups size is about 8 oz, so you only have to fill it up a few times the whole day & you've now reached your daily goal!
  • dadzpeach
    dadzpeach Posts: 174 Member
    I use a straw in my Nalgene bottle and for some reason it is easier to drink a whole Nalgene through a straw....I can down 3 a day if I use a straw but can barely manage 1 without. I have no idea if that works for other people but it works for me! :)


    Also, I have a hard time drinking all of my water... So at work, I set recurring "alarms" in my inbox that says drink water! When they pop up, I have to finish the bottle of water I'm drinking and move on to the next. It's kind of a game for me. :drinker:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    ok im keeping my mouth shut
  • Elisac2008
    Elisac2008 Posts: 83 Member
    I try to do 2 cups with breakfast, 2 cups with lunch and 2 cups with dinner. Then 1 cup with each of my snacks. I drink all my water before 8 pm.

    Sometimes I will throw in a lemon, crystal light or fake crystal light. I have mio, but have not tried it yet.
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    8 cups does not = 8 glsses - heads up

    Confused. 8 oz. = 1 cup. 1 cup = 1 normal glass size. (not the American 'super size' we're all used too)

    How is 8 cups not 8 glasses?

    To clear this up, use a measuring cup and pour water in it, then pour that in the glass. I have both 8 ounce glasses, that are about 3 inches high and 16 ounce glasses that are 6 inches high.
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    Tricks I use/have used are: Using flavor like crystal light, MIO liquid, etc to my water.

    Drinking Tea.

    Putting water bottles/glasses near me at all times.

    Putting a full pitcher on my desk.

    Logging my water for added motivation.

    I sometimes use water only in my protein shakes and count that.

    As time goes on, cold water is way better to me now than any MIO or Crystal LIght drink...but it took time. Oh...and I drink way more than 8 ounces, it depends on your weight (and other factors) on how much you need. I need 19 cups, per day.

    Water calculators can be found via Google.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Yoovie, I found your comments and advice very helpful. Who cares how much an "actual" kitchen glass is. Don't take what our fellow commentators say personally, you've lost 90lbs!


    AND! I have mutliple size "glasses" in my cupboard at home....I KNOW they are not each an 8 oz glass! Even my coffee "cups" are not eat a CUP of liquid. That is why I use my hUge jug everywhere I go it comes with me. Straw in and full to the brim!
  • icesk8ermom
    icesk8ermom Posts: 82 Member
    i bought 3, 1 liter water bottles... that is how much I am supposed to drink in a day...i just fill them up with filtered water from my sink after i finish them

    makes it a lot "smaller" amount if you think of only needing to finish 3 bottles of water rather than 8 or so... plus I add crystal lite to give the water a little flavor on days I am having a hard time getting my full intake..

    i usually end up drinking minimum of 3 bottles a day. i try for at least 4!

    its just something that you have to make a part of your day like eating clean and working out!

    --and you have to be prepared to go to the bathroom...a LOT lol!

    WOW! a 1 liter bottle of water is 33.8 oz which equals slightly more than 4-8oz glasses of water and you drink 3-4 liters a day? 3 liters = almost 13 glasses a day and 4 liters= almost 17 glasses a day. That seems like too much as that is almost double what you need to drink??
  • amyhoss
    amyhoss Posts: 414 Member
    For some strange reason, I drink more water when I use a straw. I think it is just easier to mindlessly drink it while I am at my computer at work when it is through a straw.
  • icesk8ermom
    icesk8ermom Posts: 82 Member
    seriously, I was just trying to save her a little trouble since not everyone has the same size kitchen glasses. If she has 12 or 16 oz glasses like almost everyone I know- then I was simply going to tell her that she needs only 4 of those.

    geezus. Are yall seriously coming down on me about what is the correct standard drinking glass now?

    This website has its panties in a knot over all the wrong stuff.

    Correcting people on the internet over trivial bullsht wont help you get fit faster.

    You want to be healthy? Drink all the ounces you are supposed to, regardless of how many ounces fits in your particular kitchen glass.

