Frustrated! lifting weight loss!! what gives!

About a month ago I started lifting with my fiance about 3 times a week and dropped my cardio down to 15 at the max..i only have time to lift and do 15 min of cardio...seems like when i started lifting my weight is still staying the same give or take .1,.2 lbs!! I havent been faithful with my logging but eating the same things i was b4 i started the weights!!! Is anyone else having the same problem??? Sorry if this is a repeat!


  • For a few months I was lifting everyday AND doing about 45 minutes of cardio. I wasn't logging at all, but I thought, "hey! i'm probably losing, my clothes (I think!) feel better, and how could I not be with all this time at the gym." Then, I went on vacation with my family and everyone was taking pictures, I saw a picture of myself and lord, I was NOT losing weight, in fact, I had probably gained weight! I was working out so hard and not watching my calories like a hawk (like I need to in order to at least maintain), and I probably was eating more than I thought I was since I was hungry from expelling so much energy at the gym. and thus, not losing. Then, I started watching my calories and logging faithfully, and boom, I started really losing. The truth is, I really do think you need to do cardio AND watch your calories to burn fat, and lift to get a nice figure once the fat goes bye-bye. My nutritionist told me that weight loss is 85% what you eat. I don't know if that's a scientific figure, but in my experience, working out should really be the support to your watching what you eat. That's just my opinion. I think working out helps you lose weight faster, but watching what you eat helps you lose weight period. Ya know what I mean?
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    Have you checked your measurements? They may change even if your weight doesn't.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    So from mid march to the end of april, I lifted weights. I lifted hard, way past my comfort zone. I lifted 3 times a week and did almost no cardio. I ate pretty well, under goal 90% of the days.

    I GAINED 2 lbs in those 6 weeks.

    I LOST 7 inches, 3 from my hips, 3 from my lower abdomen (belly pooch), and 1 from my waist.

    And then I took a week off, being lazy and eating at a deficit but if I went over I didn't care too much.... and I've lost those 2 lbs I gained plus another 1.5 lbs. So now I am 1.5 lbs less than I was in march, and 7 inches smaller. I'm lifting again (since Tuesday) and haven't seen the gain come back like it did right away when I started in march.

    I really think this has a lot to do with glycogen and water storage when your muscles are repairing. Just keep doing what you know is right - lift those weights, do a little cardio, eat at a mild deficit (200-500 less than maintenance) and you will see some awesome changes. Just gotta be patient. :smile:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I started lifting heavy about 2 months ago. I have not lost any weight. I have lost inches everywhere and have dropped about 4% in body fat. from around 24% to around 20%. I no longer pay muc attention to the scale.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Have you checked your measurements? They may change even if your weight doesn't.

    Read my blog. I did lose before I gained again, but that's because I didn't start lifting early enough.
  • Hi,
    Make sure the 15 mins of cardio you are doing is intervals at a hard level. No cruising along! Eg, go very fast on x trainer/rower/bike/treadmill for 30 seconds, then take it easy for 30 or a minute. Then repeat until 15 minutes are up. You should be knackered after that! Your heart rate will spike and drop repeatedly burning lots more calories for the session and also for the rest of the day.

    Also when you lift your weights have as little rest as possible between sets. Try and keep moving. Or skip 100 fast jumps between each set to spike your heart rate again.

    And if you log your food and stay under your calories for the day you will lose weight. If you don't log your food it escapes your mind and all the little extra bits and pieces you ate all day get forgotten about.

    Good luck :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    What kind of weight lifting are you doing?
    Whats the routine?
    Give an example.
    Also, how much do you eat on lifting days?
    How tall are you?
    How much do you weigh?
    Body Fat%?

    I know! I'm nosy!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Some of us shoot up about 8 lbs and are still there almost 2 months later without much change in measurements. And by some, I mean me.

    Is it frustrating? Hell yes. Will I quit? Not on your life. I'm doing the Stronglifts 5x5 program. My friends know my struggles with squats, but I benched 70 lbs tonight. rawr.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    do strength 3 days a week with 15-20 min cardio, and then on the other days do just cardio. I'm pro strength & cardio, both are important. and your diet probably has something to do with it. really you need to keep track, log very diligently. :)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Keep at it, it isn't a quick process. You will begin to see other changes besides the scale, and muscle takes months to build. My advice would be, watch and track your diet METICULOUSLY (every bite) and stay off the scale but once a month or so...and like the others said, 3x a week lifting, and how ever much cardio you want to add in (depending on your weight loss goals).
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    What kind of weight lifting are you doing?
    Whats the routine?
    Give an example.
    Also, how much do you eat on lifting days?
    How tall are you?
    How much do you weigh?
    Body Fat%?

    I know! I'm nosy!

