For people trying to lose the last bit of fat and tone up...



  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    It all depends on what you want. I upped my calories and started lifting heavy and eating more protein and I gained 10 pounds. I was definiteLy more toned in the arms and legs but didn't like the number on the scale. Now I am back at 1200 calories a day and doing all cardio to lose the pounds I gained.

    why does the scale matter if you like the results? Sorry to tell you, eating that low you will lose muscle.. You can lose weight, while lifting and eating well. I am doing it.
  • schlange11b
    schlange11b Posts: 105 Member
    My best suggestion at the point you're at, is this: Keep up the workouts, focus more on cardio with some strength training to build lean muscle. You will not bulk up! Stick to a diet high in protein, decent on carbs, very low on fats (I'm doing 40/40/20, but my goal is to maintain). This will A)Provide energy to burn while working out B)Help you shed some pounds, which will take that body fat with it and C) Build lean muscle to help burn more fat and increase metabolism. Best of luck!!
    My stats, in case you're curious: 23 yrs old, 5" 10', 163lbs, 12% BF
  • BronnersHarris
    BronnersHarris Posts: 247 Member
    Bump for info. I'm 5'8 and 129 but still have a slight mummy tummy and would love to 'tone up'.

    I do cardio (running treadmill) and Jillian dvds. Just stolen my friend's weights so going to try and do some of the New Rules training at home. Have no idea what my body fat is though. :s
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member

    This might not be east but it tells you how you can do both (loose fat and gain muscle) at the same time.
  • jodiex92
    jodiex92 Posts: 56
    ninerbuff - I do really want it and i'm determined, my motivation has only lacked the past week and I have discovered the reason why after taking time out to think about it. My problem is I was really underweight this time last year and it took a while to get to a healthy weight, so I'm hesitent when going on a diet etc.
    A trainer reccommended low carb to me and for a while this was ok, until it led to binging due to restricting so much. So now i'm trying to figure out a diet that will work for my fat loss goals but not be to restrictive.
    My training is fine I feel, I strength train my whole body 2x a week (atm I can lift 25 on deadlifts) and have progressed alot with strength the past months. additionally I go spinning and run when I can and also yoga. I have signed up for bootcamp style sessions which I will be starting next week.

    & to answer an earlier reply I definitley agree abs are made in the kitchen!! (If only it came with a simple recipe haha)
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    Dumb question here, what is the difference on toning up and building muscle? Dont you build when you tone? Everyone says you cant build muscle if you are eating enough but you can tone, I dont see the difference.
  • Argent78
    Argent78 Posts: 151 Member
    bump for info!

    I'm 5.5' 138 pounds.... trying to loose 10 pounds of fat, but also doing weight lifting 3 times a week... high protein and low fat diet
    progress is REALLY SLOW!
  • eodtech89d
    eodtech89d Posts: 32
    I too am also trying to lose Id say about the last 7-10 pounds, but being in Afghanistan, healthy food options are becoming harder and harder to come by which is why if I'm not out on a mission walking, I do P90x in the morning and running,elliptical in the evening. Doing both I've been putting on muscle and shedding body fat, so IMO you ca build the muscle and lose they body fat. Do your best and never give up and you will get there!
  • ChefSuzzieQ
    ChefSuzzieQ Posts: 119
    I am currently trying to lose fat and gain more muscle mass. I hired a trainer recently. She has me eating high protein and low carbs. My breakdown is 40/30/30. I lift about 4 times a week and am currently doing cardio 5 times next week I move up to 6 times a week.

    She has me do "fat burning cardio" as she calls it. Lots of intervals and inclines FUN TIMES! But the most important part is the diet. And that is the hardest part. I will work out 10 times a week if she tells me too, but I love my carbs ;)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    ninerbuff - I do really want it and i'm determined, my motivation has only lacked the past week and I have discovered the reason why after taking time out to think about it. My problem is I was really underweight this time last year and it took a while to get to a healthy weight, so I'm hesitent when going on a diet etc.
    A trainer reccommended low carb to me and for a while this was ok, until it led to binging due to restricting so much. So now i'm trying to figure out a diet that will work for my fat loss goals but not be to restrictive.
    My training is fine I feel, I strength train my whole body 2x a week (atm I can lift 25 on deadlifts) and have progressed alot with strength the past months. additionally I go spinning and run when I can and also yoga. I have signed up for bootcamp style sessions which I will be starting next week.

    & to answer an earlier reply I definitley agree abs are made in the kitchen!! (If only it came with a simple recipe haha)
    I would reassess your training based on your goal. Hopefully the bootcamp will show you what higher intensity can be like and what you're capable of.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Dumb question here, what is the difference on toning up and building muscle? Dont you build when you tone? Everyone says you cant build muscle if you are eating enough but you can tone, I dont see the difference.

