30 Day Shred.....Lets Support Each Other!



  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    Finished level 2 today. :) Yay!!! I had a lot more success with level 2 then 1. With level 1 I actually put on inches but if I discount those and just go from my starting point I've lost about 7 this level. :) If I did count the ones I put on then I'd be down about 9! Happily 1.5 of those inches are from my waist (yay!) but only 0.7 from my hips which means I'm still not down a jean size. Well, still at the 'can fit in but looks a bit tight' stage. Down 5lbs so far (again, discounting the 2 I put on during level 1) which is great.

    So if anyone else isn't seeing results after level 1 and is feeling discouraged like I was, keep pushing - they'll come. Hopefully I'll get even better results during level 3.

    And speaking of level 3, is it as tough as it looks? I watched it through and it looks like I might die but I keep reading people find it easier.
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    Day 1 of level 3 done. Wow, that's tough!

    I managed about half of it no problems (and was into Natalie mode) but other bits I really struggled even with Anita. Main issue is my wrist. It just really doesn't like/do certain angled without giving up on me and leaving me yelping in pain. Main issues were the ab hold/planks where I just couldn't find a way to get 'comfy' doing it without my knees or arms grating on the floor or carpet and scraping. My wrist won't support me enough to do it just on my toes. Well it will, but only for 1 or 2 then I'm out. I'd rather do the adapted but do more of them.
    Other main area was the 3rd circuit strength moves. Again, because of my wrist. There's no way I can support myself on it to do the rotating pushup things. I might be able to hold myself in plank and do that instead but I'm not sure how my wrist will take it. Failing that, anybody have any good suggestions? I don't want to just have to miss level 3 out. :( 2nd exercise was also a killer, that's mainly due to me needed to work out the best way to keep hold of my dumbells while doing the move. They were cutting into me and hurting like mad so I barely managed any. Doing it totally upright on my toes was out for that as well as the angle holding them at with my bodyweight was hurting. I'd been doing pretty well so far fighting through the pain and doing adapted stuff but I'm just trying to think of solutions that won't be too much of a change.
  • joanie152
    joanie152 Posts: 159 Member
    My weight hasn't changed at all in the last ten days, but I'm so excited to report that I am currently wearing a skirt that I haven't worn since before baby one was born. It fits! I got it buttone up and zipped and everything! Woot!!! I didn't really notice a difference in my appearance at all until I looked at my before and after level one pics. My stomach is already looking a bit more defined! Can't wait to start level two tomorrow!
  • chukwuwally
    chukwuwally Posts: 93 Member
    Finally started the 30 day shred. Did level 1 day 1 and honestly it wasn't that difficul. Looking forward to day 2. I'm so excited and can't wait to see the transformation in my body at the end of the program. Yaaaay!
  • samwise29
    samwise29 Posts: 31 Member
    dvd has arrived :D and i'm starting today. also decided to give up beer for the 30days that I am doing this.
    recorded my weight and all my measurements. *fingers crossed* i'll see a result! :D x
  • 0400772
    0400772 Posts: 80
    I am a newbie to the 30 day shred and going to try it out tomorrow for the FIRST time. Can anyone tell me if it genuinely worked for them?

    Lyndz x
  • PrincessKaiLi
    I'm going to start tonight after work. Managed to squeeze in two days last week but that was just not the week to begin a new exercise regime. Nothing planned for this coming week so going to get stuck in.

    I love the DVD but one question bugs me. Are we supposed to do this for 30 days straight? I mean I could manage that no problem but I would be worried I'd get bored. I would maybe think of doing 30 days worth of the DVD (10 days on each level) but also fitting in a day where I swim or go to a gym class or something? Any ideas?
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    JUST finished day 1 (Level 1- with the "modified" versions, where available). Already took an Advil as I finished about 30 minutes ago and some of my muscles are still twitching. :blushing: At least I know it's working!
  • hg345
    hg345 Posts: 14 Member
    Just finished day 1 level 1 after feeling very sorry for myself for weeks I decided this weight has to go! I don't feel too sore yet but after repeating again tomorrow .. we shall see!
  • sunny_smile5
    sunny_smile5 Posts: 91 Member
    I am a newbie to the 30 day shred and going to try it out tomorrow for the FIRST time. Can anyone tell me if it genuinely worked for them?