    Personally, I took your comment the other in you were saying 8oz did not equal 1 cup and therefore you needed to drink more than what you are drinking to get enough which I knew was wrong. I now see from your second post that you were meaning that if you were drinking from a "glass" you may be drinking more than you thought.....maybe someone (or a few people) jumped the gun and responded before reading all the comments as most people tend to do (as I am doing at the moment....). Don't take it personal, I think people were trying to correct you because they didn't understand (fully) what you meant in your first post.

    You are correct most "glasses" are larger than 8 oz and therefore do not = 1 cup; they probably = 2 cups as in most "standard" water bottles are the same. I get what you were saying...but not until I read your second post......and yes that is true. It's difficult sometimes because when we type we "think" what we are saying but don't always type are complete thoughts and others are unable to read in between our sentences or "hear" or thoughts; they can only see what is written. Don't take it personal I just think your first post didn't have your complete thoughts and some people got confused....All is good; it was a good point!
  • mongochuy
    mongochuy Posts: 1 Member
    I drink about 2 Gallons a day.
    the best time to get most of your fluids in is in the AM uppon waking up
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    What's the trick to getting yourself to drink enough water during the day? I'm supposed to be drinking at least 8 glasses and I am proud to ever get to 3!

    It's challenging at the beginning because it seems as though the water won't go down but just keep at it and in a week, your body will want 8 cups of water. It really does make you feel better. Practice :)
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    When I was pregnant with my third baby, I had a kidney stone at 14 weeks (OUCH!!!). I sooooo did not want that to happen again--EVER--and determined that the only thing I could do was to really increase my water consumption. Well, tap water was not agreeing with me very well at all, so I started adding about 1 oz of straight lemon juice to a large bottle of water (about 40 oz, I think) and was then able to drink a lot more. And yes, drinking from a straw or bottle with a sip spout made it easier for some reason. If I have an open cup, I won't drink nearly as much. IDK why.

    I will also add some Mio or crystal light packets to a bottle of water for flavor. The sweetness helps curb the craving for Pepsi--my personal addiction.

    Basic rule of thumb is drink until your urine is clear or just barely yellow. If it's bright or dark yellow, you aren't drinking enough. The amount you need will vary with your activity level, how hot it is outside, and so on. The number of ounces/glasses is arbitrary. What is enough for one person may not be enough for another.
  • kisegg
    kisegg Posts: 4 Member
    I like fresh lemon wedges in mine. I also find drinking from a water bottle that has a straw helps me drink more.
  • icesk8ermom
    icesk8ermom Posts: 82 Member
    I know I saw someone else post this need to start small.

    Here is what I did....

    I started with replacing at least 1 if not 2 of my diet sodas with Sparking Ice water ( These are wonderful zero calorie slightly carbonated flavored waters that feel like you are getting the soda you crave. Once I eliminated soda I started replacing these with water and or powerade zero. By doing this I began to crave water....I was thirsty and wanted to drink it.

    Now, I get a 1 liter bottle of water and refill it at least once a day…sometimes I drink a little more than 2 bottles depending on how hot it is or how much I worked out or even what I have eaten. I put it the freezer for a bit to get it ice cold and then drink away. Sometimes I still occasionally have a diet soda or a sparkling ice (but maybe only once a week); however, I do allow myself a powerade zero a little more frequently as I do workout and need the extra electrolytes.

    I think the key for you is finding what works for you whether it’s a cup with a straw, room temp. water, ice cold water, a giant jug setting a timer etc. But don't try to force yourself to all of a sudden start to drink 8 cups of water a day; you can’t do it if you are not a water drinker….period! You are going to have to work your way into this to reduce the cravings you have for whatever it is that you are currently drinking.

    Give yourself a small daily challenge and increase it every few days and you will be amazed to see the difference and how you will want/need water because you are thirsty.

    ~ Good Luck
  • GnochhiGnomes
    GnochhiGnomes Posts: 348 Member
    What's the trick to getting yourself to drink enough water during the day? I'm supposed to be drinking at least 8 glasses and I am proud to ever get to 3!

    Drink tea, juice(if your calories can handle it), coffee or diet sodas instead.
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    Has anyone started drinking water as reccomended and noticed any differences? I know how it is supposed to help, but any first hand experience on the benefits that you've noticed?