how to lose 5 pounds n 1 week



  • KatrinaGrace1
    KatrinaGrace1 Posts: 15 Member
    Eat 3 healthy meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) a day with 2 healthy snacks in between each meal that equal to around 1,200 calories and to start off with exercising try to just walk a 1/2 hour a day, don't go too slow though, get your body moving. Do not drink any soda, try to only drink water everyday. If you really do that every single day for 30 days you can drop at least 10 lbs in a month - that's all it took for me (the first time around.)
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    It would be impossible. You would have to eat 17,500 calories LESS than you burn. So, if you are eating 1500 calories per day (just a average number for MFP), with a deficit of 500 calories per day, that would mean MFP figures you would burn about 2000 calories a day with a sedentary lifestyle. So, if you burn about 2000 calories per day, you would burn about 14,000 calories per week. How COULD you eat 17,500 calories LESS than 14,000 calories per week? Even if you didn't eat ANY calories all week, you would only lose 4 pounds. Seven days without any calories would probably result in a serious if not emergency result, healthwise. I am not speaking of water weight loss, just true weight loss. So, slow down. You are young and have many, many years ahead of you (well, unless you keep thinking this way). Use your MFP tools and lose weight the healthy way. Lose weight in a way you won't be yo-yoing all your life, which is what will happen if you try to lose weight quickly. Good luck. And, hopefully you will start your healthy new lifestyle and not have to result in panic decisions, because you will already have the healthy body you desire. :smile:

    Edit: This quote is from your profile: "on a healthy mission<3" Make it true. :happy:
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    Welcome to the site first off. Congrats on taking the first few steps to a healthier you.

    Now comes the fun stuff- how much you lose will depend on a bunch of different things, instead of focusing on losing such a large amount in such a short amount of time why not focus on making a healthier you. You're body is going to fluctuate throughout the days and the first few weeks of a diet change is going to be one of the hardest times to figure out if you are actually losing weight or water.

    Do some research into how much you should be eating for your height, weight, and age. Also start exercising- but make sure to give yourself time to recover, maybe a day out of the week. Drink plenty of water, and try to go with fresh foods and less processed ones.

    If you have a hard time staying with a big goal that will take a while to accomplish, which weight loss can be, then set mini goals instead of a large one, something like 5 lbs in a month. Be realistic and know that by going the long way to it you are more likely to stay at a healthier weight in the end, where as if you lose a bunch of weight fast it is possible that you will gain most or all of it back after a while. Learn as much as you can about being healthy that way when you are back on a "normal" diet you know what to eat.

    Good luck to you :)
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member
    i lost 15 lbs in 4 weeks, i did it safely and i didnt starve myself, i started at 268lbs therefore loosing more than 1lb a week in the first few weeks is realistic, but you shouldnt aim to loose more than 1/2lbs a week really!

    take regular walks, eat 3 meals a day drink plenty of water lots of fruit and veg plenty of protein and try switching to brown bread rice pasta ect

    take your measurements as well as weighing yourself as sometimes you dont loose weight but you do inches,

    if you want a snack choose yoghurt, veggie sticks or low cal cereal bars

    eat little but often to keep your metabolism ticking over

    if you eat out avoid sauces, fried food and cheesy dishes. if you want a desert have a small one or better yet get something nice from the shops on the way home feel free to add me for support and dont push yourself too hard, baby steps and you can keep off the weight :) xxx
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Stop the train a minute.

    Honey, you're not going to lose 190 lbs - per your profile - in three months. It's not going to happen, short of you losing a few limbs. Can you lose a substantial amount of weight in that time? Yes. I don't know your starting or goal weights, or height, but you have GOT to set yourself some REALISTIC goals. Otherwise, you're just going to get massively discouraged, and quit. Especially at your age. I'm 25 and I STILL have the focus of a pigeon at times.

    This site is filled with SO much info, and so many amazing people. That you're starting at all is a step in the right direction. With hard work, dedication, exercise, and a great diet full of yummy, healthy foods, you could attain your goal. ABSOLUTELY. Stay strong, absorb all the knowledge you can, and get healthy. That's what matters.

    ^^^^^^ If you haven't read this twice already, read it NOW. If you have, read it AGAIN.

