Fasted Morning Cardio...



  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I've gone through phases of doing that (mostly from poor time management skills rattler than purposefully not eating). I haven't noticed any difference except I have less energy to do the workout! Likewise, if I eat too much I'm sluggish... So I like a light snack beforehand :)

    In terms of the science behind it,I believe the theory is that if you haven't eaten, your body will burn more fat than if you'd eaten a bagel and you're just burning off those carbs. Makes sense to me, but I'd rather feel good doing it than feel like crap and burn more fat... Seems like the inefficiency in energy levels will shoot you in the foot in the end.... But I'm sure others bodies operate on low food better than mine.

    In conclusion: it depends. :)
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I run 6 days a week in the morning. I can't have anything to eat before hand or I get sick. I've tried just having a banana and I still got sick. But everyone is different, do what works for you.

    the banana is possibly the most over rated food out there next to oatmeal. just sayin. everytime I see "banana" this gets in my head.
  • joeq722
    joeq722 Posts: 86 Member
    SupposedLy early morning cardio with no food in your system but maybe a cup of coffee optimizes fat burning.
    The idea being there are reduced glycogen stores to use for eneRgy and you body will use fat sooner for the cardio re

    Another way to simulate this scenario later in the day after youve eaten is do your weightlifting first, which will use up the glycogen stores.
    If you follow that with a cardio workout, again your body will turn to use the fat stores sooner for energy for the cardio.
  • joeq722
    joeq722 Posts: 86 Member
    In the mornings definitely eat something before weightlifting.
    Its not as important and maybe even preferable to not eat anything before morning cardio.

    Pretty sure that this and my earlier post are not myths.
    Theyve been accepted for some time.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I don't know about cardio but I always do my lifting before I eat my first meal of the day and it has never been a problem for me.
  • dandur
    dandur Posts: 267 Member

    "The best time to do cardio will be whenever it will most consistently get done. If that’s first thing in the morning, fantastic. If not, also fantastic. It’s more important in this situation that it gets done than when it gets done."
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    That's how I've always done it. I get sick to my stomach if I work out with food in it.
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    it makes no difference whatsoever
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    SupposedLy early morning cardio with no food in your system but maybe a cup of coffee optimizes fat burning.
    The idea being there are reduced glycogen stores to use for eneRgy and you body will use fat sooner for the cardio re

    Another way to simulate this scenario later in the day after youve eaten is do your weightlifting first, which will use up the glycogen stores.
    If you follow that with a cardio workout, again your body will turn to use the fat stores sooner for energy for the cardio.

    That sounds good too, I like to lift at night so chasing it with some cardio seems like a good idea if I don't do it in the morning. Thanks for this
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    work out EVERY MORNING as soon as I get up....sometimes I chug a cup of coffee, but usually just my trusty water bottle....I have never even though about the fact that it might be 'fasting' b/c of the not eating all night....hmmm... interesting....although I feel like I am burning.....I have maintained for quite a while now, so I'm a little sketchy to say that workouts are somehow less expert though
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    In the mornings definitely eat something before weightlifting.
    Its not as important and maybe even preferable to not eat anything before morning cardio.

    Pretty sure that this and my earlier post are not myths.
    Theyve been accepted for some time.
    Just because they've been accepted, doesn't mean they are true.
    Summing Up the Research Findings

    • At low intensities (25-50% VO2 max), carbs during exercise reduce fat oxidation compared to fasted trainees.
    • At moderate intensities (63-68% VO2 max) carbs during exercise may reduce fat oxidation in untrained subjects, but do not reduce fat oxidation in trained subjects for at least the first 80-120 minutes of exercise.
    • Carbohydrate during exercise spares liver glycogen, which is among the most critical factors for anticatabolism during hypocaloric & other conditions of metabolic stress. This protective hepatic effect is absent in fasted cardio.
    • At the established intensity level of peak fat oxidation (~63% VO2 max), carbohydrate increases performance without any suppression of fat oxidation in trained subjects.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I work out on an empty stomach sometimes and have no problems, but if I have eaten, I cannot workout for at least an hour and 1/2 or I will be pukey. I think everyone is different.