Getting Ripped the "natural" way.



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Thanks for all your help and advice guys, its been a great learning experience.

    One last question? (maybe if im lucky, ive had lots so far)

    I prefer working out in the mornings (i end up working a lot of late hours and overtime, bleh)
    but i know i dont do well on a full stomach.
    How important is it to eat before lifting? I know post workout nutrition is good. but pre-workout? Ive usually been having half a cup of cottage cheese or leftover meat or something, with a whey scoop in my oatmeal after my workout. I dont know if this is good enough?

    Meal tming only matters in terms of how you feel and your performance. Other than that, doesn't matter when you eat relative to your workout.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Pre-workout nutrition isn't that important. You're pretty much using what you ate the day before anyway.

    That being said, I'll often blend a scoop of whey with a half cup of milk and use that as coffee creamer. That's all I have before lifting.
  • pantsdailyon
    pantsdailyon Posts: 173 Member
    Get yourself to Myprotein for your powder and save your money by not buying the rest
    Looked at their shipping costs chart, and don't see that the ship to the US. OP is in the US.