Is once in a while ok?



  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    yes...enjoy anything you like in moderation...and get check ups that have blood work to make sure you blood glucose levels are grandma was in great shape and looked awesome...but loved Coke...not the diet stuff...and she had diabetes....she did end up dying from coplications to that...
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Yes! It's ok. Most people fail to lose weight because they end up 'dieting'! It's not dieting, it's a healthy lifestyle. You have to learn how to have treats now and then and be able to 'eat within your means' as I like to call it or you won't be able to maintain after you reach goal.:drinker: Cheers!
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I'm sure it won't hurt, but why not try cutting it out completely? Having it once in a while might make you crave it more frequently. I had a huge Pepsi addiction and I HAD to completely cut it out to get rid of the cravings.
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    You have two competing concepts here. On the one hand anything you can't do permanently isn't going to work. So if it's necessary to meet your overall goals long term then that's what would work for you.

    On the other hand it does take at least several weeks to lose the craving. You might as well see what happens after you've given it plenty of time because for a number of reasons you're better off without it.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    I say absolutely! One of the goals of this is to learn to manage with things you like. Otherwise it will not be sustainable. Awareness of how many calories in foods you will continue consuming after you reach your goal and assuring that you are accounting for how you spend your daily calories is one of the ways to assure success, in my opinion. Otherwise, this becomes a temporary fix where you eat to lose weight, but then go back to bad habits after the fact.
    My $.02 ...
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    I'm on week two of counting calories and find I'm doing well so far. One of my vices prior to this was Pepsi and not the diet stuff either. My question is this, is it ok to still have one every once in a while? I had one last week and I had one this week, both were allowed in my daily limits of calories/carbs. Before starting this I'd have at least three cans a day! After drinking it I can't say it made me want more, I was able to leave it alone. What do you think?

    In moderation is fine! In the end, you may find you dont want it anymore but, the dramatic drop from 3 a day to 1 a week is GREAT!! Give youself time to adjust! It is a CHEAT for you and, like others have said, as long as you fit it into your diary, you should be GOOD!! :)

  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I had one last week and I had one this week, both were allowed in my daily limits of calories/carbs. Before starting this I'd have at least three cans a day! After drinking it I can't say it made me want more, I was able to leave it alone. What do you think?

    I think you're developing a healthy relationship with a food that once ruled you, and that's an excellent thing to see.

    It's not healthy, but you have to ask yourself - when you reach your goal weight, is soda going to be a part of your life? If it is, then it should be a part of your weight loss as well, because the only difference between where you are NOW and where you will be on maintenance is a slightly increased caloric intake.

    You're learning to enjoy something you consider a treat within your budget. This is a good habit, not a bad one.

    Sweet beverages might tend to increase your cravings for sweets, because the sugar messes with your blood sugars and might leave you wanting more later, sometimes days later. Watch for this, but then again if you're honestly logging your food and beverages and managing your budgets, cravings are largely self-regulating anyway. If you really want it, you'll budget for it and enjoy it all the more for having done so responsibly and guilt-free.
  • killingtheantagonist
    killingtheantagonist Posts: 178 Member
    If this is going to be a life change and not just a diet, do you think you'll be able to go forever without happy something you enjoy? I say, every once in a while is fine. Just have it in moderation. I mean I love Mt. Dew but I don't drink it like I use to. That was my go to drink and I've pretty much cut it down to once a month. It's hard, but once your use to not drinking it for so long, you pretty much don't crave it anymore. It's great. So the key is moderation.
  • Ryathur
    Ryathur Posts: 16
    I used to drink nothing but Pepsi, and hardly anything else (including water). After a lot of weening, I am now able to restrict my Pepsi drinking to three times a week. I don't crave it anymore, I just use it to wake up on the mornings when I have school.