    I guess they mean "toning" to cut/lose fat but the correct word for it should be fat loss & not toning. Being toned means a person with low body fat levels plus some muscular development. Being toned is seeing some muscle definition under the skin. We cannot get toned without adding muscle so the words "muscle toning" is ridiculous because you cannot tone a muscle.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I completely disagree with those who say gaining muscle and losing fat can be done simultaneously. I have my BF tested every 6 weeks with the Bod Pod and my first reading in March was 22%. My F/U was a week ago and it went down to 19%. It showed I lost 3 lbs of fat and gained 1 lb of lean muscle. I'm not bodybuilding or competing and if I was then yes it would be different. I'm already pretty lean and 1-2% away from my UG so I'm not changing much of what I do. I'm not looking to have a ripped 6 pack bc in all honesty many can't eat that clean to obtain it and it's just not me. I have good tone and lines in my stomach so I'm happy.
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    I am in the same boat. I'm 5'9" 139lbs (138 when I started) and around 23% BF.

    I wear a Fitbit and get 12000-17000 steps in on most days, so I am pretty active. My initial goal was to get back to 132-134 and I started out on the MFP recommended 1200 calories per day in February, which didn't work and was making me unbearable to be around (hungry, cold, angry and food obsessed). I am realizing that how I look and feel is/should be more important than the # on the scale, so a month ago I upped my calories to between 1700-1900/day and switched from circuits & cardio to lifting heavy 3x/wk (NROLFW) and HIIT 2x/wk. Now I am working on leaning out and building definition in my arms, glutes and legs. I did think I would have lost something by now - I am in a deficit every day, though not a huge one. I am seeing more definition and feel great, but so far no scale or measurement changes. It is hard to do the slow and steady approach and I know I need to eat a bit cleaner (still too much sugar & alcohol).

    I would love some friends who are in the same situation and taking same approach. My sister nearly died from her eating disorders, so I don't want to be surrounded by people who are starving themselves to lose weight!
  • jodiex92
    jodiex92 Posts: 56
    The bootcamp would be 2x per week and I will be continuing strength training for 2days a week. I thought this would be enough for my goals?
    My aim is to get to around 18-19% bodyfat
    Also is it nesscary to cut out carbs (in the form of complex grains and fruits) to lose fat? I don't know if I have this wrong (there is alot of wrong info out there) but I have been told that a high protein, highish fat (from good sources) and only carbs in the form of green veg to lose fat.
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    I have about 15 lbs to lose. I'm 5'9 and 150 lbs. My downfall is 100% diet. You can add me if you like. Maybe we could kick each others butts, when we eat poorly. :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Dumb question here, what is the difference on toning up and building muscle? Dont you build when you tone? Everyone says you cant build muscle if you are eating enough but you can tone, I dont see the difference.
    "Tone" isn't really even a true fitness term. This is why you may be confused. It gets thrown around here (and many weight loss communities) as weight lifting without gaining muscle.
    To build muscle you need calorie surplus. It's practically impossible to do it on calorie deficit. There are a few that can do it, but the majority of the population won't.
    If you're strength training (and that doesn't mean lifting weights for 15-25 reps) while on calorie deficit you retain the lean muscle you already have. This will also help to "condition" the muscle and make it firmer..............which is what people refer to as "toning" (hate that word).
    The lower your body fat, the more muscle becomes apparent which is why many people believe they "built" muscle when in truth all they did was reveal it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • NLG139
    NLG139 Posts: 11
  • mauriewest
    mauriewest Posts: 9 Member
    I agree with everyone who says diet is key. I have done p90x, Insanity, p90x2, and asylum within the last couple years (I have ate good but never followed the meal plan's to the T). I lost all the weight I wanted and got trmemndous results, but couldn't lose the last couple % of vanity body fat from my stomach. I have been following shaun T's Insanity Asylum meal plan (mixed ewith the p90x2 fat shredder guidelines for carb to fat to protein ratio) pretty hard core while doing a second round of the Asylum and it is paying off. Notciable results in less than 2 weeks. I think I'll finally be at my goal of 8 pack plus <10% body fat when I finish in a week. With that being said, only in moderation. I love food and buffetts too much to eat like this forever. But I want my goal bad ebnough so I keep telling myself....its only 30 days and will WORK! After I reach my goal, I will still eat decent and enjoy a little to maintain.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    I completely disagree with those who say gaining muscle and losing fat can be done simultaneously. I have my BF tested every 6 weeks with the Bod Pod and my first reading in March was 22%. My F/U was a week ago and it went down to 19%. It showed I lost 3 lbs of fat and gained 1 lb of lean muscle. I'm not bodybuilding or competing and if I was then yes it would be different. I'm already pretty lean and 1-2% away from my UG so I'm not changing much of what I do. I'm not looking to have a ripped 6 pack bc in all honesty many can't eat that clean to obtain it and it's just not me. I have good tone and lines in my stomach so I'm happy.
    Bod Pod doesn't read if you gained lean muscle. It reads if you gained lean body MASS. That could be in the form of glycogen, water, higher bone density, etc. Dexa scan would show if you gained lean muscle mass.
    It's not impossible to do, but on a calorie deficit it takes a certain type of person to do it. In reality to gain muscle is to add weight. To add weight means you need surplus.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am at a similar stage. 5'5", 123 lbs and 21% BF. TBH I have been utterly lacking in motivation for the past 6 months and have just been maintaining. I don't have any advice, because I can't be bothered to up my training or control my food more than I already am, as I have a busy life and my body isn't top of my list of priorities. I run 2 or 3 times a week (6 miles each run), and do circuit training once or twice a week, which includes weights. I can't justify more time than that spent on myself.