


  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    I think a lot of people on here remind me of ex-smokers. You know the types that once they quit they try and convince everyone to do the same, and go on and on about how bad smoking is? (I did used to smoke lol)

    It seems that people are so excited with their progress they want to share their information with the rest as if it's the only way anyone can get results. And lets be honest, with how much new information comes out all the time, things are constantly changing and people are always SURE that their facts are right. I agree with you, you need to find what works for you.

    I do find it amazing how quickly people are to shoot people down with fad diets - fair enough, they aren't great but with how much info is out there about them I can honestly see why people would join a site like this thinking that is something that should be done. No one is born with the knowledge and I can be pretty sure most people who are now spouting all the 'facts' came on to the site as clueless as the rest of us.
  • BAHBOOK2012
    BAHBOOK2012 Posts: 11
    It's easy to agree with what is said re muscle building assist in reducing or rather burning fat as it allows the body to exercise faster and for longer which means stronger which in the end burns fat - thus protein in the diet is a must.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Well explain to me why for the past nearly 8 months I'm still going strong on a 1200 cal diet ;)

    Depends on your view of success.
    If weight loss is success for you then great!
    The majority of people who eat low cals without thinking about age, height and body fat, end up losing more lean mass than whats necessary.
    To me success is losing fat and maintaining lean mass or most of the lean mass.
    Its about feeding the basal metabolic needs first, then fueling for any types of training.

    Let me ask you this:

    If you diet down to your perfect weight, dropping from say 40% Body Fat to 25% body fat, but still have that skinny-fat look....
    How long will it take you to recomp the fat down while building up the lean mass?

    Probably the same amount of time it would have taken if you took a slower steadier fat loss program as opposed to a weight loss program.

    Congrats on your success thus far but setting your sights on the long term goal and taking a slower approach has shown to work better in the long run with less chance of bounce back.

    Food for thought...literally!
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    well there are some things that are "one size fits all" such as muscle hypertrophy rep ranges vs rep ranges for strength... you WILL build more skeletal muscle doing a higher rep range of 6-12 then you will doing 1-5 reps.. its relative heavyness if you want to build muscle, and muscle is the key to your success.. sets til failure got me results quick with short rest intervals 6-12 reps.

    I do agree with the biological aspects but it honestly depends on the person's goals. Like I said before, I just want to maintain muscle and lose fat. I do body resistance exercises which has been sufficient for maintaining my muscle while losing 17 pounds of fat.

    OH (not related to your post), and most people come from different situations. There is a HUGE difference between someone that has been sedentary all their life and someone that has been athlete all their life that let themselves go.
    wuts do you mean by the last comment tho? you can always learn how to lift weights or do calisthenics.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member

    Well explain to me why for the past nearly 8 months I'm still going strong on a 1200 cal diet ;)

    Depends on your view of success.
    If weight loss is success for you then great!
    The majority of people who eat low cals without thinking about age, height and body fat, end up losing more lean mass than whats necessary.
    To me success is losing fat and maintaining lean mass or most of the lean mass.
    Its about feeding the basal metabolic needs first, then fueling for any types of training.

    Let me ask you this:

    If you diet down to your perfect weight, dropping from say 40% Body Fat to 25% body fat, but still have that skinny-fat look....
    How long will it take you to recomp the fat down while building up the lean mass?

    Probably the same amount of time it would have taken if you took a slower steadier fat loss program as opposed to a weight loss program.

    Congrats on your success thus far but setting your sights on the long term goal and taking a slower approach has shown to work better in the long run with less chance of bounce back.

    Food for thought...literally!

    people like you are the reason that I made this post.

    not trying to be mean, but when someone doesn't ask for advice, don't give it.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I'm really really sick of people giving really impractical advice to people. Like when someone writes a post about how they've just decided to make some lifestyle changes and they want to figure out how to make better food choices at the restaurants they already go to because they don't have time/don't know how to cook...and people tell them the only way they're going to be successful is to adapt paleo clean eating and learn how to cook!!! WTF? That advice is going to make the person feel bad and not help them adapt to a healthier lifestyle they can live with!

    Same thing happens with exercise. People are so extremist! You'll have someone ask how to start exercising because they are really out of shape, and people will tell them some complicated weightlifting regimen and HIIT. When the person was looking for how to get 30 mins of walking in...

    Edit: I reread my post and am fully aware that my writing here is poor. I'm also sick of the grammar police so I'm not going to edit it.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    well there are some things that are "one size fits all" such as muscle hypertrophy rep ranges vs rep ranges for strength... you WILL build more skeletal muscle doing a higher rep range of 6-12 then you will doing 1-5 reps.. its relative heavyness if you want to build muscle, and muscle is the key to your success.. sets til failure got me results quick with short rest intervals 6-12 reps.

