How do you stay on track when you live with temptation?



  • carolinamombo
    carolinamombo Posts: 28 Member
    I have the exact same issue. My husband loves to snack and he doesn't like many veggies - just canned green beans, potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes... I do most of the grocery shopping & find it helpful to only buy him snacks that don't tempt me. He loves chips, a specific brand of crackers, and fruit snacks. Those do not tempt me at all so I buy them for him regularly. I will also buy myself snacks that are just for me - usually fruit and veggies, protein bars, hummus, sugar free pudding, triscuits, etc Then I make sure that I have everything washed and cut up in baggies so I can grab a quick healthy snack instead of reaching for the less healthy options. You could also ask him to refrain from the temptations in front of you... or keep his items in a special container or cabinet. Hope this helps & good luck!
  • carolinamombo
    carolinamombo Posts: 28 Member
    By the way, I have been slowly changing my lifestyle (exercise and diet) over the past 6 years & have lost 100 pounds. I use to ask my husband to make changes, but he interpreted my "communication and concern" as nagging (ha!), so I stopped asking and just focused on myself. He has recently started walking on the treadmill - all on his own! I hope my example inspired him. I'm sure your husband will be inspired by your commitment to a healthier lifestyle - even if it takes years for him to make any changes of his own :)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Thanks everyone! I know I just need to be strong and keep trying to be as healthy as I can. Maybe he will join me! By the way my son loves salads... I just had to say that because I don't want to come off like he is give junk food for dinner. We just all have that darn sweet tooth :( I really appreciate all the useful suggestions! My wish was for my husband to join me in this goal so it would be a smoother ride.

    He's doing better than me already then, I never met a salad I could stand the sight of. The sweet tooth thing, maybe it's partly genetic. If so, I'm glad I didn't pass it on to my son. He already has my sense of humor and ability to get distracted by everything and- ooo butterfly!