    Look, you're amazing for taking weight loss seriously like this. I admire that. I've been struggling with weight since I was eleven years old, I'm in my 40s now, and if I could talk to eleven-year-old me I wish I could tell that stupid kid to do exactly what you are doing.

    But if you really have 190 pounds to lose, it simply ain't gonna happen in three months. You want to make sure you do this in a healthy fashion, and when you're done you have the tools you need to keep it off and remain healthy for the rest of your life.

    Start now. Follow the setup guide and figure out how much you should eat to lose 2 pounds a week. Get your carbohydrates, protein, and fat intake in balance. Start some exercise at whatever level you are comfortable with and start eating the calories you earn from that. Drink lots of water. Do this and you WILL get healthy, and the weight will come off naturally.

    If you try to do this quickly, you won't learn how to make it last. Take the time to do the job correctly, and you'll be setting yourself up for a lifetime of healthy eating.
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    I was in your shoes in high school. I focused and exercised and worked out everyday. I lost 40 lbs in 2 months. So 3 months, and you have a total of 190 lbs to lose, I'll say that you could lose an easy 60 lbs if you stay majorly committed to your routine, maybe more.

    I would say first thing, eat healthy, make sure to keep track of your calories, fat, carbs, and add tracking your sodium as well. It's under your food diary, and under settings. Next, make sure to eat 1400-1500 calories a day. If you can manage to eat a majority of your calories during lunch, that is best. I agree with everyone about not eating within 3 hours of bedtime. I'll even workout a little about an hour before bed. For the last week, I did my stationary bike for 15-20 mins about an hour after dinner and and 2 hours before bedtime. I dropped 4 lbs last week.

    If you are not use to exercising, start with walking at a brisk pace, and if you can do a half an hour to start, that would help, but always try to push yourself. Also, switch it up a lot. It shocks your body and creates more weight loss. I'll sometimes walk, then I'll run a little, and then the elliptical, and then the stair master, and spinning. Lifting weights is also a great way to lose weight. Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is a good way to go too. Looks like you have a lot of options from a lot of different people.

    Good Luck!!! Feel free to friend me if you'd like. I log on everyday and I'm always here for support.
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member
    uhmm because my school year is ending and i am very larg and dont knw how much time i need to lose weight be 4 the next school year comes up i only have like a little less then 3monthss and i really would like to get to my weight goal be 4 my time is uhp!

    I think another course in grammar might be helfpul.

    she asked for help .....

    be nice
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Stop the train a minute.

    Honey, you're not going to lose 190 lbs - per your profile - in three months. It's not going to happen, short of you losing a few limbs. Can you lose a substantial amount of weight in that time? Yes. I don't know your starting or goal weights, or height, but you have GOT to set yourself some REALISTIC goals. Otherwise, you're just going to get massively discouraged, and quit. Especially at your age. I'm 25 and I STILL have the focus of a pigeon at times.

    This site is filled with SO much info, and so many amazing people. That you're starting at all is a step in the right direction. With hard work, dedication, exercise, and a great diet full of yummy, healthy foods, you could attain your goal. ABSOLUTELY. Stay strong, absorb all the knowledge you can, and get healthy. That's what matters.

    My goal is to lose 100lbs. I've given myself 15 months to accomplish my goal. That's 6 2/3 lbs a month or 1.5 lbs a week. I'd doing better that that right now (40lbs since Jan 1st) but I suspect that will slow as I get closer to my goal.

    I wish you success in your endeavors.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    uhmm because my school year is ending and i am very larg and dont knw how much time i need to lose weight be 4 the next school year comes up i only have like a little less then 3monthss and i really would like to get to my weight goal be 4 my time is uhp!

    I think another course in grammar might be helfpul.

    Why don't you go read the MFP guidelines for the message boards. I have given you a head start here:
    MyFitnessPal Site-wide Community Guidelines

    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation
    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. ****This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English****, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Lots of water, lots of working out, less carbs and more protein.
  • bena0218
    bena0218 Posts: 41
    sweetie the best way u can lost 5lbs pounds is by exercising proberly twice a day and eat healthy dont eat 3 bhours b4 u go to sleep ok and mama i was in ur shoes wen i was in high skool

    Did you two go to the same school?
    ummm excuse u we dont go to the same school is there a problem
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    ok thank you :) me and my sister are barley starting thiss whole i diet thing and im trying too stay committed ndd tshh really? itss really hardd dealing with weight in high school..hmm i sayy im going to stop eating after 7pm

    Dont eat anything 3 hrs before you go to sleep that will give you time to digest the food, stick to a routine for a week, to see what works for you, also if your new to working out, go for walks once a day for 30mins(makes a big difference)

    I honestly agree with you, very good advice!!
  • specialkyc
    specialkyc Posts: 384 Member
    Stop the train a minute.