    Just as long as it fits inside your calories, it should be fine. Just be careful, since it does make you go over your sugar if you're tracking that. Then again, so does fruit juice.
  • Melaniec78
    Melaniec78 Posts: 259 Member
    I'm on week two of counting calories and find I'm doing well so far. One of my vices prior to this was Pepsi and not the diet stuff either. My question is this, is it ok to still have one every once in a while? I had one last week and I had one this week, both were allowed in my daily limits of calories/carbs. Before starting this I'd have at least three cans a day! After drinking it I can't say it made me want more, I was able to leave it alone. What do you think?
    I agree with everyone. Occasionally it is ok if it is logged. Pay attention to the way your body feels. I found that after I weaned myself off and started eating better I would feel horrible after having one and now I don't even desire them. I would have belly aches, be bloated, and my insulin would spike making me feel like I needed to eat. I would eat to make the shakes go away and get very irritable and tired afterward.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    as long as you are under your calories..then go for it! My hubby drank one pepsi or mountain dew a day for 6 months and still lost 67 lbs in 8 months
  • CherylGardner
    CherylGardner Posts: 75 Member
    people who try to eliminate things they love often give up in frustration.

    have the pepsi.


  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I have a Pepsi every once in a while. I used to drink 4-5 a day but now I can go days or even weeks without one. I don't deny myself one either though. If I do that, I know I will not stick with my plan. I do count it in my calories and it takes away from eating something else more filling but I recognize my cravings. :)
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    As long as it's acounted for in your calories yes. Have you ever taken a cup and measured out the sugar in regular soda?! It's a lot in a can. ts either 10 or 12 teaspoons full!!

    Wow thanks! And I thought the 80% increase in pancreatic cancer was a deterrent enough.

    However, not everything I eat is totally clean either - so I'd just be sparring and careful with the indulgences. For example, I drink obscene ammounts of caffine and I know that's not good for me either. Always black hazlenut dunkin donuts coffee. Thank heavens they came out with kcups so I don't have to be tempted into a munchkin everytime I want a cup.
  • iva001
    iva001 Posts: 162
    They also make the mini 100 calorie cans. I started drinking sparkling water with fresh lime, I prefer it to regular water. Maybe you will too?

    I used to have same pepsi addiction..
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    I agree with everyone. Occasionally it is ok if it is logged. Pay attention to the way your body feels. I found that after I weaned myself off and started eating better I would feel horrible after having one and now I don't even desire them. I would have belly aches, be bloated, and my insulin would spike making me feel like I needed to eat. I would eat to make the shakes go away and get very irritable and tired afterward.

    This is the same effect that my husband noted as a diabetic, even though he drank diet it made him want to just eat eat eat more.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    They also make the mini 100 calorie cans. I started drinking sparkling water with fresh lime, I prefer it to regular water. Maybe you will too?

    My aunt swears by the sparkling water with the smallest drop of cranberry juice, so you can definately do variations on this if you want.

    Also, as far as substitutions go, once a month I buy a 6 pack of zevia for the house and we each get 2 (my husband, daugther, and I).
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    Have you tried pepsi next? It's got about half the calories i believe and I think it is leaps and bounds better tasting than diet pepsi. It's hardly noticeable that it's got less sugar. :)
  • amv1023
    amv1023 Posts: 61 Member
    I used to drink around 3-4 cans of regular Pepsi a day. When I started logging my food I realized how much of my daily calories it was using up. After the 3 or 4th day of logging I decided it just wasn't as appealing anymore and I cut way back. I still have it once in a while, but it's just not as important to me anymore. I won't completely give up things that I love, but looking at the big picture I just came to realize that many things should just be used as a treat and not a staple in my diet. As long as it fits into your calorie allowance and you still have enough calories for healthy foods then I say go for it. Just don't drink away too many of your calories or you will end up hungry and it could cause you to derail
  • Barbellsandthimbles
    Barbellsandthimbles Posts: 205 Member
    Slowly weaning yourself off a beverage is much more effective/successful than going cold turkey. It just doesn't work for some people!

    Very true, but weaning off of a beverage/food doesn't work for some too! I'm not the type of person who can slowly wean off of stuff I'm hooked on (e.g. diet coke, table sugar). If I tell myself "1 a week is ok as long as it's in my calorie budget" I do fine for a week or two, but then slowly I start adding it back in "I've done so well and I have the calories, I can have 1 more". Then before I know it, I'm back where I began. So, for was an all or nothing approach. Haven't had a soda/diet soda in over 3 years. I still crave them though.

    All of that just to say, as long as you are keeping yourself limited and don't start overindulging again...go for it! I just know I've not been successful with this approach.