Annoyed with families comments....



  • I would just say I'm focusing on being healthy and toning and not disclose what may actual goal was to someone who I knew would be negative about it. Give them a vague answer enough times and they'll move onto another topic. Maybe answer their questions by just saying you feel great and that you are eating healthy. Good luck. Negative people can be a real emotional drain to deal with.
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    I have begun to just learn who and who not to talk about weight with. My mom's a great person I can talk with but besides that and my fiancé, it's basically just people on here.

    Many people don't want to hear about how well others are doing - it's totally ridiculous but true. Maybe figure out who can actually be supportive and then don't bring it up in front of those who aren't. It's tough especially because you're super proud of yourself and by explaining your accomplishments it's almost like, "I did this, so why can't you?" - Not negative, but you want to kind of give people tips. People don't want tips though lol.

    Keep doing what you're doing and don't listen to people. It's YOUR body, your choice. As long as it's being done healthily, I see no issues.
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
    This always happens to me as I approach my goal weight, especially with my family. They would constantly ask why i was so thin, if I was sick or depressed. (note that I've never been "thin", I'm 5 feet tall and at my lightest weighed yeah). It used to really get to me and I would give up and fatten up again.

    Now I have one comeback I use:
    "Maybe you should be less concerned with my weight and more concerned about yours"
    Then I walk away.
  • HealthyFitNTrim
    HealthyFitNTrim Posts: 21 Member
    I am with the others I would not talk about it either you should just keep doing what you are doing for you. Don't let them take away from what you are doing. As mentioned by someone they are that way because they are jealous as a result they choose not to support you knowing they probably should be doing the same. Keep your head up this is about you not them.

    Michelle :smile:
  • AlyiEli2017
    AlyiEli2017 Posts: 81 Member
    Some people have no filter. Thats they issue not yours. If you like the way you look, who care what they think. Family and friends, co worers who ever, if people cant respect your weight loss and how your feelings may or may not get hurt by the stuff they say then you need to let them know, hey, just dont say crap to me. Period. This journey is about you and the encouragment you need. Period. Best wishes to you.
  • Thomakk
    Thomakk Posts: 25 Member

    Here's your comeback for the jerk.

    "At least I can fix my weight. Unfortunately, you can't fix being an *kitten*."
  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    If I had to guess, most or all the people making negative comments are bigger than you? Yes sweetie, they are jealous... women are so catty when someone else has something they want, in your case, a better body. You don't need a witty comment because they'll just call you mean... don't let them hurt your feelings. FEEL sorry for them. I know its hard but they're directing their unhappiness and shortcomings onto YOU so they don't have to take responsibility for their own weight. Smile! Realize all the negative remarks means you look awesome and inside they KNOW it too. =]
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    thanks everyone, totally appreciate it! I feel much better now, and i hope that i can keep up with the things you guys are saying... its just so annoying, you know? every family get together i just know someone is gonna say something that they think is sooooo clever... idk, my husband is supportive and i can keep up with my toddler (which alot of people cant say) so i know what i'm doing is right!!!! And i'm doing it the right ways, and for the right reasons! <3
  • dlw13
    dlw13 Posts: 119 Member
    I remember years ago when I was lifting a lot of weight and getting heavier and more muscular all the time. One of my female relatives commented that she didn't like men with muscles. To which I replied, "Yeah, well I ain't doing for you, or anybody else, I'm doing it for me!"

    Its the same with your weight loss. If you feel good about yourself and you're healthy, then that's all that matters. Be true to yourself and you'll be fine. Congrats on getting motivated and achieving some success. Have a great fit day!
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    I'm kind of on the opposite end. A guy I work with makes comments constantly and tends to laugh when I talk about working out and dieting. I feel as though he is mocking me and it infuriates me! We had a luncheon the other day for "Administrative Whatever..." Secretary's Day. He brought an entire container to my desk and asked if I would like a trough to eat from... :explode: I was livid and couldn't come up with a something witty. My sister to ask him next time if he would like a feeding tube to eat from. HAHAHA Good luck on those come backs... I'll work on mine as well! :tongue:

    Tell him you can use his trough when he's done - use it for mop water to wash out his mouth!!
    He is COMPLETELY out of line!
  • I'm kind of on the opposite end. A guy I work with makes comments constantly and tends to laugh when I talk about working out and dieting. I feel as though he is mocking me and it infuriates me! We had a luncheon the other day for "Administrative Whatever..." Secretary's Day. He brought an entire container to my desk and asked if I would like a trough to eat from... :explode: I was livid and couldn't come up with a something witty. My sister to ask him next time if he would like a feeding tube to eat from. HAHAHA Good luck on those come backs... I'll work on mine as well! :tongue:

    Sweetheart, you don't need a witty comeback. You could be walking away with his job. This is harrassment. It is vile, evil, and disgusting. Report him to HR. Over and over, if that's what it takes. And though it might sting your pride a little, ask a coworker who has witnessed it to report him, too. You DO NOT have to tolerate a hostile workplace.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Bottom line....misery loves company. They are just jealous. You keep doing you (as long as it is healthy) and let the others hate if they want. Why waste your energy on their bad attitudes? I haveissues like this in my life as well and I have learned to just ignore it and not talk about it with those that are not supportive.

