Mom arrested for taking tot to tanning bed



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    SHe looks like whatshisname from Fargo

  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Completely shocked this happened in Jersey.
  • Vi0l33t
    Vi0l33t Posts: 117 Member
    She should be hit in the head with a tack hammer.

    to be frank.. she looks like she already has been.

    That and/or she took a savage beating with a fugly stick.

    Why would someone do this to themselves?
    LEt alone another person :/
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Honestly I don't know how people can stand tanning beds, spray tans, or even the safer lotions. If I remember something I saw/read on the subject, tanning beds are worse than natural tanning as far as aging you and increasing your risk for skin cancer. (though I will add my Uncle was in the Navy for over 30 years and never used sunblock, granted when he first went in no one even knew about skin cancer as that was the 1950s, and now he's having to have huge patches of it removed from his skin) As far as the spray tans and lotions go, I just don't see the appeal because to me it gives people an orange tinge. I tried the lotions and I was getting pretty orange only after 3 days of a once a day application. But, that's my opinion and I certainly don't beat on people who use the stuff right or responsibly.

    As for that mom, this is going to sound so mean, I'm surprised a guy actually could "stay up" long enough to procreate with her. She's startling and if her face looks that way I imagine the rest of her isn't much better. That aside, I agree with the arrest. If I'm remembering correctly, children are more sensitive to the sun which is why you have to slather them in sun screen or keep them covered when out in the sun so it stands to reason she'd be hurt from a tanning bed. And if the mother has some sort of addiction to the beds, that's a potentially dangerous situation since it would be teaching the kid the same habits.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I know that redheaded little girl could burn super fast in a backyard.
    I know 5 year olds will say all kinds of crazy variations of the truth.
    The teacher / nurse had cause for concern and did what she thought was right. I hope it is all a misunderstanding and that the Mom has an epiphany about her own habits.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    If the child was actually taken to a tanning salon, my question is what salon would actually let a 5 year old tan!?! I worked at one for about 3 years, and the youngest you could be was 12 (which I still find to be too young) with a parent's consent, 16 without.

    While working there, a mom came in to tan with her 5 month old child... and tried to take her child INTO the room with her!! Are you kidding me! The UV rays aren't just limited to the bed, dumbass. Needless to say, I babysat the child for 20 minutes.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Damn I look pretty good for my age compared to her lol
  • MissFluffyBottoms
    I am almost never a fan of interfering with the family dynamic, but this is sure cause to reconsider. If she really put her child in a tanning booth, she needs some guidance.

    Guidance, of a tall building.
  • MissFluffyBottoms
    Saw this story on the news this morning:

    What blew me away wasn't so much what she did, but how old she is!


    She's only 44! Yikes

    ...and this is why I choose to remain milky pale and wear SPF 80. :frown:
  • singledj
    singledj Posts: 147 Member
    Blown out of proportion or not... how is she going to take care of two young children when she is dying of skin cancer? What a shame!!!
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member
    She looks like she rubbed poo all over her face. Gross! Poor child :frown:
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
  • NSQuintana
    NSQuintana Posts: 207
    ^^^^^^^^^ EXACTLY ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :laugh:
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Holy ****, this far into a thread about tot tanning and no tanned Stewie?! Shame on us!




  • JBott84
    JBott84 Posts: 268 Member
    Blown out of proportion or not... how is she going to take care of two young children when she is dying of skin cancer? What a shame!!!

  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I haven't read all the responses but isn't it illegal to tan if you're under 18? Or are they trying to get that in there? If not, it should be! 44....she looks in her 60s! Not to mention the cancer risks...
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    If you read the story the arrest is BS. There's no quoted evidence that she actually put the kid in a tanning bed. The kid was sunburnt and the 5 year old said mom took her tanning. Remember innocent until proven guilty.
    I agree - I think the situation was misunderstood and blown out of proportions because of the way she looks( She obviously is addicted to tanning ).......there is no proof that the child was ever in the tanning bed. The teacher needs to have more evidence before calling the police on her for child endangerment.

    Actually - the teacher doesn't need to have ANY evidence. Only a suspicion, in this case based on statements of the child. At that point, they are in fact, required by law, to report the situation.

    Yes, but "actually" (hate that word) children say things, and things are not always what they seem....did they have a chat with the mother? did they ask any questions before involving are required to report when children are in danger....I do not agree with any of this, but getting a tan is not abuse, (unless you look like the mother). I can bet that this case will be dismissed. All she said is I went tanning with mommy...not mommy let me in the tanning bed. There are whistle-blowers and there are conscious observers and reporters....BIG DIFFERENCE. The latter is what teachers are trained to be....

    I understand what you are saying, but she didn't just say she went tanning with mommy as a matter of conversation, she said it after asking why she was sunburnt. For teachers (and nurses as was the case here), at least in the US, it is not whistleblowing, it's a legally mandated requirement of their job. If a child says something that amounts to endangerment, as I believe bringing a child tanning does, then they are required to report. It is not their job to ask the mom or investigate. Abusers and people who neglect/endanger their children lie. They aren't going to admit it to the school nurse. If she does take the child tanning and denies it to the school nurse and it turns out it was true and the nurse never reported, she can lose her job and her license.

    ETA - which isn't to say I necessarily think she should have been arrested or that the charges won't end up being dropped. I just think that the argument that the nurse didn't do the right thing is off.
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    Damn I look pretty good for my age compared to her lol

    I feel the same way. I'm 40 and SOOOO happy i gave up on the tanning beds when i was in my 20s. I still have skin damage from it (and real sunburns) though.
    She is 'leatherface'. And clearly has an addiction to the tanning beds. I think i saw somewhere on this forum that someone called her 'tanorexic'. She is. I hope the child is ok. Severe sunburns on children can lead to melanoma at an earlier age, especially fair skinned children.
    I even put sunscreen on my 6 yr old's head!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If you read the story the arrest is BS. There's no quoted evidence that she actually put the kid in a tanning bed. The kid was sunburnt and the 5 year old said mom took her tanning. Remember innocent until proven guilty.
    I agree - I think the situation was misunderstood and blown out of proportions because of the way she looks( She obviously is addicted to tanning ).......there is no proof that the child was ever in the tanning bed. The teacher needs to have more evidence before calling the police on her for child endangerment.

    Actually - the teacher doesn't need to have ANY evidence. Only a suspicion, in this case based on statements of the child. At that point, they are in fact, required by law, to report the situation.

    Yes, but "actually" (hate that word) children say things, and things are not always what they seem....did they have a chat with the mother? did they ask any questions before involving are required to report when children are in danger....I do not agree with any of this, but getting a tan is not abuse, (unless you look like the mother). I can bet that this case will be dismissed. All she said is I went tanning with mommy...not mommy let me in the tanning bed. There are whistle-blowers and there are conscious observers and reporters....BIG DIFFERENCE. The latter is what teachers are trained to be....
    You do not know the full extent of what was said. The girl may have said much more than that simple statement. You are judging with practically no knowledge of what happened.

    The teacher is not required to have a chat with the mother, and in many cases that could make things a lot worse for the child, and put the teacher in danger.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    How does ANYONE even think that THAT looks good?

    I read the short article and according to that she only takes her daughter tanning in the backyard...isn't that bad enough? Put some sun screen on your kid and don't make them bake in the sun!