    I do agree with the biological aspects but it honestly depends on the person's goals. Like I said before, I just want to maintain muscle and lose fat. I do body resistance exercises which has been sufficient for maintaining my muscle while losing 17 pounds of fat.

    OH (not related to your post), and most people come from different situations. There is a HUGE difference between someone that has been sedentary all their life and someone that has been athlete all their life that let themselves go.
    wuts do you mean by the last comment tho? you can always learn how to lift weights or do calisthenics.

    true. but personally most of MY muscle mass came from competitive swimming and when I gained weight the muscle never went away. I just had to learn how to eat healthy to lose the fat on top of the muscle. I wasn't out of shape long enough for my muscle to waste away. those that are sedentary their whole life probably don't develop this muscle mass.

    I guess I'm trying to say that those that are in sports all their life have a higher chance of having a base amount of muscle and fitness than those that have never been active. but like I said before, that is very variable.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Well explain to me why for the past nearly 8 months I'm still going strong on a 1200 cal diet ;)

    Firstly... I'm on your side - just want to make that clear.....

    What I wanted to say is - wait for all the people who will tell you you'll just put all the weight back on and youre losing lean muscle , and you dont have enough fuel for your body and your probably killing your brain and blah blah...

    It's the same thing I get told, despite the fact I lift heavy (when I do) and I have enough energy to run a half marathon and 30kms each week - all fine with no problems!!!!

    Oh and don't forget Helloitsdan rarely actually reads the questions.... He just posts the same 3 variances on the same response everytime.... Yesterday someone posted a comment asking about scales that measure body fat and he jumped on going on about how bad the BMI is.... Didn't even read the question! I think Helloitsdan needs a reality check!


    I'm looking to buy a gun to defend my house.
    I was thinking of a Civil War Musket!
    You know the type?
    Fire a shot then take 35 seconds to reload?

    Thats where the BMI is now in my opinion.
    Its a term that ppl throw around because they think its important but it has nothing to do with actual body composition.
    It's useless.
    So why buy a scale that offers useless information?

    That was my point.

    Please direct any bashing to my PM box for the future.

    If you would like a Helloitsdan reality check, I can point you to over 200 people losing weight with my help.

  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    @mess but dont you ever have a concern about trying to raise your metabolic rate?
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    AMEN! Preach.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member

    Well explain to me why for the past nearly 8 months I'm still going strong on a 1200 cal diet ;)

    Firstly... I'm on your side - just want to make that clear.....

    What I wanted to say is - wait for all the people who will tell you you'll just put all the weight back on and youre losing lean muscle , and you dont have enough fuel for your body and your probably killing your brain and blah blah...

    It's the same thing I get told, despite the fact I lift heavy (when I do) and I have enough energy to run a half marathon and 30kms each week - all fine with no problems!!!!

    Oh and don't forget Helloitsdan rarely actually reads the questions.... He just posts the same 3 variances on the same response everytime.... Yesterday someone posted a comment asking about scales that measure body fat and he jumped on going on about how bad the BMI is.... Didn't even read the question! I think Helloitsdan needs a reality check!


    I'm looking to buy a gun to defend my house.
    I was thinking of a Civil War Musket!
    You know the type?
    Fire a shot then take 35 seconds to reload?

    Thats where the BMI is now in my opinion.
    Its a term that ppl throw around because they think its important but it has nothing to do with actual body composition.
    It's useless.
    So why buy a scale that offers useless information?

    That was my point.

    Please direct any bashing to my PM box for the future.

    If you would like a Helloitsdan reality check, I can point you to over 200 people losing weight with my help.


    not bashing :smile: I'm sorry if it appeared that way. That wasn't my intention.

    mostly just concerned with the general negativity on here. your opinion is your opinion and my opinion is my opinion.
  • turlykerd1
    turlykerd1 Posts: 54 Member
    200 people ?? wow ... your my hero

    im sick of people giving a "matter of fact" opinion

    im sick of "facebook" style posts

    and im sick of midgets (just personal, dont ask)
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member

    Well explain to me why for the past nearly 8 months I'm still going strong on a 1200 cal diet ;)

    Firstly... I'm on your side - just want to make that clear.....

    What I wanted to say is - wait for all the people who will tell you you'll just put all the weight back on and youre losing lean muscle , and you dont have enough fuel for your body and your probably killing your brain and blah blah...

    It's the same thing I get told, despite the fact I lift heavy (when I do) and I have enough energy to run a half marathon and 30kms each week - all fine with no problems!!!!

    Oh and don't forget Helloitsdan rarely actually reads the questions.... He just posts the same 3 variances on the same response everytime.... Yesterday someone posted a comment asking about scales that measure body fat and he jumped on going on about how bad the BMI is.... Didn't even read the question! I think Helloitsdan needs a reality check!


