Cheat Days- I don't get it



  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    then if what you are saying is true then you can "cheat" every single day and still have progressive weight loss...

    This is silly. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you or saying one thing is true and one thing isn't. I am explaining about how people on MFP define "cheat" differently since you made a blanket statement about it slowing down weight loss. What you say is true only if people see a cheat as eating into the deficit they started with. A lot of people here see a "cheat" as eating junk food, like pizza on Fridays even if it fits into their calories/macros for the day. I personally think that definition makes no sense, since if it fits within, then where's the cheat? But a lot of people here call that a "cheat." I'm just explaining to you why your blanket statement does not hold true for everyone who *says* they "cheat." That's why these threads are posted several times a week and people start arguing because they fall into different camps about what a "cheat" is. So yes, for some people they could "cheat" everyday and still lose weight if they define "cheating" as eating junk food, but within their goals. For others "cheating" means eating into their deficit. And for a lot of people they have "free" days or they eat in "moderation" or whatever and there are no cheats. Just clarifying than on MFP "cheating" doesn't mean slower weight loss for everyone, it depends on how that person defines cheating, if they do at all.
    lol... so wuts ur personal definition again? how do you have 'your' cheat day/meal?

    I don't. I don't consider anything about the way I eat "cheating." The point was that your blanket statement doesn't apply if not everyone is using the same definition. To say "cheat days slow weight loss" is misleading.
    this is a forrum and its my opinion... there is no such thing as cheating unless it hinders some sort of progress... the whole point of having anything labeled cheat..

    *Sigh* I'm totally over this as you've completely missed the point I was trying to make and I feel stupid for even engaging in this. I should have just made my original post and moved on. I *agree with you* that there isn't a cheat unless it hinders progress. But on MFP a lot of people use it differently. They cheated if they had pizza or fast food or soda or whatever even if it fits within their goals. I don't think that's cheating, even though I don't eat that stuff, but they do. You can have your opinion, just understand that the conclusions drawn from your opinion don't apply to those who define cheat differently. So if someone asks if cheating works, you first have to ask them what they think cheating is.

    Edit: OP so sorry for taking over this thread. I hope your question has been answered.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I don't have cheat days, but I will got out for a meal with friends sometimes and eat what I want rather than what I would eat at home. I really can't see the point of going to a nice restaurant and having something unsatisfying whilst watching others eat what you'd like to be eating. My money is hard earned and I'll have what I want if I'm paying top dollar for it!

    I'm usually under on my calories, if I go over then I just won't eat back all of my exercise calories, if you want to lose you find a way round these things without having to bring in the Food Police.
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    i have a cheat day. what i do is spread my weekly calorie goal throughout the week. so i have 1 high day , some medium days some low days. .so my calorie intake looks like this..


    which averages to a daily intake of about 1686 calories. not bad. i'm losing
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 315 Member
    I've been doing cheat days.. but, I have no happy news to report. It's not working for me. Some of us are expert cheaters, and I have found That I have been using it as an excuse to binge, essentially undoing all my hard work from the week. It's ridiculous. I'm pretty awesome at making excuses, but this is my last weekend of finals nonsense. Hopefully this Monday will be my VERY FIRST MONDAY WITH A DANG LOSS.

    I am absolutely not against the idea, I just have been abusing it and not helping myself at all.
  • Wasabinuts
    Wasabinuts Posts: 19 Member
    I personally would not be able to have"cheat days" as I would probably overindulge and fall off the wagon. Wouldn't you feel crappy eating all those calorie laden goodies? To each his own.
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    i think the key is on cheat day not going all out for pizza burgers fries soda candy sweets.. its more like just having higher calorie intake but still trying to eat healthier while indulging in one or 2 things you would not eat during the rest of the week. so for me i still count the calories of everything i eat on cheat day and i stay within the calorie goal for that day.
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    the more cheat days/meals you have.. the slower you reach your goal.

    Not true, not in my case anyway. I've always had a cheat day each week (sometimes 2 when I had loads to lose) and have lost pretty consistently. A while back I got impatient to reach my goal weight as it got closer so I quit with the cheat days and guess what? I stopped losing.

    As soon as I got back to regular cheat days I started losing again.

    Oh and my cheat day isn't just eating at maintenance, it's a full on Chinese buffet fest with dessert that easily goes over 3000cals.