    Honey, you're not going to lose 190 lbs - per your profile - in three months. It's not going to happen, short of you losing a few limbs. Can you lose a substantial amount of weight in that time? Yes. I don't know your starting or goal weights, or height, but you have GOT to set yourself some REALISTIC goals. Otherwise, you're just going to get massively discouraged, and quit. Especially at your age. I'm 25 and I STILL have the focus of a pigeon at times.

    This site is filled with SO much info, and so many amazing people. That you're starting at all is a step in the right direction. With hard work, dedication, exercise, and a great diet full of yummy, healthy foods, you could attain your goal. ABSOLUTELY. Stay strong, absorb all the knowledge you can, and get healthy. That's what matters.

    ^^ Agreed
  • ro_bailey22
    Honey~ I feel for you, I have been there myself- and the earlier post is correct, you have to keep realistic goals. If you are really serious about losing the weight start looking at your daily eating habits. Counting calories isn't for everyone, but this website does help quite a bit. Once you start realizing how many calories you are eating/drinking you can start cutting back on the non-essentials. For example: you could make soda a weekly treat instead of a daily habit. When you are snacking try eating low-calorie but filling foods like carrots, celary and peanut butter, apples, oranges. Cut out the juice and eat solid fruit, depending on the juice you are drinking and how much- you could be drinking your daily max calorie allowance. Cutting back on juice and soda will have you craving water which is ideal. For breakfast- oatmeal is a good choice to start your metabolism off and running. When I was your age I didn't have control over what we at for dinner; it can be difficult when your mom/dad makes an unhealthy meal without even realizing it. Try to fill your plate with mostly veggies and cut back on the meat and fried foods. You can alwasy take a walk after dinner as well. Another route you could take is to eat small amounts throughout the day...5-6 small snack like healthy meals keeps your metabolism working more than 3 big meals. Once you start excercising and thinking about the calories going in you will remember that you don't want to undo the hard work you are putting in to working out. The good thing is that you are still young and the weight will come off more easily...being 30 with two kids is not the greatest time to start but I am making it;) Stick with it and you will make it! God Bless!
    P.S. will be working out without even knowing it!
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    uhmm because my school year is ending and i am very larg and dont knw how much time i need to lose weight be 4 the next school year comes up i only have like a little less then 3monthss and i really would like to get to my weight goal be 4 my time is uhp!

    I think another course in grammar might be helfpul.

    Agree!! Couldn't have said it better myself!

    Why don't you go read the MFP guidelines for the message boards. I have given you a head start here:
    MyFitnessPal Site-wide Community Guidelines

    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation
    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. ****This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English****, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    I lost 5lbs this week! dont watch TV watch me
  • bena0218
    bena0218 Posts: 41
    sweetie the best way u can lost 5lbs pounds is by exercising proberly twice a day and eat healthy dont eat 3 bhours b4 u go to sleep ok and mama i was in ur shoes wen i was in high skool

    This is awful advice. First of all 5 lbs a week is an unreasonable goal, impossible even, and to support that goal is folly. Second of all, the whole not eating before you go to bed is nonsense. It doesn't matter when you eat throughout the day provided you stay at your calorie goal.
    ummm not to be rude or anything i didnt say not to eat before you go to sleep u are twising my words i said u should not eat 3 hours before u sleep so ur food can digest and if u go to sleep when u have just eaten its a possibility that it wont go down and u can get bigger thank u
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Please please be careful how you care for your body and who you get information from. You are young and I know it's not easy being big in high school. I'm a mama and I'm looking at you thinking about how kids pick on my son and call him fat and make him cry (he is only ten!) and I want to give you advice that will be good. Please take the time to read this (and, yes, I used to be big and YES I've lost a LOT of weight! So I also speak as a woman who has been there and found my way to where I AM).