    I'm looking to buy a gun to defend my house.
    I was thinking of a Civil War Musket!
    You know the type?
    Fire a shot then take 35 seconds to reload?

    Thats where the BMI is now in my opinion.
    Its a term that ppl throw around because they think its important but it has nothing to do with actual body composition.
    It's useless.
    So why buy a scale that offers useless information?

    That was my point.

    Please direct any bashing to my PM box for the future.

    If you would like a Helloitsdan reality check, I can point you to over 200 people losing weight with my help.


    Haha Im not a hater Dan. I just think you need to read the question better. You still dont get what that post was about - and you didnt put it in context - just copy and paste!!

    Oh and you might be helping 200 - but what about all the others who are doing things differently and still losing... How many of them do you think are out there :tongue:
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    200 people ?? wow ... your my hero

    im sick of people giving a "matter of fact" opinion

    im sick of "facebook" style posts

    and im sick of midgets (just personal, dont ask)

    Don't care about this thread, just want to know more about the midgets. You've peaked my curiosity.
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    everyone just needs to calm down lol
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    @mess but dont you ever have a concern about trying to raise your metabolic rate?

    I'm actually very happy with my BMR. i am pretty sure it is MUCH higher than most women my age, height and weight bc I used to eat like a crazy person. fast food is what made me gain weight. Only reason I gained weight was because I was swimming/working out 4-6 hours a day and when the swimming stopped, the eating didn't. I usually eat well during the week and do what I want on the weekends.

    Personally, I think 106 pounds of lean mass is really good for a girl so I'm not trying to raise that. I just want to lose the fat on top. Once I lose about 5-8 pounds of fat (I measure my BF% with a caliper) I may start lifting. I honestly have hard time mentally agreeing to lifting heavy simply because of the results I have had in the past (I used to lift heavy when I was a college swimmer and I was 2 pants sizes bigger than I am now). Like I said earlier, some girls are freaks like me and gain muscle (and BIG muscle) with little effort. Some girls, like me, must have higher testosterone.

    I make sure I get enough fats and protein to maintain to my muscle mass and lose my fat. i'm very much informed and I know what works for me and what goals I have for myself :smile:

    but most importantly, this works for ME and may not work for anyone else :)
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    200 people ?? wow ... your my hero

    im sick of people giving a "matter of fact" opinion

    im sick of "facebook" style posts

    and im sick of midgets (just personal, dont ask)

    Don't care about this thread, just want to know more about the midgets. You've peaked my curiosity.

    Me too, what height (or lack of) constitutes a midget?

    I'm 4ft 11, please don't hate me. :flowerforyou:
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I am here trying to figure out the 1,200 calorie diet thing. I am 295 or so. I have been down to 1,300 calories a day for 6 weeks. I lost 10lbs in 2 weeks, plateaued for 6 weeks. When I got of this crazy plan(it was a test, i know it's a crappy approach to weight loss) i gained back 7lbs in 2 days.

    I was going to say you can eat low calories and use exercise to speed up your metabolism, but I know we all seen those people who do that who have been stuck for a long time.

    My only conclusion is that it's about the hormones, insulin resistance and things of that sort. We all have different degree's of hormonal imbalances and insulin related issues. That doesn't change the laws of weight loss.

    If you have 100g of glucose in the blood stream and can only absorb 20g. Compared to someone who absorbed 60g. It doesn't matter. Assuming when you exercise you burn 100g of glucose, you still have to burn through it all.

    Hormonal issues such as thyroid(metabolic supression) someone eating 1,200 calories a day can lose weight good on it like mama2seth, compared to my case. I probably have a more suppressed metabolism than her, for me to lose weight at that level i will have to eat less still maybe 1000cals a day. To beat my suppression

    Either way, the laws are the same, "burn more calories than you consume.".

    exactly, why is 1200 calories considered "necessary". Like what happens between 1190-1200 calories? nothing probably, but people with fight you to the death about it.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member

    exactly, why is 1200 calories considered "necessary". Like what happens between 1190-1200 calories? nothing probably, but people with fight you to the death about it.

    It was set by the ACSM as the minimum amount of calories needed for WOMEN to get all the nutrition they need from their diet. It has zero biological necessity...
  • jaydubbayu
    jaydubbayu Posts: 456
    Someone posted on my profile, one day, "Eat like a man".. I had been under my calorie intake for the day.. I didn't starve myself or anything, I was just 200 under my 1700/day intake. He's a muscly guy so I guess he's eating steak and eggs 3 meals a day.. I'm trying to lose weight, and then when I want to build muscle, I'll concentrate on that after I lose. That's what I wanna do, so that's what's gonna happen!!