

  • Lost_Mermaid
    Lost_Mermaid Posts: 136
    wow I can't believe I didn't see mine in here already

    I grind my teeth...I actually have little chips in most of my teeth from it and it gives me migraines. I have a mouthguard to wear at night but I don't because it makes me gag, but I don't think it would help all that much because I still do it mindlessly all through out the day anyway

    The only thing that really sucks is I've noticed my three year old has started doing it too, and it's probably my fault
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I rub my fingernails under one another.... like my thumbnail under my middle or ringer finger fingernail and flick it to make this little popping sound.

    I also incessantly clean my ears (I know, not good... you're not even supposed to put the Q-tip in there)

    I push my glasses back up (they're getting too big since I lost weight)

    I used to bite/chew the inside of my bottom lip on the right side only, but it made this huge hard growth that took nearly a year to go away once I stopped

    Many many years ago I used to systematically remove my toenails. This was about 10 years ago when I was under some extreme stress. I would get all freaky with like a 'tool kit' and such that had q-tips, alcohol swabs, different kinds of tweezers and clippers. I once removed two 'next to the pinkie toe' toenails in one night when someone stole my truck.

    I'm much better now :huh:
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,641 Member
    Pfft. You all are normal.

    I bite the insides of my cheeks. Alternating sides. Hard. Have since I was a kid. I look like a camel when I do it.

    I do the same thing. :)

    LOL so do I.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Pfft. You all are normal.

    I bite the insides of my cheeks. Alternating sides. Hard. Have since I was a kid. I look like a camel when I do it.

    I do this too..hubby thinks it looks funny. Nice to know someone else does too!
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    I think the Bottom Line here is...We all fallable! Get use to it, live with it and let's loose weight! (As I pick the lint out of my navel) to scratch my *(*&*^....
  • SueSlick
    SueSlick Posts: 268 Member
    i also pick at my cuticles, sometimes to the point of bleeding. In an attempt to stop doing this, now if I feel a rough edge I take a nail file to it and smooth it out. Voila! no more rough edge to pick at.
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