    (1) Please have a healthy weight loss goal. MFP says 1-2 lbs a week. YOU WILL LOSE MORE AT FIRST. And then it will slow down. Can you lose 5 lbs in one week? Sure. But you can't do that every week until you reach goal. That's not realistic and it's not healthy. I know it might be disappointing to hear that, but these things take time. I found it helpful to look at it more long term. If you lost 2 lbs every week between now and xmas, how much will you weigh on xmas? Would you like to weigh that on xmas and get a bunch of cute new clothes? Of course!

    (2) Follow MFP's program and guidelines. That means whatever caloric goal the MFP program gives you, follow it. For me it was 1200 cals a day. It might be more for you at first.

    (3) Exercise. Someone here said exercise twice a day. I think that's unrealistic. It helps to start with easy stuff. Take a walk to the store instead of driving. Ride a bike to school instead of taking the bus. Instead of watching that TV show that's a total waste of your time, put your favorite music on your ipod and walk around your neighborhood for that 30 minutes. Start there. Exercise becomes addicting- believe it or not. Your body will crave the good hormones it releases, Stick to it. Set goals for yourself- like in six months you want to be jogging 1 mile 3x's a week. And then in a year you want to be jogging 2 miles 3x's a week. Remember that things that are fun are exercise: dancing, biking. Remember that work is exercise: house cleaning, gardening, mowing the lawn. I LOOK FORWARD to these activities now. Chances are, you will too if you take the initiative to incorporate exercise into your daily life.

    (4) LOG EVERYTHING. No cheating. No slacking. And not just food, log your activities. Did you do housework for 30 minutes? Log it. Studies have shown that people who give themselves credit for everything they do in terms of exercise have a positive feedback loop. Don't let people tell you it "doesn't count" or that it's lame. I did it. It worked for me.

    (5) IF YOU MUST HAVE X (whatever "x" is)....and you simply can't stop thinking about it, my advice is figure out how many cals it is on MFP, FIgure out how long you'd have to walk to be able to eat that X and still hit your caloric goals for the day (or week if you do it that way) and THEN DECIDE IF ITS WORTH IT. I have, many times, run 4 miles so I could eat cheese pizza when I already maxed out my cals for the day. I would run BEFORE i could have the pizza. And there were days when I knew I would not run four miles for it, so I had a salad instead. It helps to think of things like this.

    (6) Be kind to yourself. Everyone messes up. Sometimes the scale goes up. Sometimes it doesn't go anywhere. That's ok. If you binged one day, that's life. We're all human. That's when you say to yourself: GET BACK IN THAT SADDLE, COWGIRL! And then GET BACK IN THE SADDLE.

    (7) If you ever have questions, come to MFP and ask someone who has achieved what you want to achieve. This guy probably knows a thing or two:
    [NOTE that it took him TWO YEARS. But two years to become healthy and fit is better than two months of trying something that doesn't work, giving up, and being in the same boat a decade later. Yes. I'm speaking from experience.]

    (8) DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF. I abso-fricken-lutely HATE it when people do this. It just hurts you in the long run. You need nourishment to be healthy. Check out this lady, she eats 2000 cals a day:

    (9) the closer you get to goal, the harder it is. YOu won't have to worry about this for some time. But when you are down to 130 lbs, just accept that getting to 125 could take an entire year (again, I speak from experience!)

    Good luck! Be kind to yourself! And HAVE FUN WITH IT!
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    Stop the train a minute.

    Honey, you're not going to lose 190 lbs - per your profile - in three months. It's not going to happen, short of you losing a few limbs. Can you lose a substantial amount of weight in that time? Yes. I don't know your starting or goal weights, or height, but you have GOT to set yourself some REALISTIC goals. Otherwise, you're just going to get massively discouraged, and quit. Especially at your age. I'm 25 and I STILL have the focus of a pigeon at times.

    This site is filled with SO much info, and so many amazing people. That you're starting at all is a step in the right direction. With hard work, dedication, exercise, and a great diet full of yummy, healthy foods, you could attain your goal. ABSOLUTELY. Stay strong, absorb all the knowledge you can, and get healthy. That's what matters.
    One of the best things I've read all day!!!
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    oh, I forgot to share the single best mantra for getting in shape:


    Repeat after me, and do so everytime you wanna toss the scale out the window and quit: