Multi-Vitamins make me sick. Anyone else?

karah_girl20 Posts: 15
edited December 18 in Food and Nutrition
So I while back I decided I should add a multi Vitamin to the mix because I didn't always eat the best let alone of the right food groups. Well 15 mins after taking this Vitamin I got really sick, YES it came back up and then I was completely fine. Does this happen to anyone else any suggestions or reasons why perhaps this happens. Also note that I ate breakfast before consuming so I didnt have an empty tummy and I took it with water.


  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Maybe you don't need any extra vitamins? If you're getting to much of something you'll feel a little sick.

    Also check if it contains iron. If your iron levels are fine and you're getting enough from food, supplements would make you feel a bit nauseated. That happened to me before except I woke up feeling sick every day since I took them at night.
  • Jessintherain
    Jessintherain Posts: 67 Member
    You can't take multivitamins on an empty stomach. Otherwise, yes, you will get super nauseous or throw it back up.

    Also, I've used lots of types of multivitamins and they all can be a little different. One I used to take would give me insane heartburn, for example.

    So try the food first (like, real food) and then if that doesn't help, switch your vitamin.

    :) good luck!
  • isa75
    isa75 Posts: 156 Member
    Do you take it with food? I have found that sometimes if there is zinc or other minerals in the multivitamin I get a bit nauseous.
  • Yeah a friend told me perhaps one of the vitamins my body doesnt like or to try half a vitamin. But im unsure because it was a very horrible/painfull 15 mins so im aprehensive to try again. Also there are 50 ( I dont know hehe ) different types of vits in each one how do I figure out which my body is reacting too.
  • Deval619
    Deval619 Posts: 6
    Not had that problem before maybe try take them first thing in the morning
    on a empty stomach :)
  • I've had this happen in the past but it was when I had a vitamin on an empty stomach. Maybe try a different brand?
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    I have found that taking mine at night with food works. Usually it was when I work out even if I ate something I would get sick before. Now I seem to be OK.
  • Yes
    the VERY last line said ....note I took it after breakfast and I didnt have an empty tummy.
  • Yeah thanks for the info im really nervous about it because it was pretty painfull tummy ache for about 15 mins it hit me within a few mins after taking it. And i certainly dont want to go thru it again lol.
  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    Have you tried chewables?
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    Maybe it was just a coincedence that you got sick after the vitamin. I would also suggest taking it at night or switching brands. Try the Childrens Gummy Vitamins. Those things are yummy. lol
  • LilGiselle21
    LilGiselle21 Posts: 110 Member
    I had to take a vegetable fruit based one regular ones all make me sick. PM me if you want the name of it.
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    YUP - i take them with dinner or right before bed.
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    I can't take any vitamin early in the morning...not even with food. Makes me really nauseous. I take it after lunch with a bunch of water. No problems then.
  • I take a liquid multi-vitamin / mineral supplement that is awesome! It's called Sea Essentials, Sea Berry and I get it on Check it out...
  • Kenhabes
    Kenhabes Posts: 187 Member
    I'm of the ilk that if you eat enough variety of fruits, veggies, whole grains and protein, you probably don't need a multivitamin. Can't really hurt you as long as you're not overdosing on the fat soluble vitamins (A, D and E). Excess water soluble ones just get peed out anyway.