    By the way....I had very similar complications in my last two pregnancies....I weighed 20 pounds more after giving birth with all my water was horible!
  • mrs_kurz
    mrs_kurz Posts: 185 Member
    I have begun to just learn who and who not to talk about weight with. My mom's a great person I can talk with but besides that and my fiancé, it's basically just people on here.

    Many people don't want to hear about how well others are doing - it's totally ridiculous but true. Maybe figure out who can actually be supportive and then don't bring it up in front of those who aren't. It's tough especially because you're super proud of yourself and by explaining your accomplishments it's almost like, "I did this, so why can't you?" - Not negative, but you want to kind of give people tips. People don't want tips though lol.

    Keep doing what you're doing and don't listen to people. It's YOUR body, your choice. As long as it's being done healthily, I see no issues.

    ^THIS, basically how I feel. I've had people recently telling me not to lose anymore weight, and while I realise it's a compliment, it doesn't make me feel any better! Anyway rant over. For the record I'm currently 144, and ideally want to be 126!
  • norwpam
    norwpam Posts: 5
    I'm kind of on the opposite end. A guy I work with makes comments constantly and tends to laugh when I talk about working out and dieting. I feel as though he is mocking me and it infuriates me! We had a luncheon the other day for "Administrative Whatever..." Secretary's Day. He brought an entire container to my desk and asked if I would like a trough to eat from... :explode: I was livid and couldn't come up with a something witty. My sister to ask him next time if he would like a feeding tube to eat from. HAHAHA Good luck on those come backs... I'll work on mine as well! :tongue:

    Oh my word girl! I've never encountered such a rude person! I'm so sorry you have to put up with that. Consider going to HR about him. What an *kitten*!!!!!
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    Some people will nitpick every little thing. Just be healthy.
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 396 Member
    I'm kind of on the opposite end. A guy I work with makes comments constantly and tends to laugh when I talk about working out and dieting. I feel as though he is mocking me and it infuriates me! We had a luncheon the other day for "Administrative Whatever..." Secretary's Day. He brought an entire container to my desk and asked if I would like a trough to eat from... :explode: I was livid and couldn't come up with a something witty. My sister to ask him next time if he would like a feeding tube to eat from. HAHAHA Good luck on those come backs... I'll work on mine as well! :tongue:

    That's harassment in the work place!!!! I would have kicked his @$$!!!!!!!!!
  • papergirl22
    papergirl22 Posts: 21 Member

    "Why do you have to be soo thin, dont you think you will give your daughter a complex?"

    Response: "Well, it's my job to give my kid SOME kind of complex, so I guess I'll just pick being healthy and embracing life, rather than teaching her to make others miserable with my own self pity, like SOME people (here, at the table, in the room, insert whatever you like)."

    It all comes from one place with these kinds of comments: People being so wrapped up in their own self hate and lack of motivation that they simply can't allow others to be successful whether its weight loss or other goals. Some people just can't be happy for others success. People like this make the short list of folks I don't spend a lot of time with. There is no room in my life for toxic people....theres enough other stuff to derail my progress.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    "Do you really need to look anorexic?" Anorexic and fit are very different

    "Why do you have to be soo thin, don't you think you will give your daughter a complex?" Yeah I'll bet she's going to hate having a mom that is able to play with her and keep up.

    "There is nothing wrong with looking like a MOM" Mom jeans might look cool, but they are also a sign of giving up on yourself, is that the right message for your daughter.

    "Shouldnt you focus less on yourself" yeah again, is that the message you want you daughter to pick up.

    "Youre already so skinny, if i sat on you, you'd die" well, sounds like they have a problem there.

    My wife get's the same crap because she is naturally skinny. when she hit close to 100lbs because of stress it was bad but she is always between 115 and 120. when she started hitting the weights with me she went up form 110 to 118 and dropped to a size 3. so yeah her family is stupid and gives her *kitten* for it. we don't talk to them much anymore or I just make fun of them, and then they don't talk to us.

    my fam though, we're all huge. but I weight the most and always have. but in a different way at 300lbs my brothers look like I did at 400. so now I'm smaller than most of them but I still out weigh them :)
  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    I'm kind of on the opposite end. A guy I work with makes comments constantly and tends to laugh when I talk about working out and dieting. I feel as though he is mocking me and it infuriates me! We had a luncheon the other day for "Administrative Whatever..." Secretary's Day. He brought an entire container to my desk and asked if I would like a trough to eat from... :explode: I was livid and couldn't come up with a something witty. My sister to ask him next time if he would like a feeding tube to eat from. HAHAHA Good luck on those come backs... I'll work on mine as well! :tongue:
    O.m.g... that is totally unacceptable. There are no words to "come back" with. Do you own a taser? & NO- I'm not joking.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    I'm kind of on the opposite end. A guy I work with makes comments constantly and tends to laugh when I talk about working out and dieting. I feel as though he is mocking me and it infuriates me! We had a luncheon the other day for "Administrative Whatever..." Secretary's Day. He brought an entire container to my desk and asked if I would like a trough to eat from... :explode: I was livid and couldn't come up with a something witty. My sister to ask him next time if he would like a feeding tube to eat from. HAHAHA Good luck on those come backs... I'll work on mine as well! :tongue:
    O.m.g... that is totally unacceptable. There are no words to "come back" with. Do you own a taser? & NO- I'm not joking.