    So Dan, in a couple of threads we're both posting in, you keep asking good questions and nobody's answering. Are you starting to take it personally?? LOL
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I have about 10 lbs of straight fat to lose. About 3 weeks ago, I changed my workout from VERY high intensity cardio (and weights, just not heavy) to very heavy (for me) lifting 3x's a week. Also, I upped my calories from 1200 to 1700. I *could* have stair stepped it but you know, I'm 5'11 and weigh 175. I'm not 5'2. I need to stop eating like I am. I've gained FOUR lbs. FOUR. And I'm still feeling the same fat but I KNOW this is a mental thing I'm just going to have to get over. I honestly think with all the crazy diets I've done in the past, my metabolism just doesn't know wtf to do with me. Even though I'll be in a bikini in a month, I HAVE to give my body time to repair the damage I've done. I know (mentally -- even though it still sucks) that I didn't gain 4 lbs of fat. I know this. Change WILL come.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    I looked at your diary and saw a lot of refined carbs and not a lot to proteing. Try keeping your workout the same but adjusting your diet. Cut the carbs and refined foods and up the protein and you will most likely see results!

    Good luck!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I have about 10 lbs of straight fat to lose. About 3 weeks ago, I changed my workout from VERY high intensity cardio (and weights, just not heavy) to very heavy (for me) lifting 3x's a week. Also, I upped my calories from 1200 to 1700. I *could* have stair stepped it but you know, I'm 5'11 and weigh 175. I'm not 5'2. I need to stop eating like I am. I've gained FOUR lbs. FOUR. And I'm still feeling the same fat but I KNOW this is a mental thing I'm just going to have to get over. I honestly think with all the crazy diets I've done in the past, my metabolism just doesn't know wtf to do with me. Even though I'll be in a bikini in a month, I HAVE to give my body time to repair the damage I've done. I know (mentally -- even though it still sucks) that I didn't gain 4 lbs of fat. I know this. Change WILL come.

    You are correct, that 4 pounds is water and glycogen. It'll normalize as your body adjusts. You are on the right track! Stay with it. Also, I still think your cals are a little low. Try going to and using thier formula. I like it a lot and Dan is a regular poster here who is extremely helpful.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I have about 10 lbs of straight fat to lose. About 3 weeks ago, I changed my workout from VERY high intensity cardio (and weights, just not heavy) to very heavy (for me) lifting 3x's a week. Also, I upped my calories from 1200 to 1700. I *could* have stair stepped it but you know, I'm 5'11 and weigh 175. I'm not 5'2. I need to stop eating like I am. I've gained FOUR lbs. FOUR. And I'm still feeling the same fat but I KNOW this is a mental thing I'm just going to have to get over. I honestly think with all the crazy diets I've done in the past, my metabolism just doesn't know wtf to do with me. Even though I'll be in a bikini in a month, I HAVE to give my body time to repair the damage I've done. I know (mentally -- even though it still sucks) that I didn't gain 4 lbs of fat. I know this. Change WILL come.

    You are correct, that 4 pounds is water and glycogen. It'll normalize as your body adjusts. You are on the right track! Stay with it. Also, I still think your cals are a little low. Try going to and using thier formula. I like it a lot and Dan is a regular poster here who is extremely helpful.

    I didn't see a formula? It was just a sales website for some diet?
  • jennhast27
    jennhast27 Posts: 6 Member
    I have been losing at least 2 lbs a week but this past week I started some toning and ab exercise and noticed the scale kinda went the other way. :( I hate seeing that. I know for a fact I will stick to my ab exercise cuz that is where I want to tighten up the most and instead of toning I might switch back to a cardio and see if that helps. Once I lose all the weight I want to lose then I will probably switch to toning. So don't worry, you aren't the only one struggling with this situation! Good Luck and have a great weekend!
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    If you're using an intense lifting routine, eating at a deficit, getting enough protein, and not losing weight weight, then good! By the sound of it, you're losing fat and building a little bit of muscle at the same time.
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    I have been losing at least 2 lbs a week but this past week I started some toning and ab exercise and noticed the scale kinda went the other way. :( I hate seeing that. I know for a fact I will stick to my ab exercise cuz that is where I want to tighten up the most and instead of toning I might switch back to a cardio and see if that helps. Once I lose all the weight I want to lose then I will probably switch to toning. So don't worry, you aren't the only one struggling with this situation! Good Luck and have a great weekend!
    What you see in the mirror > the number on the scale

  • jennhast27
    jennhast27 Posts: 6 Member
    very true!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I have about 10 lbs of straight fat to lose. About 3 weeks ago, I changed my workout from VERY high intensity cardio (and weights, just not heavy) to very heavy (for me) lifting 3x's a week. Also, I upped my calories from 1200 to 1700. I *could* have stair stepped it but you know, I'm 5'11 and weigh 175. I'm not 5'2. I need to stop eating like I am. I've gained FOUR lbs. FOUR. And I'm still feeling the same fat but I KNOW this is a mental thing I'm just going to have to get over. I honestly think with all the crazy diets I've done in the past, my metabolism just doesn't know wtf to do with me. Even though I'll be in a bikini in a month, I HAVE to give my body time to repair the damage I've done. I know (mentally -- even though it still sucks) that I didn't gain 4 lbs of fat. I know this. Change WILL come.

    You are correct, that 4 pounds is water and glycogen. It'll normalize as your body adjusts. You are on the right track! Stay with it. Also, I still think your cals are a little low. Try going to and using thier formula. I like it a lot and Dan is a regular poster here who is extremely helpful.

    I didn't see a formula? It was just a sales website for some diet? under the tools section. The radio is important :)