Cheat Days- I don't get it

I have a question. Really just curious...

Reading these forums a lot recently, I have seen a lot of people incorporate a whole "cheat day" each week into their plan. From what I'm hearing you can eat whatever and how much as you want.

What I'm wondering is, can you still lose weight doing this??

See, I understand the concept of doing this so you don't feel deprived and go over on the other days of the week. But I would think just one "cheat meal", or indulgence now and then is good. I'm not planning to have a cheat day myself because I'm already losing weight very very slowly and only indulging a little bit on some days is fine for me right now.

Just trying to make sense of it. In my opinion I feel like having a whole cheat day would ruin the whole progress I had already made the days prior, I don't know? If it works, that's great! Maybe I will try it LOL :laugh: :smile:


  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    If you look at your calorie goals weekly rather than daily, and you're still at a deficit at the end of a week with a cheat meal... ya, it works.

    I used to do it every Sunday for about 7 months. :)
  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    I pretty much just don't count my calls on the weekends. We have teenagers, and always have friends over during the summer on the weekends, which means cooking over the fire/on the grill, and yeah we do a lot of hot dogs or brats because of the amount of people that are here, and I just don't worry about it a whole lot. If you look at my diary, you'll see no counting on Saturday or Sunday. I don't sit around and pig out, but if we wanna have hot dogs, we have hot dogs, and I don't stress about it.

    And yes, I am losing :)
  • AmyB69
    AmyB69 Posts: 117
    I don't "cheat" really. I still have pizza every Friday night. I eat everything in moderation. I drink 9-10 glasses of water every day, I work out for 60-90 minutes 6-7 days a week. I've lost consistently. I just don't go over my calories. If I know I'm going to have something high in calories then I just plan for it.
  • ariant23
    ariant23 Posts: 161 Member
    ditto to the above. just make sure your net over time is below your usage and you'll lose weight. rather than a "cheat day" (at least for me) it's an "eat normal in the end day" it's a net-zero day for me (or something close), not a binge and lose the rest of the week day. and i do usually put in a higher-calorie tasty food on that day.

    all things in moderation...
  • TeddyBear47
    TeddyBear47 Posts: 200 Member
    You're right a cheat meal is better than a cheat day. Maybe every two weeks or so. I've had 2 cheat meals in 4 months. I didn't plan on those, it just kinds happened. GOOD LUCK
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Quite a few years ago, I heard of this from my mom. It wasn't until about 3 years ago that my mom turned me on to this book by Bill Philips. The book is called Body For Life. In the book, Bill is a strong advocate of a cheat day (it was written in the 80's). He talks a lot about why this is good for your body, but only if you are exercising 6 days a week and utilizing HIIT for cardio. So, if you are doing those things, then having a cheat day is fine. I've lost weight doing it. No problem. There are lots of reasons why it works. One of those reasons is that it makes it easier to be good all week, if you know your cheat day is coming up and you can have pizza and ice cream. My only self-imposed rule was, i only got cheat day if I was good all week. If I blew it, no cheat day and that would make me a sad panda.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Most of the people who have lost the largest amount of weight on my friends list have cheat days. They don't really "eat whatever they want" though. It's more like they allow themselves to indulge in something they really like that might put them slightly over their calorie goal for the day.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I just don't believe in a 'cheat" day philospophically. If you need to do that, you have your goal set too agressive. Losing weight in the short term is great but if we're not learning how to change the paradigm of our lives. I've decided I'm not really trying to lose weight, I'm trying to reduce fat and be healthy. That puts the whole thing in a different perspective. My fat is going down, my body is getting healthier and my weight hasn't really changed in 2 months but my clothes are all looser and my body fat is down about 4%. There is no need to cheat. I can do this for the rest of my life!
  • mibrewer413
    mibrewer413 Posts: 78 Member
    Quite a few years ago, I heard of this from my mom. It wasn't until about 3 years ago that my mom turned me on to this book by Bill Philips. The book is called Body For Life. In the book, Bill is a strong advocate of a cheat day (it was written in the 80's). He talks a lot about why this is good for your body, but only if you are exercising 6 days a week and utilizing HIIT for cardio. So, if you are doing those things, then having a cheat day is fine. I've lost weight doing it. No problem. There are lots of reasons why it works. One of those reasons is that it makes it easier to be good all week, if you know your cheat day is coming up and you can have pizza and ice cream. My only self-imposed rule was, i only got cheat day if I was good all week. If I blew it, no cheat day and that would make me a sad panda.