    I had a Vitamin D (which is really more of a hormone than a vitamin, but that's a different conversation) deficiency, and am now within normal range (30 mg/dL) after taking 4,000 IU of a quality D3 every day for almost a year. Doctor wants it in the 50-60 mg/dL range. I also take a calcium/magnesium supplement: calcium to supplement what I wasn't getting due to the low D and magnesium to control palpitations.
  • Lmaass1
    Lmaass1 Posts: 33 Member
    I always take mine with a meal and break it in half! I can't take a whole one, otherwise my stomach will hurt really bad.
  • kimimila86
    kimimila86 Posts: 399 Member
    I stopped taking multivitamins a year ago because they were making me so sick to my stomach, with or without food. But since then my doctor had me switch brands and take them with my lunch. They need lots of water to dissolve properly, so make sure you drink at least a full glass of water with it... I've started taking them again this week and I seem to be doing ok. Good luck!
  • Thank you very much everyone for all your input because I know it's an important part of a healthy life style. I will take all your comments and try to figure out a new plan/ or switching. Perhaps the childrens might be a better option if the have lower dosage of vitamins that way my body can get used to them in smaller quantities and then try a half tab and then everntually a full one.
  • I always take mine with a meal and break it in half! I can't take a whole one, otherwise my stomach will hurt really bad.
    Yeah my stomach hurt really really bad, I hear you on that. it was something fierce. lol
  • twisted88
    twisted88 Posts: 294 Member
    I've never had that happen to me, but I take the gummy ones or easily digestible ones, like chewable or liquid (I have a family member who had a gastic bypass so our vitamins generally are picked out to suit her "improved" digestive tract).
  • sherry9300
    sherry9300 Posts: 149 Member
    They make me very nauseous if I try to take them in the morning. Taking them at night before bed seems to solve that problem completely for me.
  • ckes84
    ckes84 Posts: 52
    Yeah thanks for the info im really nervous about it because it was pretty painfull tummy ache for about 15 mins it hit me within a few mins after taking it. And i certainly dont want to go thru it again lol.

    My 22-year-old son has been taking Centrum since the age of 16 - pretty regular - and he said that this had been happening to him so he switched to a "natural" brand (not sure which brand, but can find out if you're interested) and the problem has been solved. Also, it wasn't a bad batch because he had 3 different bottles, all different expiration dates.
  • annep123
    annep123 Posts: 11 Member
    If the vitamin contained Iron, look for one that doesn't contain iron--iron in a vitamin can cause nausea. If you are overwhelmed with the selection at the store, ask the pharmacist to help you. I like the gummy ones, too. I can get migraines after taking certain vitamins, and the gummy ones never cause a problem for me.
  • @ Sherry9300. Yeah perhaps its because im not much of a morning person ( meaning ) my body doesnt wake right up takes me a good while and to hit it with a vitamin within the first hour = No Bueno LOL
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    Yeah thanks for the info im really nervous about it because it was pretty painfull tummy ache for about 15 mins it hit me within a few mins after taking it. And i certainly dont want to go thru it again lol.

    This happens to me too. When it first started happening it was always in the morning, so I was a little scared I was pregnant. Fortunately, it was just the vitamin lol. I had to try a few brands before finding one I could take- oddly enough a store brand. I also need to take it a few minutes after a meal. Taking it with the meal or on an empty stomach causes problems for me.
  • If the vitamin contained Iron, look for one that doesn't contain iron--iron in a vitamin can cause nausea. If you are overwhelmed with the selection at the store, ask the pharmacist to help you. I like the gummy ones, too. I can get migraines after taking certain vitamins, and the gummy ones never cause a problem for me.
    @annep. You might have just solved my problem I am anemic and the dr's have always pushed iron tabs on me but I hate taking them cause the wreak havoc on my body so perhaps it's the iron. Who knows just a theory but prob the fact like many of you said
    When I took it, The Brand I took . Also my body prob just isnt used to vits in such a condensed form.
  • Squeeee
    Squeeee Posts: 71
    I had the same problem. The multivitamin tablets made me really sick when I took one on an empty stomach. They also made me queazy when I took them with food, too. I switched to the gummy vitamins on a friend's suggestion and I haven't had a problem since - even when I've taken them on an empty stomach.
  • wiglett
    wiglett Posts: 53
    I barf too if I take my daily before there is food in my stomach :D
  • lthacks
    lthacks Posts: 15
    Have you tried the gummy vitamins? They're the only ones i've found that are aeasy to take.
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