    Lyndz x

    I'm on Day 8 and, YES, it has definitely been working for me. I have lost 2.8 lbs so far and have shed 0.75 inches off each of my arms, 0.50 off each of my thighs, and 0.50 inches off my belly. I am also feeling more energetic and stronger and am now more toned...but all that is not just from doing the workout because I have also been eating healthy. At first, the workout may seem nearly impossible to do every single day, but once you begin and commit yourself to it, you can do it!
  • khloee1
    khloee1 Posts: 90 Member
    Second Round of 30DS for me! Back on Level 1 day 2. The first time around was awesome and kicked my butt! I lost inches like crazy!!! and 12 lbs :) I still have alot more inches to go and about 15lbs more to drop. It really works if you are also watching your diet...Bring it Jillian~!
  • connorsludge
    connorsludge Posts: 35 Member
    Very timely...I just started yesterday. It was a good workout, but...I didn't really think it was that hard.

    In fact, I was so bummed when level one finished that I went ahead and did level 2 right after. I'm sore today, but definitely in a good way. If I can handle that, do you all think I should do the level 1/2 combo for 10 days, then do a level 2/level 3 combo for the rest? Or does it ruin it if I exercise for double the time? Should I just move to level 3 for all 29 days?
  • PrincessKaiLi
    Level 1 Day 1 over. Ouch!!!

    I was sweating buckets and since I have attempted level 1 in the past I knew I was able to push myself!! I both love and hate Jillian at this moment. My thighs ache, my shoulders are stiff.

    Actually a wee bit excited for Day 2 though - will get it done as soon as I get in from work tonight.
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    I'm starting it tonight.

    I'm intersted to know what people's levels of fitness were before they started?

    I run and go to the gym already so am not sure how easy/challenging I'm going to find it.
  • SekhHydra
    SekhHydra Posts: 19 Member
    Day 1 of Level 1....DONE!!!!

    wow!!! i tried to do this couple days ago but failed after doing jumping jacks, cant stand them, they irritate me lol..but i carried on watching the rest of level 1...and just by watching it i felt soooo tired.
    Today was a new day and i wanted to push myself and make sure i do it this time, I HAVE!!!! yay lol.. but ouch!!

    past 2 months ive been ill so hardly done any exercise and if any its been on the mini stepper, dvd workouts i sometimes prefer as i have someone else doing it with me but in the comfort of my own home, altho it does get boring after several days, im worried i wont carry it on tho not coz im acheing, coz im not as much, i just have the shakes in my arms alot atm....

    but i really do wanna keep this up, and kinda scared about doing it again lol...
    i know it will be good and if done right and keep doing it, it will show results but its finding the motivation to keep going, you know?

    anyone wanna add me to try keep each other motivated, then please do so :)
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    Just finished day 4 level 3. My poor thighs are killing me! I've hit that point again like I was in level 1 where I'm not sure I can really bend down, lol. Hopefully it'll wear off soon. Can't believe I'm getting near the end. Soon have to decide if I want to do it again or try something else.
    Good luck all you people who have just started. :)
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    Day 1 level 1 just completed. I had 3.5KG weights - think that might have been a bit ambitious!
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    I finished today. Hooray. These are my results

    Bust: Before - 41 inches, After - 40 inches
    Natural Waist - Before 36.5 inches, After 34 inches
    Bellybutton -Before 40 inches, After 37.5 inches
    Hips: Before 41 inches, After 40 inches
    Biceps - Before 10.5, After 11.5 inches
    Thighs - Before 22.5 After 21.5

    Weightloss - nothing worth noting

    Before and afters are on my profile as I can't be bothered working out now to properly post photos right now.
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    I finished today. Hooray. These are my results

    Bust: Before - 41 inches, After - 40 inches
    Natural Waist - Before 36.5 inches, After 34 inches
    Bellybutton -Before 40 inches, After 37.5 inches
    Hips: Before 41 inches, After 40 inches
    Biceps - Before 10.5, After 11.5 inches
    Thighs - Before 22.5 After 21.5

    Weightloss - nothing worth noting

    Before and afters are on my profile as I can't be bothered working out now to properly post photos right now.

    Well done. :)

    I just finished day 5 of level 3. I've had every part of my body aching with this level - 1st my abs/stomach, then my thighs and now my arms are joining in.
  • 0400772
    0400772 Posts: 80
    Ok so i started DAY 1 of the 30DS on Monday and honestly it looks so easy just watching it but OMG its tough! i coudltn manage all of it without being out of breath and sore! My legs and my pecs are agony and have been for the last 3 days.

    It has completely put me off exercise. Someone please kick my behind and make me get back on it. If it hurts this much for the little i did then i know it will work!!!!

    do you guys have a partner with who you work out with? maybe that helps?