    I did Body For Life about 10 years ago and lost 30 lbs and his concepts of eating/cheat day/working out 6 days a week really made sense to me. I drank those myoplex shakes for years. I still apply a lot of his concepts like not eating food that is "empty calories" and I do have a cheat meal but not a whole cheat day anymore. He always stressed the better carbs too like whole wheats, sweet potatoes, etc. His best quote that still runs through my mind is "Fail to plan, then plan on failing".
  • 0622cameron
    0622cameron Posts: 49
    I don't "cheat" really. I still have pizza every Friday night. I eat everything in moderation. I drink 9-10 glasses of water every day, I work out for 60-90 minutes 6-7 days a week. I've lost consistently. I just don't go over my calories. If I know I'm going to have something high in calories then I just plan for it.

    I agree totally with this. I don't call it a cheat day because it is incorporated into my calories. We eat pizza mostly every friday and I have still lost weight doing this. Just don't go over your calories. Remember to exercise and drink your water.
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    I don't have planned cheat days per se, but I eat close to maintenance once a week or so. I still average my calorie goal for the week. For me, it works. I tend to lose more weight with high and low days than with eating the same amount each day. It's an informal way of calorie cycling, and the way I naturally eat. Some days I eat a lot, some days I don't. I just make sure it all averages out in the end, and I've been losing weight.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I don't have "cheat days" either, I eat what I want, I'm at my goal weight and maintaining with ease.......:) Anything in moderation is my motto........
  • WiegandS
    WiegandS Posts: 99 Member
    My cheat days are just days where I'm just really hungry. Most of the time they are days where I don't exercise (because my body is used to eating more than 1200 calories) or days where I burn 1,000+ calories and I'm just hungry every hour on the hour. I don't plan it where it's every 1st monday or the month or every friday, etc.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Dropped 220lbs having a cheat day, often times 2 cheat days a week.

    I work hard though.
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    I don't do cheat days. I'll have a cheat meal, where I'll have something I don't eat during the week. Most of the time, I'll order in some chicken (not fried) and fries. Or pizza. Sometimes I'll have a dessert; most of the time I won't. I won't go overboard and eat anything I want an entire day because:

    1. I honestly don't want to;
    2. I'll be sick the next day;
    3. It doesn't make sense for me to eat 'clean' during the week and then go crazy 1x week for an entire day. It just goes against what I am trying to do. But a cheat meal about once a week? It keeps me sane! ;-) And it's working since I'm dropping body fat. So why not?
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    If you're not able to indulge then jump back on, you probably shouldn't do it.

    I don't have that problem, and so 'free days' work for me. Saturday, I eat whatever I want, and I was losing weight every week. Now I'm on maintenance and still incorporating a cheat day and actually lost 6 more lbs at MAINTENANCE while incorporating a cheat day, so according to MFP I was eating a surplus (should've gained, not lost...) before it actually leveled out and actually maintained my weight.

    I'll never give up my cheat day because it works for me.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    the more cheat days/meals you have.. the slower you reach your goal.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    The only thing that really matters is your weekly deficit. I'll be eating 3,000 calories tomorrow. I vary my calories the other six days a week so that if I were to average my weekly calories it would be like eating about 1600 a day; in the end my weekly deficit is still the same. It's not a cheat, though, it's completely planned. Some people work well that way, some don't. Some people can have a free day where they don't log anything for that one day and still end up with a nice weekly deficit. I have to log to make sure I get to that 3,000, not under and not over.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    I don't like calling them cheat days.
    What's been working for me, though, is thinking of it as a weekly calorie goal/limit as others have said. I "save" up calories for Sundays, and then I eat what I want on Sunday, up to the number of extra calories I've saved. I virtually never eat them all. I am also still losing weight even though I have my goal set to "maintenance" and I am going to have to up my calories again!
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    the more cheat days/meals you have.. the slower you reach your goal.
    Not true, or at least not totally true. Google "calorie cycling".