

  • bytemeeeeee
    bytemeeeeee Posts: 174
    Are you logging everything you eat? You are literally starving yourself. Eating 300-400 calories daily is dangerous and unsustainable, as you are starting to find out. This sort of eating can do serious damage to your body. Please start eating more. Fruits, nuts, veggies, pretty much anything and everything. Food is not your enemy.

    I totally agree!
  • bellanotae
    bellanotae Posts: 5
    I could not see your diary but I would agree that you should see a doctor. Your diet might not be giving you the nutrition you need to be healthy. I would say the best thing to maintain your weight is to keep watching what you eat and keep working out at least 3 days a week. If you have lost the weight the right way slow and steady along with building muscle then you should have nothing to worry about. If you have deprived your self and took things and did not work out then that is a different story. I am sure you have noting to worry about just see the doctor, eat right and work out.

    Congrats on the weight loss and good luck.

  • bellanotae
    bellanotae Posts: 5
    Ok I stand corrected as I have read your diary and see why your hair is falling out. You are losing weight the wrong way and need more cal. then you are eating. If you ever go back to the old ways of eating or even just eating like you should be in general then you will put weight back on as you have done this the unhealthy way. I might add you have not worked out. I think I would go see your doctor and have a talk with them about this and I am sure they can tell you what to do. For starters though I would increase your cal. as your body needs way more then you are giving it. If you don't then you will start losing more than just your hair.

    I hope this helps
  • JoniRiaya
    JoniRiaya Posts: 79
    I am praying that you will seek help. As many others have said - please go to the dr!!
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Take some vitamin B for hair/nails.

    Really? I mean, this may be one of those classic examples of someone actually not reading and just posting the first thing that pops in their head, but did you seriously read any of the rest of the comments in this section before you posted your brilliant advice, or are you simply trolling a serious situation. Read the room, for real...

    To the OP, please, please, please, seek a doctor for help and they will get you where you need to be. I know friends that have gone through this and it is a tough mindset to get out of, but what you are doing is not good for your body. Please, I beg of you, seek some professional help.
  • cutethang1
    cutethang1 Posts: 239 Member
    If by chance you DO log everything you eat then I would advise you, not to make any decisions on your goal weight and see a doctor ASAP to have him refer you for some help with how to eat to nourish your body, and how to adress the food issues you have.

    Please do this, you are on a very destructive path- been there. PM if you would like to connect.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    your hair is falling out because you are malnurished. You are starving your body of essential nutrients, and when that happens it starts taking those nutrients from itself (including hair, teeth, bones, muscles . . . which includes the heart, etc). Go see a doctor and a therapist, you my dear are anorexic and the pretty things that you will lose over time (hair, nails, teeth) is little concern over the big things you will lose continuing down this path (bone density, heart and organ function, mental capacity). As a former ED sufferer, chances are you can't come out of this alone and must have the assistance of qualified ED specialists. Good luck to you, ma'am.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I don't look unhealthy, and I don't feel unhealthy. I'll try to gradually increase my intake.

    You're hair is falling out and you don't look unhealthy? Can you run a mile, just at a simple jog? You should be able to but I would guess dollars to donuts that you have a hard time getting that distance. I see you exercise, I would hazzard that you've had to back off on your level of excertion or general activity level as you just get tired easily. Do you think you don't look unhealthy or does no one think you look unhealthy?
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    Take some vitamin B for hair/nails.

    Really? I mean, this may be one of those classic examples of someone actually not reading and just posting the first thing that pops in their head, but did you seriously read any of the rest of the comments in this section before you posted your brilliant advice, or are you simply trolling a serious situation. Read the room, for real...

    To the OP, please, please, please, seek a doctor for help and they will get you where you need to be. I know friends that have gone through this and it is a tough mindset to get out of, but what you are doing is not good for your body. Please, I beg of you, seek some professional help.

    Had the exact same thought. Sometimes people should just, well... Yeah. I'll leave it there.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm really glad you posted looking for advice and help instead of being in denial about how little you are eating. You know you're not eating enough don't you?

    The hair loss is quite scary. I think you need to go to the doctor asap and be completely honest. You could really damage yourself if you keep this up much longer.

    Please get help. (((hugs))) xx