MFP doesn't seem to be working



  • Mawkish1983
    Mawkish1983 Posts: 117 Member
    Very knowledgeable then.
    About physics; not about biology and certainly not about dieting or weight loss!
    Take a long hard look at your BMR figure again. That is the amount of energy spent by your metabolism doing very basic functions, actually dealing with fluid levels with the cells.
    Yes, you are right. I hadn't made that link at all.
    And you think you burn that much on a daily basis through ALL of your activity?
    I thought daily activity was a more significant factor. I wonder what percentage of the BMR is required simply for maintaining the body temperature. I wouldn't like to guess, but I can work it out using Newton's law of cooling. Maybe I'll do that later :)
    You are sadly unaware of how the body works, and how energy is expended.
    Agreed. I'll crunch some numbers to see where we stand with respect to thermal homeostasis.
  • Mawkish1983
    Mawkish1983 Posts: 117 Member
    Using a pedometer to add calories from walking that you would otherwise do normally will not help you.
    Hmmm. I'll try not entering the energy I've expended then, to see whether that helps. Thank you for the advice.
  • Mawkish1983
    Mawkish1983 Posts: 117 Member
    Okay, let's crunch some numbers:

    The mean specific heat capacity of the human body is 3500J/kgK, so at about 130kg that is 455kJ/K. Newton's law of cooling is T(t) = T_e + (T_0 - T_e)e^(-kt) where T(t) is the temperature after a time t, T_e is the temperature of the surrounding environment, T_0 is the initial temperature, t is the time that has expired and k is a constant that depends on the material of the body. For the human body I have calculated k=0.135, so within an hour we can work out how the temperature of a body would drop without the body's metabolism keeping it warm.

    T = 20 + (37.5 - 20)e^(-0.135)
    T = 35.29

    So the difference in temperature over an hour is 2.21 °C, which means over 1MJ of energy per hour just for maintaining the body temperature (rough and ready mathematics, I know, and it doesn't take into account the cumulative cooling effect, but for the meantime let's go with it). 1MJ = 239 calories per hour just for maintaining body temperature. 239*24 = 5736 calories per day for maintaining the body temperature alone.

    No, okay, that is blatantly wrong, give me a few hours to do some work and I'll work it out by the minute rather than by the hour, that should reduce that figure!
  • Mawkish1983
    Mawkish1983 Posts: 117 Member
    Okay, doing a bit more number crunching and a bit of imagination work, with a time difference of 24 hours, the energy required to maintain body temperature for my mass is 1829 calories. My BMR is 2400 calories, so just maintaining my body temperature uses 76% of my BMR. That is quite a significant chunk (based on my rough number crunching).

    Whatever I eat, as long as my mass is the same, the amount of energy required to maintain the same temperature will be 1829 calories, so as I see it, the most my BMR could drop to would be 1829 (below that, my body would gradually cool until metabolism ceased completely and I'd be dead). Not a hugely significant reduction.

    So, I'll stick to the "eat less, do more" philosophy.
  • ribena1958
    ribena1958 Posts: 152
    I think you'll find its not about eating less, its eating more of the right things hun. Foods that stay in your body longer and fill you up are sometimes scary as they look high in calories, but you will find you won't crave or need 'top ups' all the time.

    Getting healthy and loosing weight is not about eating less, you can eat loads, but of the right foods.
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    i was not trying to say as in your original weigh in, i meant your weigh in just past and then the one a few days later. i honestly find your replies either sarcastic or unwilling to take advice seriously. as many people on here have said (who have lost fantastic amounts of weight), you will NOT lose 2lb consistently every week! Some weeks you might lose more, some you will lose less. Its just how it goes. You have to be in this for the long haul, not for a quick fix. its about a lifestyle change, not a diet/quick fix. Keep off the scales, watch what you eat, using mfp, ensure you are eating a good level of protein and eating more than 1200 cals a day. you will here these things over and over again. everyone on here supports one another to try and get each other to our own individual finish line, something I personally have found great on days when i weigh in expecting a loss and the scales havent moved. i keep going and the next week, i get a big loss. just stick at it.
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 218 Member
    Interesting string...

    It seems that you might consider upping your exercise to vigorous rather than casual. Each individuals metabolism will respond differently to different levels of activity. Sedentary people have a metabolism which responds well to high levels of aerobic activity two to three times per week and will burn additional calories throughout the week even when at rest.

    As others have said, you may have portion control issues as many of the calories listed here per portion are incorrect. We are unable to comment as your food diary is closed. You may also have a sodium issue which causes water retention. Temporary bloating can also be caused short term by excessive carbohydrate consumption during the past week and this will pass-so to speak.

    You might also be gaining muscle which would account to the static scale readings so check your measurements as well.
  • ribena1958
    ribena1958 Posts: 152
    I so agree with this ladies comment!

    i was not trying to say as in your original weigh in, i meant your weigh in just past and then the one a few days later. i honestly find your replies either sarcastic or unwilling to take advice seriously. as many people on here have said (who have lost fantastic amounts of weight), you will NOT lose 2lb consistently every week! Some weeks you might lose more, some you will lose less. Its just how it goes. You have to be in this for the long haul, not for a quick fix. its about a lifestyle change, not a diet/quick fix. unquote
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    Get the juicer!! really!!!
    If you juice a day :
    1 inch of beetroot -cleanse the liver -iron -reduce hardening and blockage of the arteries
    i inch broccoli stem -against high blood pressure -against liver problems
    2 carrots -skin problems -cleansing liver -beta carotene
    1 celery stick -natural diuretic -reducing fluid retention -calming nervous system
    1 inch cucumber -diuretic -good for hair, nails and skin -reduce blood pressure
    1/6 bel pepper -cleansing liver and intestine
    handful spinach -anemia -supporting effective liver and kidney function
    1 inch lemon - cleansing the system -eliminating toxins -neutralizing harmful bacteria
    1 apple -anti-cancer -pectine forms a gel in the intestine that eliminates toxins

    Have this in the morning so you are set for the day, or in the evening as part of your tea.
    As I said's not all about calories... it's about feeding your cells!
    Eating nutrition deficit food (no matter how high the calorie content is) will keep you body hungry, so eat the right things!