    I'm not up on the science of it all but it seems to work for me by not allowing my body to settle at a certain amount of calories per day. Also it helps me stick to my plan the rest f the week as I know I can have something deliciously fattening in a few days.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    "if this were the case, fat people would get thin by having one "health day" per week."

  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    agree with mmapags
    Cheat days are strongly related to strict diets.
    If you eat stuff you don't eat on a daily basis, it's a restrictive behaviour. Why don't you include such on a daily basis ? I like eating chocolate, I just ...log it, sorted

    if you cheat in quantity, you are not eating enough most of the times, hormones goes wazo, you think about food and you pig up

    I remember one said let's call them "free days" - free from what ?

    Now when it comes to weight loss, a cheat day doesn't change anything, no matter if it's under or above TDEE. What makes the difference is always the diet 90% of the time.

    and Taso said it :-)
  • fuzzyslipperz
    fuzzyslipperz Posts: 49 Member
    I do have a bit of a splurge day now, but very moderate. However, when I was 'dieting', I lost 50 pounds having a cheat day each and every week. And my calories during the week weren't crazy low (1500 or so), so it wasn't THAT restrictive. Still, it works for some, not for others. I was busy during the week and had more relaxation time on weekends so it worked for me.

    I think a lot of us did it because it was actually recommended in some diet plans, like Body for Life, which was essentially what I followed for about 5 years. (kept the weight off, too!).
  • linzirussell
    linzirussell Posts: 116 Member
    i have a spike day every week. always have done, always will! haha ive lost over 100 pounds doing it :) as long as my weekly calorie total is a defecit, i lose :)
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I agree with monty. If I could never cheat and enjoy all healthy stuff....I'd be rock solid at my goal weight right now.

    Throw in all that booze, fried garbage, excess sugar and it will take a little detour.

    Just one mans opinon...not for everyone
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You'll often here about the 80/20 rule. As long as 80% of what you eat is healthy, you can have 20% that's not quite so healthy.

    So what's one day out of the seven days of the week? About 15%. If you're eating on plan the other 85% of the time, you're doing well.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    So long as you're in a net deficit, yes, you'll still lose weight. If I'm in a 500 calorie deficit 6 days a week and then have a cheat day of 1000 extra calories, then I'm still in a deficit for the week.

    A cheat day is also good for a mental and physical boost. You'll get an extra boost of energy because of the extra carbs so you'll probably get some better workouts in, AND it gives your mind a little bit of a break from all the dieting.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    When I first started MFP i was really strict on what i ate. But I had to train myself on portion control and changing the foods I ate and having cheat days at that time would not work for me. After a couple of months I wouldnt have cheat days but if I wanted pizza and wings then I would have it but 1 piece of pizza vs 4 is a big difference. And that was satisfying. Its been almost a year on here and now in maintance I do allow myself some goodies but I still count every serving.... i am ok with 1 serving vs eating 4 or 5 servings
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I cant believe it. Because 1 day turns into 2 days and so on for me. I have to really concentrate right now and be on track for awhile before I will allow another cheat meal or day.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I don't cheat. I'd just be cheating myself. I do fit foods into my menu so that I can feel satisfied.

    I avoid alot of things though which means that yes some would say that I deprive myself. That's ok because my goal is closer every day and I don't mind skipping the chocolate and the pizza to get there. I do have rewards though. I'm going on vacation next week and I will be having a glass of wine (first one since Feb 22). I will be relaxing and I probably will eat out.

    I'm not going to eat crazy stuff because it will throw my gut into a tizzy and then it will be montazuma's revenge for the vacation. Slow and steady wins the race. If you feel you can fit in "cheat" calories then do it.

    I prefer to eat calories that will assist my metabolism and have high amounts of nutrients in them.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I eat what I want, when I want.. Exercise, and I've lost just fine.

    Ate out about 3-4 times this week.. and will be eating out all weekend. Why? It's just how my life has been this week.. and there is nothing wrong with that. Next week will def. be better for sure!
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    I try not to have cheat days if I want something I exercise it off. I have had a few bad days last week I went over my calories. I didn't gain but I didn't lose any either. Sometimes I get days were I feel like eating things that aren't good for me and i'll eat like a cow. After I feel like **** for not sticking to my diet. If the craving last more than 3 days for something I have it then the urge is out of my system and I can move on
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    I am too afraid to do a cheat day...because i have my mess ups where i mess up and eat not as well on occasion.
    San :)